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Apollo 16 - Guidance and Control Checklist

The Guidance and Control (G&C) Checklist provides the crew with a quick reference to the actions needed to operate the Command Module Conputer in its Guidance and Navigation functions.  Like similar checklists in aircraft, the Apollo Checklists are intended as memory joggers, and are normally used by one cremember reading out the action, and the other crewmembers carrying out the requisite task.

The Checklists are derived from Volume 2 of the Apollo Operations Handbook, which contains the detailed operating procedures for the various systems in the spacecraft, under both normal and emergency conditions.  The Checklists are then developed through simulation, and from experience in previous missions.  This section contains scans of the 220 pages of the G&C Checklist . 

The basic version of the document here is dated 8 December 1971, 3 months before the intended flight date.  It was then amended by Change A on 17 March 1972 and the handwritten Change B on 29 March 1972.  The Checklist will probably have continued to be amended up until, and during, the flight. 

For faster viewing over a slow connection, individual  pages can be accessed as GIF images.  The separate sections of the Launch Checklist can also be downloaded for viewing in PDF format using Adobe Acrobat

Introduction PDF File (3.09MB)

Page ii  List of Effective Pages cont.
Page iii List of Effective Pages cont.
Page iv Contents
Page v  Contents cont.
Page vi  Contents cont
Page vii Contents cont.

Section 1 - Command Module Computer General PDF File (9.96MB)

Page G1-1 Star List
Page G1-2 Verb List - 01 to 54
Page G1-3 Verb List - 55 to 99
Page G1-4 Noun List - 01 to 39
Page G1-5 Noun List - 40 to 55
Page G1-6 Noun List - 58 to 70
Page G1-7 Noun List - 71 to 92
Page G1-8 Noun List 93 to 99, V05 N09 Alarm Codes 00110 to 00117
Page G1-9 V05 N09 Alarm Codes 00120 to 00402
Page G1-10 V05 N09 Alarm Codes 00404 to 01105
Page G1-11 V05 N09 Alarm Codes 1106 to 10777
Page G1-12 V05 N09 Alarm Codes 13777 to 31202
Page G1-13 V05 N09 Alarm Codes 31203 to 31211
Page G1-14 V50 N25 Checklist Codes, V04 N06 (N12) Option Codes
Page G1-15 Blank
Page G1-16 Monitor Data in Erasable Memory
Page G1-17 Flagword Bit Assignments
Page G1-18 Monitor of Input/Output Channels
Page G1-19 CMC Input/Output Channels
Page G1-20 VHF Ranging DSKY Display, G&N Recovery Procedures
Page G1-21G&N Recovery Procedures cont.
Page G1-22 MNVR Completion Time
Page G1-23 V35 DSKY Condition Light Test, V41 N91 Coarse Align OCDUs
Page G1-24 V41 N91cont, V41 N20 Coarse Align ICDUs
Page G1-25 V48 DAP Load & Activate Procedure
Page G1-26 V49 Crew Defined Maneuver
Page G1-27 V49 cont, V55, V57, V64
Page G1-28 V67, V74, V82
Page G1-29 V83, V85, V87
Page G1-30 V89
Page G1-31 V90, V91, V93

Section 2 - G&C Systems Management PDF File (1.47MB)

Page G2-1 IMU
Page G2-2 CMC
Page G2-3 OSS
Page G2-4 SCS
Page G2-5 SCS cont.

Section 3 - Navigation (P20s) PDF File (6.93MB)

Page G3-1 P20 Options, P20 Universal Tracking
Page G3-2 P20 Universal tracking cont.
Page G3-3 P20 Universal tracking cont.
Page G3-4 P20 Universal Tracking cont, P21 Ground Track Determination
Page G3-5 P22 Orbital Navigation
Page G3-6 P22 Orbital Navigation cont,
Page G3-7 P23 CisLunar Midcourse Nav Measurement
Page G3-8 P23 CisLunar Midcourse Nav Measurement cont.
Page G3-9 P23 CisLunar Midcourse Nav Measurement cont.
Page G3-10 P23 CisLunar Midcourse Nav Measurement cont.
Page G3-11 P24 Rate Aided Optics Tracking
Page G3-12 P27 CMC Update
Page G3-13 P27 CMC Update cont.
Page G3-14 P20 with GDC REFSMMAT
Page G3-15 P24 Mark Button Failed
Page G3-16 P24 Mark Button Failed cont.
Page G3-17 P24 Mark Button Failed cont.
Page G3-18 P24 COAS Marking
Page G3-19 P24 COAS Marking cont.
Page G3-20 P24 COAS Marking cont.
Page G3-21 P24 Frozen Optics
Page G3-22 P24 Frozen Optics cont.
Page G3-23 P24 Mark Button Failed Open

Section 4 Pre-Thrust ( P30s and P70s) PDF File (7.60MB)

Page G4-1 P30 External Delta V
Page G4-2 Minikey Sequencer
Page G4-3 Minikey Sequencer cont.
Page G4-4 Minikey Sequencer cont.
Page G4-5 P31 MAM Prethrust
Page G4-6 P31 MAM Prethrust cont.
Page G4-7 P32 CSI Prethrust
Page G4-8 P32 CSI Prethrust cont.
Page G4-9 P33 Plane Change Prethrust
Page G4-10 P33 Plane Change Prethrust cont.
Page G4-11 P34 TPI Prethrust
Page G4-12 P35 TPM Prethrust
Page G4-13 P35 TPM Prethrust cont.
Page G4-14 P39 Rendezvous Final Program and P37 Return to Earth Program
Page G4-15 P37 Return to Earth Program cont.
Page G4-16 P37 Return to Earth Program cont.
Page G4-17 P37 Return to Earth Program cont.
Page G4-18 P37 Return to Earth Program cont.
Page G4-19 P76 Delta V Update
Page G4-20 P37 Longitude Iteration
Page G4-21 P37 Longitude Iteration cont.
Page G4-22 P37 Longitude Iteration cont.
Page G4-23 P37 Longitude Iteration cont.
Page G4-24 P37 Longitude Iteration cont.

Section 5 Thrusting (P40s) PDF File (6.78MB)

Page G5-1 P40 SPS Thrusting
Page G5-2 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-3 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-4 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-5 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-6 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-7 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-8 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-9 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-10 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-11 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-12 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-13 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-14 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-15 P41 RCS Thrusting
Page G5-16 P40 SPS Thrusting cont.
Page G5-17 P47 Thrust Monitor Program

Section 6 Alignments (P50s) PDF File (3.46MB)

Page G6-1 P51 IMU Orientation
Page G6-2 P52 IMU Realign
Page G6-3 P52 IMU Realign cont.
Page G6-4 P53 Backup IMU Orient Determination
Page G6-5 P54 Backup IMU Realign
Page G6-6 P54 Backup IMU Realign cont.
Page G6-7 P54 Backup IMU Realign cont.
Page G6-8 Star Charts
Page G6-9 Start Charts cont.
Page G6-10 Start Charts cont.

Section 7 Initialisation Procedures PDF File (4.65MB)

Section 8 PTC/Orb Rate Procedures PDF File (1.39MB)