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Day 1: Orbits 7-11 - Rest Period Journal Home Page Day 3

Apollo 9

Day 2

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2020 by W. David Woods and Alexander Turhanov. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2020-11-09
This is Apollo Control 17 hours 50 minutes GET. The crew of Apollo 9 has less than an hour of their sleep period remaining. The countdown clock showing the wake time - one might call it the alarm clock - shows some 38 minutes remaining in the sleep period. Apollo 9, at the present time, is over the northern portion of Africa, approximately Libya or Tunisia at the start of the 12th revolution. All three crewmen apparently are still sleeping soundly. We've had no conversation with the crew in the recent passes over Canary Island station or the Mercury earlier in the preceding revolution. After the crew wakes up, the first order of business, of course, will be breakfast. The eat period is scheduled for about an hour after the wakeup. The spacecraft will be powered up during the pass over the tracking ship Vanguard during this next revolution. The Mission Control Center or the spacecraft communicator here in Mission Control will confer with the crew on the flight plan update for the upcoming day's activities and also coordinate the - all the numbers and values of the consumables remaining onboard the spacecraft. There will be also a fuel call oxygen purge. The inertial measurement unit - inertial measuring unit on the command module will be aligned. The - over the tracking station at Antigua one revolution later, there will be what is called the maneuver pad or the all the numbers and necessary information passed up to the crew for service propulsion system burn number 2, which is now scheduled at some 22 hours 13 minutes into the flight. The GO-NO GO for this burn will be given over the tracking ship Mercury at 21 hours 45 minutes. There are some three burns scheduled in today's activities: SPS burns 2, 3, and 4. At 17 hours 52 minutes GET, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control 18 hours 33 minutes GET. Within the next few seconds, we'll be having acquisition of signal at the tracking ship Mercury in the South Pacific. We're some two-thirds of the way through revolution number 12. At this time the crew is scheduled to be awakened. The spacecraft communicator, Ron Evans, likely will put through a call to the crew remoting through the tracking ship Mercury. We'll stand by to monitor any conversation. Until we do hear Ron Evans put through a call, perhaps we could review some of the items coming up in the flight plan. We have service propulsion system burn number 2 at 22 hours 12 minutes GET. This will involve a test of the digital auto pilot set at the 40-percent amplitude stroking of the engine. It will be primarily an out of-plane burn, but will raise the apogee some 190 nautical miles. Two other burns of the SPS are scheduled later in the day. Further details on those will be generated later in the day and passed up to the crew in what is called a maneuver pad. These are not expected to be changed too drastically from the prelaunch flight plan. We're continuing to monitor the air-ground loop for any call through the Mercury. We should have had acquisition signal a minute and half ago. Still standing by here. Spacecraft communicator Ron Evans is now standing up leaning over to look at the displays in the flight surgeon's console to see if lunar module pilot Schweickart is awake. He's putting in a call. Let's eavesdrop.
018:36:12 Evans: Good morning. Apollo 9, Houston.
018:36:17 Schweickart: Good morning, Houston. This is Apollo 9.
018:36:20 Evans: Roger. Loud and clear. Looks like the night was in good shape. We didn't notice any anomalies. [Pause]
018:36:27 Schweickart: Very good. I guess we have to wake up now, right? [Pause]
018:36:34 Evans: Yes. It's about that time.
Comm break.
018:37:36 Evans: 9, Houston. We've got about 2 minutes left here of Mercury, and then we'll pick you up at Antigua at 02. If you feel like talking, I've got a couple of comments for you.
018:37:47 McDivitt: Okay. You say we'll be at Antigua at 02? Did you have anything you wanted to tell us Ron?
018:37:51 Evans: No. I was just going to remind you in your powerup there in the cryo stratification, when you cycle your fans just to note the pressures on them.
018:38:00 McDivitt: Okay. You want us to break the fans out one at a time, is that right?
018:38:05 Evans: That's affirmative. And to note the pressures as you bring them up.
018:38:08 McDivitt: Roger.
Very long comm break.
Apparently, we have had loss of signal from the tracking ship Mercury after a brief exchange between Apollo 9 and spacecraft communicator, Ron Evans, here in Mission Control. The crew will next break out their breakfast meals, and begin powering up the spacecraft for the day's activities. We'll be coming up on the tracking station Antigua followed by Vanguard and Canary. The acquisition time for Antigua will be 1 minute past the hour. At 18 hours 40 minutes GET, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo control. 19 hours 1 minute ground elapse time. Within seconds we should be coming over the tracking station at Antigua. The acquisition time table shows 19 hours 1 minute and 52 seconds. Mark 52 seconds we should have acquisition. We'll stand by until spacecraft communicator Ron Evans makes a call to the crew through Antigua. Between the Antigua loss of signal and Vanguard acquisition of signal there's a drop out of some two minutes and again between Vanguard loss of signal and Canary Island loss of signal there's approximately one minute drop out, we'll continue to stay on the line though and get these three stations in a semi-continuous fashion. Still waiting now for the conversation to begin. He's putting in a call now.
019:02:35 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Antigua.
019:02:39 Scott: Roger, Houston, Apollo 9.
019:02:42 Evans: Roger. I read you loud and clear. I've got a bunch of updates if you're ready to copy some of them. I've got a flight plan, a consumables, and a block data. [Pause]
019:02:52 Scott: Roger. Stand by. [Long pause]
019:03:24 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9. Go over the flight plan.
019:03:27 Evans: Roger. Time 24 plus 44, page 3 dash 15, delete MCC GO/NO-GO for 33 dash 1. [Long pause]
019:03:52 Scott: Roger. 24:44, 315, delete MCC GO/NO-GO for 33 dash 1.
019:04:00 Evans: Affirmative. At time 23 plus 34, page 3 dash 14, add MCC GO/NO-GO for 33 dash 1. [Long pause]
019:04:22 Scott: Roger. 23:34, pa6e 314, add the MCC GO/NO-GO for 33 dash 1.
019:04:30 Evans: Affirmative. And that's the flight plan update.
019:04:33 Scott: Roger. What's your next? [Pause]
019:04:37 Evans: Roger. Your consumables. [Pause]
019:04:44 Scott: Okay. Go ahead with the consumables.
019:04:48 Evans: GET is 018 8130 8440 8840 8636 564 4831 36 39, now. Houston over. [Pause]
019:05:28 Scott: Roger. Copy 018 8130 8440 8840 8636 564 4831 36 39.
019:05:49 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. Readback correct. [Pause]
019:05:54 Scott: Roger. And ready for your block data.
019:05:55 Evans: Roger. Area is 0151 Bravo, plus 267, minus 0670 021 5249 3671 0161 Bravo, plus 324 minus 0670 023 2803 3670 0171 Bravo, plus 335, minus 0670 025 0225 3668 0181 Bravo, plus 318, minus 0663 026 3758 3627.
Long comm break.
Apparently we've had loss of signal at Antigua. Should be acquiring at Vanguard in less than a minute. Ron Evans will be standing by to continue the block up date of contingency landing times and deorbit times and so on so that the crew will have this data aboard in case they're out of touch with the ground at any particular time and for some reason we'd have to go into any of these areas. These are routine updates that are passed up to the crew.
019:09:40 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Vanguard. It's a real low elevation here. I'll pass the rest of block data at 12, over Canary. [Pause]
019:09:52 Scott: Lost you at 0181 B [garbled].
Comm break.
019:12:35 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Canaries. [Pause]
019:12:43 Scott: On the 018 dash 1 Bravo block data, I got down through the TIG and then lost you - if you want to go from there. [Long pause]
019:12:54 Evans: Roger. The TIG is 026 3758, the DELTA-VC is 3627, area 0191 Bravo, plus 258, minus 0692 028 11 50 3627 020 4 Alfa, plus 332, minus 1655 031 07 17 3620, and I have some trim angles if you want them. [Long pause]
019:14:09 Scott: Roger. Stand by. Go ahead with the trim angles. [Pause]
019:14:18 Evans: Roger. Area 15: pitch minus 134, yaw plus 135, the next four - the next four areas: pitch minus 080, yaw plus 130. For area 20: pitch minus 090, yaw minus 071. [Long pause]
019:15:07 Scott: Roger. Copy that. Drop one bit on the 017 dash 1 Bravo TIG, the last digit. [Pause]
019:15:17 Evans: Roger. 25 seconds. [Pause]
019:15:24 Scott: Okay. You ready for the readback?
019:15:26 Evans: Affirmative. Go. [Long pause]
019:16:28 Scott: Okay. 015 dash 1 Bravo, plus 267, minus 0670 021 5249 3671 0161 Bravo, plus 324, minus 0670 023 2803 3670 0171 Bravo, plus 335, minus 0670 025 0225 3668 018 1 Bravo, plus 318, minus 0663 026 3758 3627 019 1 Bravo, plus 258, minus 0692 028 1150 3627 020 4 Alfa, plus 332, minus 1655 031 0717 3620. And for the trim angles vary of 15: pitch minus 134, yaw plus 135. Area 16 through 19: pitch minus 080, yaw plus 130. For area 20: pitch minus 090, yaw minus 071. [Long pause]
019:17:05 Evans: Apollo 9. Houston. Your readback is correct. I got about 2 minutes left here; we're missing a little data from the powerdown last night. [Pause]
019:17:15 Scott: Roger. What would you like? We got that. [Pause]
019:17:19 Evans: [Garble] [Pause]
019:17:24 Scott: Say again, Houston.
019:17:25 Evans: Okay. What we need is your command module RCS injector temperatures and your pyro A and B batteries and BATT C voltage. Before you give that, though, we'd like to configure your H2 tanks here.
019:17:38 Scott: Roger. How would you like them?
019:17:40 Evans: Okay. H2 tank 2 heater in AUTO, H2 tank 1 heater OFF, and both fans OFF. [Psause]
019:17:52 Scott: Roger. H2 tank 1 fan OFF, tank 2 fan to AUTO, H2 fans both OFF.
019:18:01 Evans: Negative. That's H2 tank 2 heater in AUTO, both fans OFF, and tank 1 heater OFF. [Pause]
019:18:11 Scott: Roger. I just read it backwards to you. H2 heater number 2 in AUTO and number 1 OFF and the fans are both OFF. [Pause]
019:18:18 Evans: Roger. [Pause]
019:18:23 Scott: And ...
019:18:24 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. S-baud up.
019:18:27 Scott: I have the injector temperature if you want it.
019:18:29 Evans: Roger. Go. [Long pause]
019:19:07 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Madrid. S-band. [Long pause]
019:20:00 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Madrid. S-band volume up. [Long pause]
019:20:11 Scott: Roger. Houston. 9. Looks like we have a good lock now. Did you get the battery readings?
019:20:16 Evans: Negative.
019:20:18 Schweickart: Okay. BATT C was 37, pyro A was 37, pyro B was 37, and that was on the powerdown last night.
019:20:27 Evans: Roger. And I didn't get your injector temp, command module temp either.
019:20:31 Schweickart: Okay. The injector temps - I'll give you systems test meter readout.
019:20:36 Evans: Affirmative.
019:20:38 Schweickart: All of them were FULL SCALE HIGH except C, and that was reading 5 volts.
019:20:44 Evans: Roger. Six Charlie with 5 volts.
019:20:46 Schweickart: That's correct.
019:20:48 Evans: Okay, Next thing is, on your cryo surge tank pressure, you noticed it took a long time to come up and then all of a sudden it came on up. Did you jiggle any valves or anything? [Pause]
019:21:00 Schweickart: Yes [garble].
Very long comm break.
Apparently we have had lost of signal from the Madrid, Spain tracking station. Had a little problem there getting, lock on between the spacecraft antennas and the ground antenna at Madrid. At 49 past the hour the spacecraft will be coming up on the Carnarvon, Australia tracking station. At 19 hours 22 minutes GET this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control 19 hours 49 minutes GET. Expecting acquisition of Apollo 9 by the tracking station at Carnarvon, Australia in a few seconds now. Apollo 9 is mid-way through the 13th revolution. The crew should be ending their breakfast meal about this time. At the end of the pass at Carnarvon there will be some 2-1/2 minutes of drop-out until the Honeysuckle Creek station in Australia acquires the spacecraft. We'll stand by now as we wait for spacecraft communicator Ron Evans to put a call in to the spacecraft. This is a fairly low elevation angle pass over Carnarvon - some 2.7 degrees. Somewhat higher over Honeysuckle - 10.7 degrees.
019:50:43 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Carnarvon.
019:50:47 McDivitt: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9. Stand by one. [Pause]
019:51:03 McDivitt: Houston, 9. Go.
019:51:06 Evans: Roger. We listened to your OJT during P52 last night but didn't copy any gyro torquing angles. We could use those if you would copy them down. [Pause]
019:51:18 McDivitt: Very well. Stand by. [Long pause]
019:51:37 McDivitt: Okay. Houston, 9. Are you ready to copy?
019:51:40 Evans: 9, go - Or Houston, go.
019:51:43 McDivitt: Roger. GET of 08 24 30, plus 00110, plus 00002, minus 00108.
019:52:02 Evans: Houston. Copy.
019:52:06 McDivitt: And I'll give you a rundown on the H2 and O2 cryo pressures when we ran the fans if you've got a pencil. [Pause]
019:52:16 Evans: Houston. Go.
019:52:19 McDivitt: Okay. H2 1: when we turned the fan off, it was 228 for the pressure, and right now it's about 228.
019:52:31 Evans: Roger.
019:52:33 McDivitt: H2 2: when we turned the fan on, it was 242. After 3 minutes of fans it was 242. [Long pause]
019:52:44 Evans: Roger. Sounds good.
019:52:47 McDivitt: O2 1: when we started out with the H2, it was 816 by the time we got to the O2, and it was 890 when the fans were turned on; it was 880 when the fans were turned off.
019:53:03 Evans: Roger. Copy. 890 to 880.
019:53:07 McDivitt: That's correct. And O2 2: when the fans were turned on it was 880, and when they were turned off it was 870.
019:53:17 Evans: Roger. 880 to 870. And S-band volume up at 56.
019:53:23 McDivitt: Roger. It's up now. [Pause]
019:53:33 McDivitt: And, Houston, 9. We're down through the CMC subtests and getting ready for a P51. Do you want those CMC subtests numbers? They're on the DSKY.
019:53:48 Evans: Roger. We have them.
Long comm break.
Apparently, we've had loss of signal at Carnarvon. We'll continue to monitor the alt-to-ground circuit until the tracking station at Honeysuckle Creek acquires Apollo 9.
019:57:48 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Honeysuckle. [Pause]
019:57:55 McDivitt: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9. Loud and clear.
019:57:58 Evans: Roger. Same. We never did get what you did in those cryo valves. I tried to get that surge tank up.
019:58:06 Schweickart: All I did was move the surge tank knob back and forth a little bit on the console, here, and then I went to bed. And I think that may have done it. [Pause]
019:58:18 Evans: Roger. That did it.
019:58:20 Schweickart: And did it come up pretty fast after that, Ron?
019:58:22 Evans: Affirmative.
019:58:24 Schweickart: Okay. Well, we never did get our PLSS tank filled, so we're going to be filling that here along the - along the way today. It only has about 200 or 300 psi in it.
019:58:34 Evans: Roger. We understand. [Long pause]
019:58:53 Unidentifiable crewmember: Houston, Apollo 9.
019:58:55 Evans: Houston. Go.
019:58:56 Schweickart: Roger. We're still charging battery B. What's the status of that? Do you want us to continue or stop or what have you?
019:59:03 Evans: Affirmative. Go ahead and continue on it. We estimate it will probably be up to charge at about 22 hours or just before SPS number 2 burns, and we'll tell you at that time to turn it off.
019:59:16 Schweickart: Okay. Very good.
Long comm break.
020:02:28 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. Thirty seconds LOS; Mercury at 08.
020:02:32 McDivitt: Roger.
Long comm break.
Apparently we have had loss of signal at Honeysuckle tracking station. Meanwhile here in the control center the space flight meteorology group based here in the control center has issued a forecast for the Apollo 9 mission weather. Weather conditions for the flight of Apollo 9 will be satisfactory in most landing areas for the next 24 hours, and the primary landing area in the West Atlantic centered about 800 miles east of Jacksonville, skies will be mostly cloudy with scattered showers. Winds will be southerly at 20 to 25 knots, with seas 5 to 8 feet and temperatures ranging between 64 1/4 and 70 1/4. In the Mid-Pacific landing zone, centered about 600 miles northwest of Honolulu weather will be mostly cloudy with a few showers. Winds will be southerly about 25 knots, seas 8 feet and temperature 63 1/4. In the West Pacific landing zone centered about 400 miles southeast of Tokyo skies will be partly cloudy. Winds will be northwesterly 15 to 25 knots, seas 5 to 8 feet, and temperatures near 54 1/4. In the East Atlantic landing zone centered about 500 miles southwest of the Canary Island the weather will be partly cloudy with easterly winds 10 to 15 knots and seas 4 to 5 feet. Temperatures will be about 70 1/4. The next station to acquire Apollo 9 will be the Mercury tracking ship. The acquisition table shows that 07 past the hour, some 3 minutes from now we'll come back up at that time and go live with the Mercury pass. At 20 hours 4 minutes GET this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control 20 hours 07 minutes ground elapsed time; we're some 40 seconds away from acquisition at the tracking ship Mercury. Just passed midway of the 13th revolution. At this time, the spacecraft crew is aligning or orienting the inertial measuring unit as part of the procedures for getting the spacecraft ready for the day's activities and maneuvers. We'll continue to stand by here as the spacecraft comes in range. The tracking map at the front of the Control Center has shown that the Mercury has acquired signal, the little spacecraft that's projected on the big screen changes color when the acquisition time comes in. That doesn't necessarily mean that we have voice contact but merely the time in which the spacecraft comes over the hill. The spacecraft communicator will wait a few seconds before making the call to assure that the lock-on is solid. Spacecraft Communicator Ron Evans' replacement for the next 12 hours, Stu Roosa, has come into the Control Room and Evans is now briefing him on the nights activities and what is coming up in the next day's activities. We'll leave the line open and await any call from the Spacecraft Communicator console to Apollo 9 through Mercury.
This is Apollo Control again. Stu Roosa and Ron Evans are still in a hand-over type huddle down there at the spacecraft communicators console; apparently there are no plans to contact the crew through Mercury. We'll continue to leave the air-to-ground line active here and eavesdrop on any conversation that might take place.
020:12:09 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston through Mercury. Standing by.
020:12:12 McDivitt: Roger, Houston.
020:12:14 Evans: Roger.
Comm break.
020:13:44 Evans: Apollo 9, Houston. We indicate you're right close to gimbal lock. [Pause]
020:13:51 McDivitt: That's affirmative.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We've had loss of signal at Mercury, very brief conversation there just a standing by and advisory from spacecraft communicator Ron Evans that the Apollo 9 was approaching gimbal lock, this has to do with the attitude of the spacecraft relative to the inertial measuring unit and the guidance system. We'll be coming up on Antigua with acquisition at 34 minutes past the hour. During that pass the Mission Control Center will pass up to the crew the so called maneuver pad, the velocity and the time of the ignition and all the other data the crew needs onboard for the service propulsion system burn number two which is now scheduled for 22 hours 12 minutes ground elapsed time. At 20 hours 15 minutes ground elapsed time, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control. 20 hours 34 minutes ground elapsed time. We should be picking up the Apollo 9 spacecraft through the Antigua tracking station in some 6 seconds from now. The Antigua and the Vanguard tracking ship, the Canary Island and the Madrid pass all overlap this time. We should have a solid 20 minutes of tracking and possibilities for a conversation between the ground and Apollo 9. Spacecraft communicator Stu Roosa has relieved Ron Evans at the spacecraft communicators console. We're standing by now for Stu Roosa to make his call. Let's eavesdrop.
This is Apollo control again. Flight director Pete Frank and Stu Roosa are having a huddle here over the console before Stu Roosa makes his call to Apollo 9. We'll leave the circuit open here and stand by for any conversation.
020:36:17 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Antigua. [Pause]
020:36:40 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through Antigua.
020:36:43 Scott: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9. How do you read?
020:36:46 Roosa: I read you loud and clear. Good morning.
020:36:50 Scott: Good morning. We were wondering whether maybe you want to give us the updates first, or whether you want an E-memory dump first?
020:37:03 Roosa: We do not need an E-memory dump.
020:37:07 Scott: Okay. [Pause]
020:37:13 Scott: Okay. We're ready to accept your update, then, any time, Houston.
020:37:19 Roosa: Roger. Stand by one on that. I have an SPS-2 PAD here for you any time you're ready to copy, and we'll have the loads ready for you in a minute.
020:37:33 Schweickart: Stand by. He's getting it.
020:37:36 Scott: Okay. Go ahead. Ready to copy.
020:37:39 Roosa: Roger. SPS-2: 022 12 03 00, plus 00993, minus 08 446, plus 00 176 08 506 08 457 1512, and stand by one. [Pause]
020:38:37 Roosa: Apollo 9, we're ready to uplink at this time, and then I'll finish the PAD while they're doing that.
020:38:43 Scott: The computer is yours.
020:38:45 Roosa: Okay. We have the computer. And starting again, I finished up on the burn time which was: 15 12 58 504, plus 1 00, minus 0 20 21 20 840 13 200, plus 01 23, plus 05 514 16 45. End of update. [Pause]
020:39:38 Scott: Okay, Houston [garble]. [Pause]
020:40:00 Scott: [Garble] 08506 08457 [garble] 3 58504, plus 100, minus 020 21 2084 0 13200, plus 1 - rather - plus 0013, plus 0554 0 [garble] I beg your pardon - 1.645. [Pause]
020:40:40 Roosa: Apollo 9 [garble]. The COMM on that was extremely bad. I only got about three lines of the whole blooming smear. Let's stand by one. I think we are going to hand off here, and maybe we can try it again. [Pause]
020:41:16 Unidentifiable crewmember: Houston, Apollo 9. [Pause]
020:41:29 Unidentifiable crewmember: Houston, Apollo 9. [Pause]
020:41:44 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. Do you read?
020:41:49 Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger. This is Apollo 9 here, Houston. [Pause]
020:42:02 Unidentifiable crewmember: Houston, this is Apollo 9. [Long pause]
020:42:23 Unidentifiable crewmember: Houston, Apollo 9.
020:42:30 Roosa: Okay. Apollo 9, this is Houston. If you read me, I cannot get you. I can hear that you are transmitting; you are way, way down. The site is reporting no VHF downlink. You might check that, but I don't understand why our S-band isn't any better either. [Pause]
020:42:53 Unidentifiable crewmember: Can you read now?
020:42:57 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. I can barely read you. I just barely copied it.
020:43:05 Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger [garble]. S-band [garble]. [Long pause]
020:44:03 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9. How now?
020:44:06 Roosa: Apollo 9, you are very, very weak. I can't get your readbacks, but I'd like to give you the NAV check again. The NAV check I gave you was wrong. We're starting off good today, and I'd like to - If you can copy, I'd like to read you the NAV check again. It should be: minus 2891, minus 16997 1228. [Pause]
020:44:55 McDivitt: Okay. How can you read me?
020:44:58 Roosa: I can just hear you transmitting, and that's about all.
Comm break.
020:46:21 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9. How do you read now?
020:46:26 Roosa: Hello. Apollo 9, Houston. Do you read now? [Pause]
020:46:37 Scott: Houston, 9. Read you five-by.
020:46:39 Roosa: Great! We've got you through Canaries now. Evidently, we couldn't get Vanguard and Antigua back through Goddard. Did you copy my correction on the NAV check?
020:46:48 Scott: Roger. If you read, I got a minus 2891, minus 16997 122.8.
020:46:58 Roosa: Roger. That ought to check a lot better, and I'm reading you five-square now. We've got good COMM through Canaries here for about the next 5 minutes.
020:47:08 Scott: Roger. Did you read the readback on the SPS-2 PAD?
020:47:15 Roosa: Okay. Go ahead.
020:47:17 Scott: Okay. 02212 03 00, plus 00993, minus 08446, plus 00176 08506 08457 1512 58502, plus 100, minus 020, 2120840 13200 - And you've already got the NAV check.
020:47:58 Roosa: Roger. I confirm the update. One small correction. The last number in the CSM weight is 4, vice 2 as you read, but that really doesn't matter.
020:48:09 Scott: Yes. I guess I wrote it right and read it wrong.
020:48:13 Roosa: Okay.
020:48:14 Scott: 58504.
020:48:16 Roosa: That's affirmative. [Pause]
020:48:27 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, the computer is yours. We have given you a target load, a state vector, and a VERB 66.
020:48:31 Scott: Roger. Copy. [Long pause]
020:49:19 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
020:49:21 Scott: Go.
020:49:24 Scott: Roger, Houston. Go.
020:49:25 Roosa: Okay. We've got about 3 minutes here. We would like to update that PIPA bias if we can have the computer again. [Pause]
020:49:35 Scott: Okay. The computer is yours, and while you're doing that, I'd like to know what you would like us to do with battery B. We are still charging it, and it's now down to about 0.4.
020:49:48 Roosa: Roger. Last word I had was we wanted to run the battery charge; it'll probably run up to almost the time of SPS-2.
020:49:58 Scott: Okay. Thank you. [Pause]
020:50:08 Roosa: And we're indicating about 0.43 or so, and we'd like to let it run awhile and cut it off on our indication.
020:50:18 Scott: Okay.
Comm break.
020:52:54 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, we'll be handing over to Madrid, so have your S-band volume up. [Pause]
020:53:10 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. The computer is yours. The PIPA bias is in.
020:53:16 Scott: Roger. Thank you.
Comm break.
020:54:23 Roosa: And Apollo 9, this is Houston. We're about 30 seconds from LOS Madrid, and we'll see you over Carnarvon at 21.
020:54:32 Scott: Roger. Carnarvon at 21.
Very long comm break.
020:55:24 McDivitt (onboard): You got to put number 2 in the [garble], Dave, because number 1 has [garble]?
020:55:31 Scott (onboard): Yes.
020:55:35 Schweickart (onboard): What did you say, Jim?
020:55:36 McDivitt (onboard): Got to put number 2 in [garble].
This is Apollo Control. Apparently we have had loss of signal at Madrid station. During the pass after communications were locked in, we had some problems over the tracking ship Vanguard with some of the return lines coming back through Goddard. During the pass over these stations the spacecraft communicator passed up to the crew the necessary information for the service propulsion system burn number two. The essence of which is burn time of ignition time of 22 hours 12 minutes and 03 seconds with a velocity change of 850.6 feet-per-second. We'll be coming up on the Carnarvon, Australia tracking station at 20 minutes past the hour. At 20 hours 56 minutes ground elapsed time, this, is Apollo Control.
020:56:07 Scott (onboard): Well, you're right. You know, I even wrote him a big question about that.
020:56:11 McDivitt (onboard): Right [garble] answer back [garble].
020:56:14 Scott (onboard): Yes [garble] number 2. [Garble].
020:56:17 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
020:56:19 Scott (onboard): I ate mine. Because it's got [garble] - Oh, that's Rusty's.
020:57:09 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, has everybody had some water? Because if they do, I'm going to chlorinate the water.
020:57:12 Scott (onboard): Yes, I've got some.
020:57:13 McDivitt (onboard): Rusty, did you get some?
020:57:53 Scott (onboard): Rusty, where are our [garble]?
020:58:01 McDivitt (onboard): What are you looking for?
020:58:03 Scott (onboard): Rusty's [garble].
020:58:07 McDivitt (onboard): Well, he thinks it's on the floor, here?
020:58:21 McDivitt (onboard): There it is, up there in the tunnel.
020:58:30 Schweickart (onboard): There you go.
020:58:34 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] to chlorinate the water [garble]?
020:58:39 Scott (onboard): [Garble] flight plan.
020:59:04 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Jim.
020:59:05 McDivitt (onboard): Yes?
020:59:06 Schweickart (onboard): Before you chlorinate, let me figure this [garble].
020:59:11 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
020:59:19 Schweickart (onboard): There's 15 minutes before realignment, Jim.
020:59:28 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, you better do that first.
020:59:49 McDivitt (onboard): We really ought to chlorinate the water at night when we go to bed [garble].
021:00:55 Schweickart (onboard): If somebody's getting into A-7, I'd like to get film pack U.
021:01:01 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, stand by. [Garble] pretty full, Rusty?
021:01:17 Schweickart (onboard): Fairly full.
021:01:24 Schweickart (onboard): I'm going to put next to this film pack how much we've used out of it - by the way - so far. Yes.
021:02:08 McDivitt (onboard): Can I give you a hand, Dave?
021:02:52 Schweickart (onboard): Tell you what, maybe we ought to wait until we get through [garble] this alignment gets done, before we do that [garble], before we do the [garble].
021:04:02 McDivitt (onboard): Well, maybe we ought to unstow the covers here [garble]. The Wally Schirra dark-adapt covers.
021:04:18 Schweickart (onboard): Guess we ought to stow these film packs where they came from, huh?
021:04:23 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, if they don't [garble].
021:04:27 Schweickart (onboard): Well, no. See, it's not empty, but I've logged how much we have remaining ...
021:04:31 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
021:04:33 Schweickart (onboard): ... I think I'll write it on the tape, too.
021:04:35 McDivitt (onboard): Only way we're ever going to know ...
021:04:37 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
021:04:38 McDivitt (onboard): ... where it is.
021:05:09 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, and it goes in B-8.
021:05:54 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave, [garble] when you get a chance.
021:07:02 Schweickart (onboard): You know anything about this spotmeter reading? No, hell. We're in the wrong attitude anyway.
021:07:29 Schweickart (onboard): Jim, how far away do you think that target is?
021:07:33 McDivitt (onboard): The one right in front of us?
021:07:34 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
021:07:39 McDivitt (onboard): 3-1/2 feet.
021:07:40 Schweickart (onboard): Really?
021:07:41 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
021:07:42 Schweickart (onboard): 3-1/2?
021:07:51 McDivitt (onboard): It's probably about 5 feet to the ...
021:07:55 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I'm going to focus on 5.
021:08:54 Schweickart (onboard): Should be right up above my toe, but it's not, I guess. Oh, I don't know.
021:12:47 Schweickart (onboard): Doesn't seem to taste as good this morning.
021:12:49 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) Maybe you're starting to get [garble].
021:14:50 McDivitt (onboard): Got that? You're going to have to hurry.
021:15:37 McDivitt (onboard): I'm going to give it a whack in yaw [garble] come in, Dave.
021:15:49 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, you know what, Dave? I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this stroking test isn't very exciting, because just these direct-yaw pulses couple with the pitch. I was thinking about this last night, you know. I think we ought to really evaluate what we see here and decide here whether we're going to do another one - decide whether we're going to do that 100-percenter or not.
021:16:17 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, you better - you better - [garble] P52.
021:16:25 Scott (onboard): Okay.
021:16:26 Schweickart (onboard): I need to stow one thing.
021:16:28 McDivitt (onboard): What?
021:16:30 Schweickart (onboard): Stow that -
021:16:33 McDivitt (onboard): Tell you what - He's only got an hour to get - do all those things. Let's us - What's the burn time?
021:18:29 Scott (onboard): [Garble] VERB 48; 311.02 we have.
021:18:37 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
021:18:39 Scott (onboard): Can tell when we get there whether [garble]. Okay, we want that to be zero [garble].
021:19:07 Schweickart (onboard): We decide the 10 percent, huh?
021:19:37 McDivitt (onboard): Did I ever turn the DAP on VERB 46? I did a long time ago.
021:20:06 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, ready for thrusting?
021:20:18 Schweickart (onboard): Master Alarm [garble] nothing [garble] caution/warning [garble].
021:20:47 Schweickart (onboard): We've got a fairly high vent flow here [garble].
021:21:11 McDivitt (onboard): Have a high vent flow in what, Rusty?
This it Apollo Control 21 hours 22 minutes ground elapsed time. Let's join the conversation in progress between the spacecraft communicator and the spacecraft Apollo 9 through Carnarvon, Australia.
021:21:27 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Carnarvon.
021:21:31 McDivitt: Hello, Houston. Apollo 9.
021:21:33 Roosa: I read you five-square.
021:21:36 McDivitt: Roger.
021:21:47 McDivitt: Just had an interesting sidelight here, Houston. Whenever we give the command module/LM combination a pulse of DIRECT ACCELRATION COMMAND to attitude control system, we get a lot of coupling from pitch to yaw and back to pitch. I suspect this stroker test may be fairly exciting. [Pause]
021:22:08 Roosa: Roger. I guess it must be a lot more noticeable than on the simulator, then. [Pause]
021:22:16 McDivitt: Sure is!
021:22:18 Roosa: (Laughter) Stand by for a ride. [Long pause]
021:22:33 McDivitt: And, Houston, another little interesting sidelight; when we woke up this morning and got the BMAGS ready - and after drifting all night - Our highest drift rate was approximately 1/10 of a degree per second. [Pause]
021:22:49 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. Copy.
Comm break.
021:24:47 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
021:24:49 Roosa: Go, Apollo 9.
021:24:51 Scott: Do you still want us to cycle our H2 and O2 fans prior to the burn, or do you want to just leave them alone? [Pause]
021:25:03 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We do not want them cycled prior to the burn. Just let them go as is.
021:25:10 Scott: Okay. Very good.
Comm break.
021:27:18 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
021:27:22 McDivitt: Go ahead.
021:27:23 Roosa: Roger. You can terminate the charge on battery B. And for your info, we took 10 AMP-hours out and put seven back in. [Pause]
021:27:34 McDivitt: Roger. [Long pause]
021:27:59 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Like to make sure you have your S-Band volume up. We will be picking up Honeysuckle in about a minute. [Pause]
021:28:10 McDivitt: Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control here; we are still in acquisition through Honeysuckle but apparently the spacecraft communicator doesn't plan to talk. He's punching up now; perhaps he plans to call the spacecraft now before LOS. We'll continue to eavesdrop on the air to ground circuit.
021:35:44 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. We are 1 minute to LOS Honeysuckle. We'll see you over Mercury at 41. [Long pause]
This is Apollo Control. We are right on loss of signal at Honeysuckle. One of the items that is upcoming is over Mercury will be GO/NO/GO for the SPS burn number 2 and this burn will take place over the States at 22 hours, 12 minutes ground elapsed time. Our present orbit stands at 107.8 nautical mile perigee, about 125.7 nautical mile apogee. The [garble] we have had LOS at Honeysuckle; flight director Pete Frank just advised the spacecraft communicator Stu Roosa to tell Apollo 9 that they were GO for SPS number 2 burn, however this was in the flight plan to take place over Mercury. As Apollo 9 came over the hill at Carnarvon, they just began talking to MCC through Carnarvon without spacecraft communicator having made a call. We'll go back and play a little catch up on the first several sentences of this transmission so that it'll tie it all together. Let's roll the tape now.
021:35:59 Schweickart (onboard): By God, I've finally seen our friendly Orion out there.
021:36:35 McDivitt (onboard): You want me to get that for you, Dave? Hey, are you alright, Dave? Yes, I'll get it for you.
021:36:36 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
Long comm break.
021:37:27 Scott (onboard): I'm [garble] go higher.
021:37:30 Schweickart (onboard): Go up higher, Dave. Dave, can you go up higher?
021:37:43 Schweickart (onboard): Hold on. Have you got it?
021:38:29 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble]. down [garble].
021:38:34 McDivitt (onboard): Who's [garble] are these? Are these yours?
021:38:35 Schweickart (onboard): Dave's.
This is Apollo Control here, 21 hours, 38 minutes ground elapsed time. We'll be coming up on Mercury Tracking Ship at 41 minutes past the hour. This is Apollo Control.
021:38:38 McDivitt (onboard): You're going to lose that film pack.
021:38:40 Schweickart (onboard): No, it's going to be stowed as soon as Dave has time.
021:38:47 Scott (onboard): Hey, why don't you stick it in your pocket or something, Rusty? We're not going to have time. We're down to 30 minutes.
021:38:53 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
021:39:15 McDivitt (onboard): What did you do? Did you hurt yourself? What? Oh, oh, you alright now?
021:39:37 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble]. doing down there, [garble].
021:39:53 McDivitt (onboard): Guess we're not going to have time to do a star check. I'm going to turn my [garble] stuff on [garble].
021:40:34 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Jim? Jim? Yes, I can. Can you hear me? Do we want to change the configuration of the CABIN REPRESS or EMERGENCY valve when we put our helmets and gloves on, or not?
This is Apollo Control 21 hours 41 minutes, ground elapsed time. Should have acquisition with the tracking ship Mercury of Apollo 9 spacecraft. During this pass Stu Roosa will no doubt go ahead and give the crew the GO decision for the SPS burn number 2 that he attempted to pass up just at loss of signal at Honeysuckle. We'll leave the circuit open now, and listen for any air-to-ground communications through Mercury.
021:42:26 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Mercury. [Pause]
021:42:33 McDivitt: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9.
021:42:35 Roosa: Sterling! You are loud and clear.
021:42:39 McDivitt: Roger. We're in process of donning our helmets and gloves here for the burn.
021:42:45 Roosa: Roger, Understand. [Long pause]
021:43:20 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. I believe you went over the hill at Honeysuckle, there, before I got you, but you are GO for SPS-2.
021:43:24 Scott: Roger. Understand we are GO for SPS-2. Thank you.
021:43:26 Roosa: Roger.
Long comm break.
021:47:40 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. One minute LOS Mercury, and we'll see you over Texas at 04.
021:47:47 Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger. Texas at 04.
Very long comm break.
021:48:24 Schweickart (onboard): Have you got that flight plan?
021:48:30 Scott (onboard): No.
021:48:37 McDivitt (onboard): Is it still dark out there?
021:48:38 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
021:48:39 Scott (onboard): Yes.
This is Apollo Control. Although we have not had loss of signal at tracking ship Mercury, it is unlikely there will be any further conversation. The crew presently is donning helmets and gloves on their pressure suits for the burn scheduled at 22 hours 12 minutes over the Texas tracking station. This SPS burn number 2 is one of a series of tests to demonstrate the attitude control of the command and service module during the service propulsion system thrusting, when both the CSM and the Lunar Module are docked. These burns are varying durations, are set up where the digital autopilot will damp out the oscillations that are induced by gimbaling the big engine of the service propulsion system, and thereby give a measure of the dynamic response of the spacecraft's structure. Other by-products of the burns is to reduce the command and service module weight, and also being out-of-plane it drives the orbital plane further back to the east so that it improves tracking later in the mission for the rendezvous and the extravehicular activity. We'll be coming up on the Texas station at 22 hours 04 minutes ground elapsed time, at 21 hours 49 minutes ground elapsed time, this is Apollo Control.
021:48:54 McDivitt (onboard): What's the time?
021:48:57 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
021:48:58 McDivitt (onboard): What's your status?
021:49:00 Scott (onboard): Stand by. The star is 21.
021:49:11 McDivitt (onboard): Where is it?
021:49:13 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] the horizon.
021:49:25 Scott (onboard): The angle - Here you go, Jim. Got it?
021:49:52 McDivitt (onboard): 21.
021:49:58 Schweickart (onboard): Let's see, what can I call up here, Dave? 1692?
021:50:02 Scott (onboard): 1691. [Garble].
021:50:08 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, 1691. Okay. [Garble] I'm at zero, moving to MANUAL, and I'm [garble] at - 208.
021:51:24 Scott (onboard): We're a few degrees off, Jim.
021:51:25 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
021:51:38 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, there's the Moon.
021:51:50 Scott (onboard): Want me to tighten it up for you, Jim?
021:51:52 McDivitt (onboard): No, if he's just out there, I'll be lucky. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to see if the Moon's out there, Dave.
021:51:58 Scott (onboard): The Sun's coming up, too.
021:52:18 Scott (onboard): Here comes the Sun.
021:52:19 McDivitt (onboard): The sun's coming?
021:52:20 Scott (onboard): Yes.
021:52:35 Scott (onboard): [Garble] ought to be right there.
021:52:49 McDivitt (onboard): All I can see are the speckles right next to the spacecraft.
021:52:53 Scott (onboard): Yes, I bet you've had it.
021:52:56 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I think I have, too. How much time do we have?
021:53:01 Schweickart (onboard): 19 minutes.
021:53:02 McDivitt (onboard): Hold this, Rusty.
021:53:05 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I got it.
021:53:08 McDivitt (onboard): Let's see, I want to go back to zero and CMC, right?
021:53:11 Scott (onboard): Right. I could tighten up P40.
021:53:18 McDivitt (onboard): No. Dave, I couldn't see out there.
021:53:23 Scott (onboard): Well, yes, but you can see stars in the daytime.
021:53:24 McDivitt (onboard): I could see a thousand of them, out there and I can't.
021:53:26 Scott (onboard): What? No, no, no, no.
021:53:30 McDivitt (onboard): In the sextant?
021:53:31 Scott (onboard): In the sextant. You ought to be able to see them. Just tighten it up and look, okay?
021:53:34 McDivitt (onboard): I just zeroed it, Dave.
021:53:38 Scott (onboard): You could unzero it - You want to look at it, or you want to assume we're okay?
021:53:42 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, let's assume we're okay. [Garble].
021:53:51 McDivitt (onboard): What was it - what was it, 13.2?
021:53:56 Scott (onboard): They were 280, 280.4, and 13.2. 208.4.
021:54:03 McDivitt (onboard): That's 208, yes.
021:54:04 Scott (onboard): I'm going to go into P40 to get you there, Jim.
021:54:05 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
021:54:06 Scott (onboard): Okay.
021:54:25 McDivitt (onboard): 208.4 and 13.2.
021:54:38 Scott (onboard): Okay, we're right there.
021:54:51 McDivitt (onboard): I don't see any stars.
021:54:54 Scott (onboard): Well, wait a minute. You got to get your - Okay.
021:55:04 McDivitt (onboard): My what?
021:55:16 McDivitt (onboard): Well, Dave, I don't see a thing.
021:55:17 Scott (onboard): You don't, hey?
021:55:19 Schweickart (onboard): Can anybody see the ground?
021:55:30 Scott (onboard): Well, you ought to see it.
021:55:33 Schweickart (onboard): How about looking down to see if you can see the ground?
021:55:36 Scott (onboard): I can see the ground over to the right, here.
021:55:39 McDivitt (onboard): I can see the ground in the -
021:55:41 Scott (onboard): Are we out of plane north?
021:55:45 Schweickart (onboard): Let's see, the ground is - Yes, yes, we are. Yes, we're out of plane north.
021:56:04 McDivitt (onboard): How much time do we have?
021:56:06 Schweickart (onboard): 16 minutes.
021:56:15 McDivitt (onboard): The whole sky is just very light, Dave.
021:56:25 Schweickart (onboard): You ought to be just about looking at the ground, Jim.
021:56:27 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, you know, I don't understand. I am - I am with the sextant, and I'm not with the telescope. How about that? [Garble] can't tell it if I am. Oh, yes, there I am. Yes. Okay, zero and CMC.
021:56:43 Scott (onboard): Good [garble].
021:57:03 Scott (onboard): Oh, what in the hell?
021:57:40 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] on, Dave?
021:57:43 Scott (onboard): Yes, just a minute.
021:58:01 Schweickart (onboard): Well, there's a new strap; I never saw that one before.
021:58:04 Scott (onboard): What's your DELTA-V counter setting, Rusty?
021:58:05 Schweickart (onboard): DELTA-V counter is 845.7.
021:58:10 Scott (onboard): Okay.
021:58:36 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
021:58:44 Scott (onboard): Okay, Rusty, if you want to go ahead on, let's go ahead on.
021:58:49 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, are we in P40?
021:58:51 Scott (onboard): We're in P40.
021:58:54 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, and we're in AUTO and CMC. BMAG MODE, three, to RATE 2.
021:58:59 Scott (onboard): RATE 2.
021:59:01 Schweickart (onboard): Align the spacecraft in ROLL.
021:59:02 Scott (onboard): Aligned.
021:59:04 Schweickart (onboard): Proceed.
021:59:06 Scott (onboard): Okay, we've trimmed already.
021:59:07 Schweickart (onboard): Alright, check panel 8.
021:59:17 Scott (onboard): Okay, panel 8 looks okay.
021:59:19 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, AUTO RCS SELECT; A/C and B/D ROLL's, four, OFF.
021:59:25 Scott (onboard): Okay, your load is going ...
021:59:26 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] UCD.
021:59:34 Scott (onboard): A/C ROLL coming OFF. Are you going to want to hold this?
021:59:40 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I'll hold that.
021:59:41 Scott (onboard): You want to hold that. I checked the ...
021:59:45 Schweickart (onboard): Is your A/C ROLL, OFF?
021:59:46 Scott (onboard): A/C ROLL's OFF.
021:59:48 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, set the DELTA-V indicator?
021:59:50 Scott (onboard): Set.
021:59:52 Schweickart (onboard): Verify - Jim, you want to verify that number for the pad?
021:59:56 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Whoops! [Garble] there goes a ring. Now, what are we going to do with that? The numbers should be DELTA-V counter 245.7.
022:00:06 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. The EMS DELTA - FUNCTION to DELTA-V.
022:00:09 Scott (onboard): DELTA-V.
022:00:10 Schweickart (onboard): MANUAL ATTITUDE, three, to RATE COMMAND.
022:00:13 Scott (onboard): Three to RATE COMMAND.
022:00:15 Schweickart (onboard): ATTITUDE DEADBAND, MIN.
022:00:16 Scott (onboard): MIN.
022:00:17 Schweickart (onboard): RATE, LOW.
022:00:19 Scott (onboard): RATE's LOW.
022:00:20 Schweickart (onboard): TRANSLATION CONTROL POWER, armed.
022:00:21 Scott (onboard): Armed.
022:00:24 Schweickart (onboard): SCS TVC, two, to RATE COMMAND.
022:00:26 Scott (onboard): Two to RATE COMMAND.
022:00:29 Schweickart (onboard): DELTA-Vcg to LM - CSM/LM.
022:00:30 Scott (onboard): CSM/LM.
022:00:33 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by for 6 minutes.
022:00:35 Scott (onboard): Okay.
022:00:39 Schweickart (onboard): What time is it now?
022:00:41 Scott (onboard): 11.
022:00:42 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Wonder if that's going to stay down.
022:00:50 Scott (onboard): No. Why don't you put it in the bag, over there, or something?
022:00:53 Schweickart (onboard): We don't have a bag.
022:01:02 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
022:01:04 Schweickart (onboard): Well -
022:01:11 Scott (onboard): Okay, 0.4 of a second, NO-GO for the second one and 1 degree per second, and we shut her down.
022:01:16 McDivitt (onboard): Right.
022:01:27 Schweickart (onboard): You got the ball - the ball aligned. Okay, and you're going to hit it after 1 minute, right?
022:01:31 Scott (onboard): After 1 minute. VERB 68, I'm [garble] go to low scale.
022:01:35 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
022:01:38 Scott (onboard): What's the total burn time?
022:01:41 Schweickart (onboard): 1 minute and 51.2 seconds.
022:01:43 Scott (onboard): Okay.
022:01:45 Schweickart (onboard): I got it all set up. That ought to hold it.
022:02:06 Scott (onboard): [Garble] is terrible.
022:02:07 McDivitt (onboard): Isn't it, though?
022:02:09 Scott (onboard): That's the worst I've ever seen it. Worse than the simulator.
022:03:34 McDivitt (onboard): It's amazing how that - that sextant doesn't look at the same thing that the telescope does when you're looking out at the [garble].
022:03:41 Scott (onboard): Yes. Sure is.
022:03:59 McDivitt (onboard): Well, we're going sideways. Headed north.
022:04:11 Scott (onboard): That's encouraging.
022:04:12 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
This is Apollo Control at 22 hours 04 minutes ground elapsed time. We are coming up on a stateside pass here, across Texas, Mila, Bermuda, Vanguard, and on over to Canaries, a total time of about 25 minutes. At this time, the command module pilot should be climbing out of the lower equipment bay and on up into the couch and strapped in for the burn. The burn is scheduled for 22 hours 12 minutes and 03 seconds ground elapsed time, some 08 minutes from now. We will stand by, he is making a call now.
022:04:41 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through Texas. Standing by for your burn.
022:04:45 Scott: Roger.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control some 03 minutes 48 seconds away from ignition time. No conversation going on at the present time. The guidance reported that the gimbal motors on the big engine had come on, according to telemetry. We will continue to monitor the air-to-ground circuit for any conversation between Mission Control and Apollo 9.
022:10:20 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
022:10:22 McDivitt: Houston, go.
022:10:23 Roosa: Roger. We are showing your scale in five, five.
022:10:26 McDivitt: Roger. Understand five, five will shift to five and one when we get ready for FSTROKER.
022:10:31 Roosa: Roger. Thank you.
Long comm break.
Apollo Control here. One minute mark until ignition SPS burn number 2.
022:11:36 McDivitt (onboard): 30 seconds.
022:11:37 Schweickart (onboard): EMS to AUTO.
022:11:38 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. [Garble], OFF.
022:11:39 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, PIPA, [garble] full count.
022:11:45 McDivitt (onboard): Full count.
022:11:46 Schweickart (onboard): Full count.
022:11:51 McDivitt (onboard): Ready, Dave.
022:11:52 Scott (onboard): Ready, Jimmy.
022:11:56 McDivitt (onboard): 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, [garble].
Five seconds.
022:12:05 Scott (onboard): Got a good line.
022:12:06 McDivitt (onboard): Good.
022:12:07 Scott (onboard): Gimbal motors look good.
022:12:09 McDivitt (onboard): Good.
022:12:14 Scott (onboard): [Garble] Pc is good. Okay, camera's back off.
022:12:20 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, 1 minute and 30 seconds remaining in the burn. 2, 1 -
022:12:26 Schweickart (onboard): MARK.
022:12:28 McDivitt (onboard): Looks good, Rusty.
022:12:31 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. PU's looking better now.
022:12:33 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
022:12:35 Scott (onboard): Pc looks good, gimbal motors are steady; we're coming back in on the steering.
022:12:40 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. You've got 20 seconds to go to the [garble]. Okay, Dave ...
022:12:48 Scott (onboard): Okay, we're drifting to the side in a roll [garble].
Apogee is going up. Apparently the burn did go off on time and is still underway. Some 45 seconds into the burn. No conversation from the crew; they are quite busy at this time and will probably read back their residuals at the conclusion of the burn. We will continue to monitor the circuit.
022:12:51 McDivitt (onboard): GO to 51, Dave.
022:12:53 Scott (onboard): Okay, 51.
022:12:54 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
022:12:57 Schweickart (onboard): You have 9 seconds to go.
022:12:59 McDivitt (onboard): You want to put VERB 68 up now?
022:13:01 Scott (onboard): Okay.
022:13:02 McDivitt (onboard): 3, 2, 1 -
022:13:05 McDivitt (onboard): ENTER.
022:13:09 Scott (onboard): Okay, got the gimbals; your rates are less than 0.1.
022:13:13 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
022:13:14 Scott (onboard): Damps? Looks fine.
022:13:17 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Very good.
022:13:18 Scott (onboard): Shoot, no, that is enough.
022:13:19 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
022:13:20 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Camera coming off again.
022:13:21 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
022:13:23 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, 30 seconds to go.
022:13:24 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble]. I can't hear you both.
022:13:26 Schweickart (onboard): Mark, 30 seconds. Okay, the clock looks good.
022:13:30 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] feet per second. How's the DSKY look?
022:13:32 Scott (onboard): Looks good. Looks good.
022:13:34 McDivitt (onboard): 166 feet per second; 18 seconds to go.
022:13:41 Scott (onboard): Okay, looks great.
022:13:42 Schweickart (onboard): 15.
022:13:46 Schweickart (onboard): 10.
022:13:51 Schweickart (onboard): 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -
022:13:56 Schweickart (onboard): MARK.
022:13:57 Scott (onboard): SHUTDOWN. Pc's OFF; GIMBAL MOTORS coming OFF. Rusty?
022:13:59 Schweickart (onboard): DELTA-V's thrusts OFF first, Dave.
022:14:01 Scott (onboard): They're OFF.
022:14:02 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
022:14:03 Scott (onboard): PITCH 1.
022:14:04 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
022:14:05 Scott (onboard): YAW 1.
022:14:06 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
022:14:07 Scott (onboard): PITCH 2.
022:14:08 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
022:14:09 Scott (onboard): YAW 2.
022:14:10 Schweickart (onboard): Go.
022:14:11 Scott (onboard): Okay, we're shut down ...
022:14:13 Schweickart (onboard): TVC SERVO POWER 1 and 2, OFF.
022:14:15 Scott (onboard): TVC SERVO POWER 1, OFF; 2 is OFF.
022:14:17 Schweickart (onboard): ATTITUDE DEADBAND, MAX.
022:14:19 Scott (onboard): MAX.
022:14:20 Schweickart (onboard): RATE, HIGH.
022:14:21 Scott (onboard): HIGH.
022:14:22 Schweickart (onboard): SCS.
022:14:23 Scott (onboard): SCS.
022:14:24 Schweickart (onboard): MAIN BUS TIES coming OFF.
022:14:26 Scott (onboard): A, OFF [garble].
We've had confirmation of the end of the burn. Perigee has remained right where it was supposed to; however, apogee is going on up around 187.6 and from the initial tracking, this will be refined somewhat as we get further tracking across the states. Gimbals motors are off on the big engine. These are the motors that actually swivel it in its mount to move the thrust vector. Now showing an apogee of 189.5. Let's listen in.
022:14:35 Scott: Houston, we have your residuals.
022:14:37 Roosa: Apollo 9, I've got minus 0001, plus 0007, and plus 00003. [Pause]
022:14:48 Scott: Okay. That's pretty good, and the DELTA-V counter was minus 5.0.
022:14:52 Roosa: Say it again. Minus 5.0.
022:14:56 Scott: Minus 5.1.
022:14:58 Roosa: Minus 5.1. [Pause]
022:15:09 Roosa: And it looked pretty smooth, Apollo 9. [Pause]
022:15:17 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. Our first catch shows you 189 by 108. [Long pause]
022:15:37 Roosa: And I copy your onboard noun at 44, Apollo 9.
Comm break.
022:17:21 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through the Vanguard. How do you read?
022:17:26 McDivitt: Loud and clear, Houston. How do you read us?
022:17:28 Roosa: That's about thousand percent improvement over the last pass. Reading you loud and clear. Our earthband track now shows you 192 by 107. Looks like we are about to agree with you.
022:17:39 McDivitt: Roger, How's our PIPA bias?
022:17:45 Roosa: Stand by. [Long pause]
022:18:19 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9.
022:18:21 Roosa: Go, Apollo 9.
022:18:24 McDivitt: Roger. ESTROKER looks pretty smooth. We had a 40 percent [garble], about 30 percent of 1 degree, and the MAX rate in pitch was about a tenth of a degree, and there didn't appear to be any coupling in the yaw. It all damped out probably about 5 seconds after the ESTROKER stopped.
022:18:45 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. Copied. Sounds great.
022:18:53 McDivitt: Okay. Houston, Apollo 9 here. SPS PU sensor light came on during the burn because of the large unbalance we had. However, it immediately jumped back down, and we are presently reading 69.25 percent oxidizer and 69.4 percent fuel, and the unbalance in reading decrease about 30 pounds. [Pause]
022:19:22 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. Copied. Sounds like things are shaping up.
022:19:29 McDivitt: We still don't have an indicated helium pressure, though.
022:19:34 Roosa: Well, maybe if you kick that transducer again, you'll get that back.
022:19:39 McDivitt: If you'll tell us where to kick, we'll try it.
022:19:43 Roosa: Roger. In work. [Pause]
022:19:49 Roosa: And at your convenience I have your gimbal angles for SPS-3 using your SPS-2 REFSMMAT. [Pause]
022:19:58 McDivitt: Roger. Stand by. [Pause]
022:20:04 McDivitt: Okay. Ready to copy.
022:20:05 Roosa: Roger. Reading: roll 024, pitch 001, yaw 353. [Pause]
022:20:21 McDivitt: 024, 001, 3 [garble].
022:20:25 Roosa: Roger. 353 on the yaw, and I'd like to make sure your S-band volume is up. We'll be handing over to Honeysuckle in about 3 minutes - 3 or 4 minutes. I meant Madrid - sorry about that.
Comm break.
022:23:09 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
022:23:10 McDivitt: Go ahead, Houston.
022:23:12 Roosa: Roger. We're showing PIPA bias as minus 0.02 feet-per-second squared. [Pause]
022:23:21 McDivitt: Roger. It looks like we counted up about- almost a foot per second there in that 30 seconds we were waiting for the burn to start.
022:23:31 Roosa: Roger. Copy. And, Apollo 9, Houston. That looks like it's within tolerance, so we accept that. [Pause]
022:23:46 Schweickart: Roger, Houston. And be advised the count in R-3 was positive. Also there prior to the burn, not negative. [Pause]
022:23:58 Roosa: Roger. Copy. [Long pause]
022:24:20 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. FIDO, is real happy with that burn; says it's completely nominal. Looks like he won't even have to retarget for SPS-3. You do good work.
022:24:35 McDivitt: Roger. And I assume you'll give us a GO for the structural demonstration before we get there. Right?
022:24:42 Roosa: That's affirmative.
022:24:44 McDivitt: Okay. [Long pause]
022:25:04 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
022:25:06 Roosa: Go.
022:25:07 Scott: Roger. For you information on the clock, the burn shut off, about 8/10 of a second early.
022:25:16 Roosa: Roger. Copy.
Comm break.
This is Apollo Control still standing by on the tail end of this pass.
022:26:39 Schweickart: Hey, Smokey.
022:26:41 Roosa: Roger. Smokey here.
022:26:44 Schweickart: I'll call you again in a minute.
022:26:47 Roosa: Say again. [Pause]
022:26:56 Schweickart: Hey, Smokey.
022:26:57 Roosa: Go.
022:26:58 Schweickart: Have you ever been attacked by a band of wild elephants?
022:27:02 Roosa: Negative.
022:27:04 Schweickart: You ought to see what it looks like in here with these six big black hoses.
022:27:09 Roosa: (Laughter) Roger. Copy. [Pause]
022:27:16 Schweickart: Did you ever dream about octopuses?
022:27:20 Roosa: Speaking of dreaming, how did the night go?
022:27:25 Schweickart: I guess we did okay for a first cut.
022:27:28 Roosa: Okay. Sounds real good. I'm going to lose you here at Madrid in about 30 seconds, and we'll see you over Carnarvon at 54.
022:27:35 Schweickart: Stu, one thing we were having a problem with was a lot of radio chatter coming up from the ground.
022:27:40 Roosa: Okay. We'll see if we can stop that tonight.
022:27:48 McDivitt: What did you do [garble] pass.
Very long comm break.
Apparently we have had Loss of Signal at the Madrid tracking station. The next station to acquire Apollo 9 will be the Carnarvon, Australia tracking station at 53 minutes past the hour. Apollo 9 has just begun the 15th revolution. Service propulsion system burn number 3 is scheduled to take place at 25 hours 17 minutes 38 seconds. It will be a much longer burn and will exercise the digital autopilot in the full stroking of the big engine. The last 45 seconds of SPS burn number 3 will be under manual thrust vector control by the crew. At 22 hours 29 minutes ground elapsed time, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control, 22 hours, 53 minutes ground elapsed time. We are less than a minute away from acquisition at the Carnarvon, Australia tracking station. The refined tracking after the service propulsion system burn number 2 during the last stateside pass has now come up with numbers of 107.7 nautical mile perigee, by 189.6 nautical mile apogee. This is a more refined number than the earlier cuts that were given by the flight dynamics officer after first tracking. We'll stand by here as we come up on the acquisition here; they are putting in a call now.
022:54:17 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through Carnarvon.
022:54:21 Schweickart: Go ahead, Houston.
022:54:23 Roosa: Roger. You're making it five-square. Standing by.
022:54:27 Schweickart: Okay. We're chlorinating our water.
022:54:31 Roosa: Very good. You are chlorinating your water.
022:54:35 Schweickart: That's a little behind of schedule on that, but that's' what we're doing.
Long comm break.
023:00:46 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. Remind you on your S-'band volume, we'll be going over to Honeysuckle in about 2 minutes.
023:00:55 Scott: Roger.
Long comm break.
023:04:09 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. I've got a question for you when you've got time, at your convenience. [Long pause]
023:04:45 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Do you read? [Long pause]
023:05:47 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. How do you read through Honeysuckle?
023:05:54 Scott: Houston, say again.
023:05:55 Roosa: Roger. I've got a question for you when you get, time.
023:06:00 Scott: Yes. Go ahead.
023:06:01 Roosa: Okay. Just to ease our mind here to make sure we're working on the same procedures, we're curious about loading the DAP. We'd like to verify that you are doing that prior to the P30, P40 program.
023:06:18 Scott: The last time we did it after P30, but prior to P40.
023:06:25 Roosa: Okay. We would like to have you load the DAP prior to both P30, and P40 prior to your P52.
023:06:36 Scott: Okay. We'll do that.
023:06:37 Roosa: Okay. Very good.
023:06:41 Scott: I guess we also have a question on whether you want us to load the PITCH TRIM and YAW TRIM you send us up next time, which looks like it will be somewhat different from what the DAP ended up with on the SPS-2.
023:06:58 Roosa: Okay. Would you say the first part of your question again, Dave?
023:07:04 Scott: Roger. We've looked at the nominal SPS-3 PITCH TRIM and YAW TRIM for the gimbals, and they look somewhat different from what we ended up with after SPS-2. I guess the question is, do you want us to load your numbers or our numbers?
023:07:19 Roosa: Okay. Copy. We'll give you that info, and I have the PAD.
023:07:25 Scott: Okay. Stand by. [Long pause]
023:07:40 Schweickart: Houston, do you have a PAD at this time?
023:07:43 Roosa: That's negative, Apollo 9.
023:07:45 Schweickart: Okay.
Comm break.
023:10:34 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. We're about a minute to LOS at Honeysuckle, and we'll see you over Mercury about 15.
023:10:43 Schweickart: Roger.
Long comm break.
023:11:15 Scott (onboard): I got the feeling [garble].
023:11:37 Scott (onboard): What did you say [garble]?
023:11:54 Scott (onboard): Boy, [garble].
023:12:03 McDivitt (onboard): Are we?
023:12:09 Scott (onboard): [Garble] S-band.
This is Apollo Control at 23 hours, 12 minutes. Apollo 9 is out of range at Honeysuckle Creek. The orange team of flight controllers lead by Pete Frank now in the process of handing over to Gene Kranz and his white team. We're estimating the change of shift news conference for 9:30 CST. This is Mission Control Houston.
023:12:56 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, that thing [garble]?
023:13:58 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble], now what do I do for the suit?
023:14:19 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, Dave, where's [garble]?
023:14:22 Scott (onboard): Huh?
023:14:24 McDivitt (onboard): Where's [garble]?
023:14:29 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
023:15:10 Scott (onboard): Jim, try to remind me I can [garble] will you?
This is Apollo Control at 23 hours, 15 minutes into the mission. The Mercury tracking ship in the south Pacific is acquiring Apollo 9 now.
023:15:55 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through the Mercury. Standing by.
023:16:00 Scott: Roger. Go ahead.
023:16:02 Roosa: Roger. Just checking in. You are coming in five-square. Sounds like the Mercury is working good.
023:16:08 Scott: That's very pleasant surprise.
023:16:11 Roosa: Roger.
023:16:13 Scott: How's the weather in Houston, Smokey?
023:16:15 Roosa: Would you believe that there was ice on the windshield this morning?
023:16:19 Scott: No, I wouldn't.
023:16:20 Roosa: Well, I speak with a straight tongue. [Pause]
023:16:28 Scott: Is the place washed away yet?
023:16:30 Roosa: No, we are keeping all the water out, and everything's pretty good. It's just a little chilly.
023:16:38 Scott: Very good.
023:16:40 McDivitt: I wish we could say the same.
023:16:46 Roosa: What - Does that mean you are running hot, or you're not dry?
023:16:52 Scott: We're a tad damp on occasion.
023:16:57 Roosa: Ah-so. Copy.
023:17:00 Schweickart: There's nothing wrong. Those are human errors.
023:17:07 Roosa: Roger. Smokey understands. [Pause]
023:17:17 Scott: You've never made one; you're just heard about them. Is that right?
023:17:23 Roosa: That's a negative. [Long pause]
023:17:40 Roosa: Sounds like you all are too relaxed today. We'll have to put you to work tomorrow. You better save it up.
023:17:49 Schweickart: This is bad enough today just trying to figure out how we eat and sleep.
Comm break.
023:19:41 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
023:19:44 Roosa: Go, Apollo 9.
023:19:46 Scott: I got some data here on our little interruptions last night. Seems like we were going over some station that was transmitting VHFD from a tower clearing people to land, and it was dayliqht when we went over, and I have got some times. I doubt if it will do any good, but you can have them anyway. [Pause]
023:20:06 Roosa: Okay. Go ahead.
023:20:08 Scott: We picked up some at 10:18, 10 hours and 18 minutes. Again at 11:57; again 16:35; again at 18:12. And the first couple sounded somewhat like Chinese. [Pause]
023:20:31 Roosa: Roger. Understand the first couple was a Navy tower.
023:20:35 Scott: Something like that. I'm not an expert in that particular branch, but it was strange.
023:20:40 McDivitt: I'll give you a clue. They've got a runway that's 112, and they have a taxiway 112. They fly a whole bunch of different kinds of airplanes - Mohawks, and C-47 and 01's.
023:20:54 Scott: And if you really wanted, you could call Green Hornet 35 or Black Hawk 15.
023:21:03 Roosa: Roger, Copy all that. You know I thought you were jesting awhile ago when you said about the transmissions interrupting you.
023:21:12 Scott: Negative. Every hour and a half. We had about a two 6 or 7 minute passes. Chris ought to incorporate these guys in the network. [Pause]
023:21:24 Schweickart: Actually, it was one of the better tower operators I've heard. The guy really had a lot of traffic, and he was doing pretty good. [Long pause]
023:21:56 Roosa: Okay - Okay, Apollo 9. This is Houston. We'll do a little work on this to see what's going on. Yes, I didn't realize you had this, and it is on the DSE. We'll take a look at it.
023:22:12 McDivitt: Okay. Good. [Long pause]
023:22:25 Roosa: I guess it's all right just as long as you don't have to get clearance through the - through that tower. And I am going to lose you in Mercury in about a minute and we'll see you over Guaymas around 34.
023:22:37 McDivitt: Okay.
Comm break.
023:22:57 McDivitt (onboard): Look's good.
023:23:00 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
023:23:03 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
023:23:08 Schweickart (onboard): Ahh! My side.
023:23:18 Scott (onboard): [Garble] you didn't hurt yourself!
023:23:20 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] got the front of my side [garble] Huh!
This is Apollo Control at 23 hours 23 minutes into the mission. Mercury has LOS of signal now. Very chatty pass. This time crew reporting at least four occasions where they have heard VHF communications from control tower at an airfield. Dave Scott complimenting the tower operator for his ability to handle heavy traffic. The network controller is now attempting to run a check and see where this traffic may have come from. They identified 4 times - elapsed times 10 hours 18 minutes, 11 hours 57 minutes, 16 hours 35 minutes, 18 hours 12 minutes. Smokey to whom you have heard reference to several times is Astronaut Stu Roosa. Back in his college days he spent several summers as a smoke jumper with the U.S, Forest Service - parachuting in to fight forest fires. At 23 hours 24 minutes - this is Mission Control Houston.
023:26:10 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] last night, I [garble] my stars because I thought [garble].
023:26:15 Schweickart (onboard): Jim, [garble] look up the stars on my star [garble] sleep on my side last night. [Long
023:26:29 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
023:26:30 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] I kept [garble] I kind of thought I'd been sleeping on my back last night and I wanted to get over on my side.
023:26:35 Scott (onboard): But for some reason there, I've been keeping my head up like this [garble] it's so stiff [garble] (laughter).
023:26:52 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, I like my [garble].
023:26:54 Scott (onboard): Do you?
023:26:55 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
023:28:04 McDivitt (onboard): You know, it doesn't look like we're 150 miles up, does it?
023:28:09 Schweickart (onboard): What does it look like?
023:28:10 McDivitt (onboard): I don't know, but it sure doesn't look like it to me.
023:28:12 Scott (onboard): Well [garble] awfully hard [garble].
023:28:14 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] - looking at the clouds and all [garble].
023:28:22 Schweickart (onboard): How many times have you [garble] from 150 miles?
023:28:31 Scott (onboard): [Garble] going like a bat out of hell [garble] on a piece of tape with a grease pencil.
023:28:42 Scott (onboard): Yes, good idea.
023:29:39 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, could you put this up there on the [garble] someplace? I've got a little one sticking in there already.
023:30:00 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, [garble] let's start cleaning up with [garble].
023:30:13 Scott (onboard): [Garble], Jim.
023:30:16 McDivitt (onboard): I know it; I've got to [garble].
023:30:23 McDivitt (onboard): Russ, [garble].
023:30:38 McDivitt (onboard): Let me know [garble].
023:30:49 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, look there at that [garble]. Whoo!
023:31:01 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] I wonder why it's [garble].
023:31:21 Scott (onboard): Hey, [garble] didn't we take a couple of Hasselblad pictures of the S-IVB?
023:31:24 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. I took a bunch of them, as a matter of fact
023:32:07 McDivitt (onboard): How's that for [garble].
023:32:25 Scott (onboard): Hey, Russ.
023:32:26 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
023:32:36 Scott (onboard): I'm going back to [garble].
023:32:39 McDivitt (onboard): Say, by the way, how does that look?
023:32:41 Scott (onboard): It's down in the A-5, I think [garble].
023:32:45 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes, [garble].
023:32:47 Scott (onboard): Yes. Hold on.
023:33:19 Scott (onboard): Would you load the cameras before the next checklist [garble]?
023:33:39 Scott (onboard): [Garble] I think it's [garble] star chart [garble] and leave it off.
023:33:53 Schweickart (onboard): What the hell have you done with all the power in the fuel cells [garble]? Let's budget that; we need it Jim, switch your cryos down.
023:34:28 McDivitt (onboard): You ready, gentlemen?
023:34:29 Scott (onboard): Ready. Let me get my [garble]. down.
023:34:36 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, count them off, because that's number 50 that you refer to there.
023:35:14 Roosa: Roger. I haven't heard anything. [Pause]
023:35:23 Schweickart: Okay. Stand by. Houston, how do you read Apollo 9?
023:35:27 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. Reading you loud and clear. [Pause]
023:35:37 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. I read you loud and clear.
023:35:41 Schweickart: [Garble] you copy fast. [Pause]
023:35:51 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9.
023:35:53 Roosa: Apollo 9, I'm reading you loud and clear. How me?
023:35:56 Schweickart: Same. Ready to copy.
023:35:58 Roosa: Roger. You'll have to stand by here; don't have yet. Let me give you an estimate of when it's going to come out of the trench.
023:36:05 Schweickart: Okay. [Long pause]
023:36:35 Roosa: Okay. Apollo 9, Houston. We've got the PAD all ready with the exception of the star data, and we ought to have it for you in another 4 or 5 minutes. We've got you now on a nice long stateside pass here.
Long comm break.
023:37:10 McDivitt (onboard): I thought he said he [garble].
023:37:11 Scott (onboard): I thought he did, too.
023:37:35 Schweickart (onboard): I guess you better [garble]. Okay, and you better hit it after 1 minute.
023:37:40 Scott (onboard): Okay, 1 minute; VERB 68 [garble]. What's the total burn time?
023:37:48 Schweickart (onboard): 1 minute 51.2 seconds. [garble] 51.2 seconds.
023:37:50 Scott (onboard): That ought to hold it.
023:43:20 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
023:43:23 Scott: Go ahead, Houston.
023:43:24 Roosa: Roger. We would like to give you a state vector and a target load, if you rill go P00 in ACCEPT.
023:43:30 Scott: Roger. It's yours.
023:43:33 Roosa: Understand it is ours.
023:43:34 Scott: That's affirmative.
Comm break.
023:44:35 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. I have your SPS-3 PAD. [Pause]
023:44:41 Scott: Roger, Houston. Ready to copy.
023:44:44 Roosa: Roger. Reading SPS-3: 025 17 38 00, plus 00 151, minus 25 707, minus 00 00 2 25 707 25 640 4 419 51 207, plus 118, minus 017 21 12 010 21 600, minus 21 45, plus 16 867 16 10. End of update. [Pause]
023:46:23 Scott: Okay. You ready for the readback?
023:46:26 Roosa: Go.
023:46:27 Schweickart: Roger. 05 17 38 00, plus 00 151, minus 5 707, minus 00 25 707 5 60 4419 51 207, plus 118, minus 017 21 120 10 21600, minus 2145, plus 16867 1610.
023:47:10 Roosa: Roger. I think you got it all there, Rusty, but I want to confirm a couple of them. Seemed like you were cutting out on the twos on the time. It's 025 DELTA-VY is a minus 25707, and DELTA-VZ minus 00 002, and DELTA-VC 25 640.
023:47:41 Schweickart: Roger. We've got that.
023:47:43 Roosa: Okay. Second. [Pause]
023:47:50 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, the computer is yours. You have your target load and the state vector in both slots.
023:47:57 Schweickart: Roger. Did you happen to notice the PITCH and YAW TRIM that we have in the DAP at this time, after the last burn?
023:48:03 Roosa: Roger. It looked like we were running pretty close. [Long pause]
023:48:40 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
023:48:42 Scott: Go ahead. [Pause]
023:48:51 Roosa: Roger. Just for your info, we did take your values and use them. That's why they checked so well.
023:48:52 Scott: Okay.
023:48:53 Roosa: We're shaping up.
023:48:56 Scott: DAP wins again. [Long pause]
023:49:38 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
023:49:42 McDivitt: Go ahead, Houston.
023:49:44 Roosa: Roger. The data from the SPS-2 burn, on the ESTROKER looks real nominal with rigid body results. Max rate and pitch was about 2 seconds after initiation and peaked out about a minus 0.15. The yaw was reel low, and everything was essentially nominal, and you are GO for a full amplitude on SPS-3.
023:50:17 McDivitt: Okay. And we'll give you a full structural demonstration.
023:50:21 Roosa: Roger. Copy.
023:50:23 McDivitt: It's sort of interesting. The RCS quads, when they fire, even in the middle of impulse, and particularly when we are moving around in ADAPT, you can feel the whole thing shake and vibrate. It really feels just like a [garble]. When the SPS burns, it's pretty solid.
023:50:42 Roosa: Roger. Copying. [Long pause]
This is Apollo Control at 23 hours 50 minutes, Apollo 9 out over the Atlantic now in it's 16th revolution. It's been a fairly quite pass over the United States. We did pass up the maneuver pad for the third SPS burn. We have the tape of this pass starting with the Guaymus station, we'll play that for you now.
023:51:09 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9.
023:51:10 Roosa: Go, Apollo 9.
023:51:15 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston here. Go ahead. [Long pause]
023:52:07 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. I didn't copy your last transmission. If you will just hang loose for just a couple of minutes we will be over the Canaries, and I'll be able to read you then.
023:52:18 McDivitt: Roger.
Comm break.
023:54:45 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Canaries. How do you read? [Pause]
023:54:58 McDivitt: Read you five-by.
023:55:00 Roosa: Roger. Apollo 9, you have a Go for 33 dash 1.
023:55:04 McDivitt: Roger. Understand Go for 33 dash 1.
023:55:08 Roosa: And I'm reading you five-square, and I missed your last transmission when we were mixed up on the Vanguard there.
023:55:16 Scott: Roger. I was just commenting that the machinery here is very interesting because with the RCS quads, you can feel the whole structure bend and vibrate, just one or two propulsions; yet with the SPS, it seems pretty solid. You can hardly feel any bending at all.
023:55:34 Roosa: Roger. Copy. Thank you.
023:55:36 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9.
023:55:38 Roosa: Go, Apollo 9.
023:55:40 McDivitt: What the time for this burn? We have 25:17:38:20 in our computer, and I just have 25:17:38 here. [Pause]
023:55:56 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. Go with the time in the computer.
023:56:02 McDivitt: Okay.
Comm break.
023:58:07 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
023:58:08 Schweickart: Go ahead, Houston.
023:58:09 Roosa: Roger. We would like to have you confirm this onboard. It appears here that the evaporator appears to be drying out. If this is true, we would recommend just shutting it down, not to recervice it at this time. [Pause]
023:58:22 Schweickart: Okay. We can confirm that onboard, and I'll go ahead and shut it down.
023:58:28 Roosa: Roger. Understand.
Comm break.
024:00:22 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
024:00:25 Schweickart: Go ahead.
024:00:26 Roosa: We're about a minute and a half LOS Canaries, and Tananarive is down this pass. We'll see you over Carnarvon at 30.
024:00:36 Schweickart: Roger. Carnarvon at 30. [Long pause]
024:00:55 Schweickart: Houston, do you still read Apollo 9? If you do, we would like to advise you that we did get the secondary water flow control OFF yesterday.
024:01:05 Roosa: Roger. Copy that. And I should be able to copy you for about another 45 seconds or so.
024:01:12 Schweickart: Okay.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 24 hours 2 minutes into the mission. We have had loss of signal at the Canary Islands station. During this pass we passed up information for the third service propulsion system burn. That will come at 25 hours 17 minutes 38 seconds, delta V 2,570.7 feet per second, duration of this burn 4 minutes 41.9 seconds. The biggest component of this delta V will be out of plane. We are expecting a resulting orbit from the third burn in the neighborhood of 270 by 109 nautical miles. We are now at about 189 by 108. The Tananarive station is down as far as the voice is concerned and we will not be in contact at Tananarive during this revolution, the 16th revolution. The next station to acquire will be Carnarvon at 24 hours 29 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston at 24 hours 4 minutes.
This is Apollo Control at 24 hours, 25 minutes into the mission. Apollo 9 is in the nightside of the 16th revolution, out over the Indian Ocean, east of Tananarive. Tananarive Station is down; we had no communications during this pass. Command Module pilot Dave Scott should be down in the lower equipment bay at this time at the optics station and the crew should be realigning the inertial measurement unit. We are about 4 minutes away from acquisition at Carnarvon; we'll come back up then. This is Mission Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 24 hours, 29 minutes. We should be acquiring Carnarvon very shortly. This pass will continue right on through the tracking ship Huntsville just about a 10 second break between the Honeysuckle Station and the Huntsville; we will carry it through live through the Huntsville.
024:28:30 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Carnarvon. Standing by.
024:28:34 Scott: Roger.
Comm break.
024:30:12 McDivitt: Houston, are you ready for torquing angle?
024:30:15 Roosa: Go ahead.
024:30:18 McDivitt: Roger. Plus 232, minus 473, minus 841. 24:28:00.
Comm break.
024:31:48 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. We copy that. The time 24:28:00.
024:31:56 McDivitt: Roger.
Long comm break.
024:36:28 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. Like to have you bring up your S-band volume. We'll be going over the Honeysuckle in about a minute and a half.
024:36:37 Schweickart: Roger. S-band is up.
Comm break.
024:38:40 Roosa: Copy.
Comm break.
024:41:35 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
024:41:37 Schweickart: Go ahead, Houston.
024:41:38 Roosa: Roger. You are GO for SPS8-3.
024:41:41 Schweickart: Roger. Understand. GO for SPS-3.
Long comm break.
024:45:45 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. We are going to lose you here at Honeysuckle in about 30 seconds. The COMM through the Huntsville is reported to be a little bad here. If we don't make contact there, we'll see you at the Redstone at 02.
Comm break.
This is Apollo Control, 24 hours, 46 minutes and we have had LOS at Honeysuckle. The Huntsville due to acquire within a few seconds; we'll stand by and see what the quality of the communications is there.
024:47:14 Communications Technician: Huntsville. Valid two-way.
024:47:17 Roosa: Say again, Apollo 9. [Long pause]
024:47:58 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. We'll have you through the Huntsville here for about 5 minutes. If the noise gets to blasting you, try to let us know. We'll just turn it off.
024:48:14 McDivitt: Roger, Houston. How do you read?
024:48:17 Roosa: You're down in the mud a little bit; I can copy.
Long comm break.
024:51:40 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. Coming off the Huntsville in about 1 minute. We'll see you over Redstone about 02.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control, 24 hours, 50 minutes and it seems very unlikely we are going to have good communications here at the Huntsville and we will not assault your ears with that noise any more. If there is communication, we will come back up and play it for you. We are at 27 minutes and about 10 seconds away from this third SPS burn, which will occur right at the end of the 16th revolution. We'll still be in contact with the Texas station with overlapping coverage from Mila. The biggest component of this very long burn, 4 minutes 42 seconds, almost, 4.41.9 and 2,570.7 feet per second, out of plane. Designed for two primary purposes. One, to lower the weight of the command and service module so that when we reach the rendezvous stage, the command module will be in a better posture to use its reaction control system in the event that a rescue maneuver is required. It doesn't need as much thrusting propellant to shove around a lighter spacecraft. Also designed to move the node of the orbit, that's the point at which the ground track of the orbit crosses the equator. We are driving this node about 10-1/2 degrees east, with this one burn. We launched deliberately on a pitched azimuth of 72 degrees which put the node about 22 degrees west of where we want it to be during the rendezvous and this series of out of plane burns, the docked SPS, and the docked descent propulsion system burn, which comes later in the mission, primarily out of plane to move this node to the east for proper ground track over the tracking stations and also for lighting, to get the proper lighting at the terminal phase and breaking and docking of the two spacecraft. There has been no further communication at Huntsville, we have LOS now. The next station to acquire will be the Redstone, at 25 hours 3 minutes. We are now at 24 hours 53 minutes, this is Mission Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control ac 25 hours 3 minutes. We are coming up on the Redstone and then we'll go right into the states pass. And we are about 14 and one half minutes away from the burn.
025:03:50 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston through the Redstone. Standing by for your burn.
025:03:55 McDivitt: Roger.
Very long comm break.
Apollo Control. We may not have much conversation. Crew getting busy for this burn. We'll do another stroker test on this third SPS burn. The computer wagging the engine bell on the service module. It's checking the digital auto pilot and seeing how quick the auto pilot can steer out the little inaccuracies put in. In some ways it's like checking the play in your steering wheel of your automobile. During the last 45 seconds of this burn the crew will take over manually. Called manual thrust vector - the last 45 seconds.
Apollo Control. We are now 7 minutes away from this third SPS burn.
Apollo Control. We expect the resulting orbit following this burn to be in the neighborhood of 270 by 109 nautical miles. We are now at 190 by 107.
Flight Director Gene Kranz has just taken a status report. All of his controllers report they are GO for this burn.
This is Apollo Control. We are two minutes away from the burn now.
Mark one minute.
Fifteen seconds.
025:17:07 Schweickart (onboard): See if you don't - see if you don't feel two bumps on the start. Okay?
025:17:10 McDivitt (onboard): EMS MODE to AUTO.
025:17:11 Scott (onboard): EMS to AUTO.
025:17:18 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, go for the proceed. Okay? 20 seconds.
025:17:21 Schweickart (onboard): That damn ullage is still counting - I mean, that PIPA.
025:17:31 McDivitt (onboard): 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, flashing; PROCEED.
025:17:41 Scott (onboard): Good start. Pc looks good; gimbal motors look beautiful.
025:17:44 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] EPS [garble] is no sweat.
We have ignition. G&C reports it looks very stable.
025:17:45 Scott (onboard): SPS.
025:17:48 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
025:17:53 Scott (onboard): Stable.
025:17:59 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, the camera's off.
025:18:01 McDivitt (onboard): CRYO PRESS [garble].
025:18:02 Scott (onboard): Ruse, put on the CRYO PRESS. We need a little li - you know?
025:18:09 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. It's like the simulator.
025:18:11 Scott (onboard): You're drifting over to the roll a bit, Jim.
025:18:14 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Okay, got about 20 seconds to go to RESTART. Okay, you can come up with your 5/1's scale.
025:18:24 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Come up 5/1's.
025:18:27 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, call out VERB 68.
025:18:28 Scott (onboard): VERB 68.
Still nice and stable.
025:18:30 McDivitt (onboard): We've got 10 seconds to go. 5. 5 now ...
025:18:35 Scott (onboard): Camera on.
025:18:37 McDivitt (onboard): ... 3, 2, 1 -
025:18:40 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
025:18:41 Scott (onboard): 0.2, 0.0, zero. Holding zero.
025:18:45 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
025:18:46 Scott (onboard): Now it's oscillating zero to point - minus 0.2; crossing in yaw at 0.2, and it's damped out - almost like the ME, but not quite ...
025:18:55 McDivitt (onboard): Not quite as violent.
025:18:56 Scott (onboard): ... violent.
025:18:57 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Okay, now to get it back under control, you want to go back to 5/5.
025:19:00 Scott (onboard): Completely damped?
025:19:02 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
025:19:03 Scott (onboard): Okay, camera coming off.
025:19:04 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
025:19:05 Scott (onboard): Okay, I'm waiting for crossover. Is that yet?
025:19:08 McDivitt (onboard): Should be in 80 seconds. Should be about [garble].
025:19:16 Scott (onboard): CRYO PRESS and PU sensor. No sweat. Okay?
025:19:52 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] Okay? I'll call them out [garble].
025:19:56 Schweickart (onboard): I'm going to leave this off here so the rest of you can [garble].
Engine looks good, the rates are low, and very stable burn. Apogee going up slowly as most of this burn is out of plane, approaching 200-mile apogee. Still looking good at the 2-minute 30-second mark into this third SPS burn.
025:20:24 Scott (onboard): DELTA-V counter's [garble].
025:20:37 McDivitt (onboard): Got a minute and 45 now. Everything is still looking good, Dave.
Engine and vehicle both still stable. Apogee is up to 225 nautical miles now.
025:20:45 Scott (onboard): Okay.
025:20:47 Scott (onboard): I think I'll go back to normal on the PU, here.
025:20:49 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, fine. A minute and a half to go.
025:20:54 Scott (onboard): Hey, that thing's a pain in the ass.
025:21:00 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, DELTA-V counter and the PGNCS look pretty good.
025:21:04 Scott (onboard): Okay.
025:21:06 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, you have a minute and 15.
025:21:07 Scott (onboard): Okay.
025:21:08 McDivitt (onboard): 30 seconds until you start [garble]. I'll count you down to it.
025:21:10 Scott (onboard): Okay,we're 5/5, okay?
025:21:13 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, we're 5/5. Everything looks good over here.
025:21:14 Scott (onboard): Alright.
025:21:16 McDivitt (onboard): You're going to have about 0.6 on this trim, and we're going to have you pitching at about - at least a half in yaw.
025:21:20 Scott (onboard): Okay.
Looking for cut-off at 25 hours 22 minutes 20 seconds. We are 21 minutes 28 seconds now.
025:21:24 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, 55 seconds; so we have 5 seconds to go.
025:21:32 Scott (onboard): Okay.
025:21:33 McDivitt (onboard): 3, 2, 1 -
025:21:35 McDivitt (onboard): Switch, OPEN.
025:21:38 McDivitt (onboard): That a boy! Things looking good. At about 35 seconds to go now [garble]. At 30 seconds to go on the PGNCS at 250 feet per second to go on EMS.
025:22:00 Scott (onboard): Okay. At 20 seconds to go -
025:22:03 Scott (onboard): MARK.
025:22:04 Scott (onboard): We're within time.
025:22:05 McDivitt (onboard): That's good. 150 feet per second to go; that's about 15 seconds. 100, now. 90, 80, 60, 40, 20; we have shutdown now.
Crew flying it manually now and it looks good. Cut-off.
025:22:21 Scott (onboard): Okay, DELTA-V THRUST, OFF.
025:22:23 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
Initial look at the onboard computer looks like we are right in there close.
025:22:24 Scott (onboard): Okay, GIMBAL MOTORS, Rusty?
025:22:26 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
025:22:27 Scott (onboard): PITCH 1.
025:22:28 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, verify ...
025:22:56 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
025:22:57 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. I copy the residuals at plus 26, minus 21, and minus 25.
025:23:04 Scott: Roger. That's pretty close, and we have minus 6.6 on the DELTA-V counter. And the burn was nominal, stroker was mild.
025:23:14 Roosa: Roger. Copy minus 6.6 on the DELTA-V, and we were monitoring here - It looked real smooth, and everything looked great. [Long pause]
025:23:56 McDivitt: Here's our orbit, Houston: 270.5 by 109.6.
025:24:01 Roosa: Roger. Copy that, and it - The burn looks real good here. We will have you the onboard reading, but it's going to be real nominal. And we will have the ground orbit for you shortly. [Pause]
025:24:20 Roosa: Dave, did you have to do much flying on that MTVC? [Pause]
025:24:25 Scott: Roger. We had a pretty good transient in roll, but when I switched over I believe because the BMAGS were caging zero, and we were sitting in the edge, the DAP did bend about 5 degrees over. We were [garble] by the time we got to the switchover, our GIMBAL TRIM was almost two, and we trimmed a little over one in pitch, which gave a little transient at pitch. And we had about a half a degree in trim and yaw which gave a little transient in yaw, but pretty easy to damp out all of A and move just about like the simulator.
025:24:57 Roosa: Roger. Thank you.
025:25:00 Schweickart: And, Houston, we've got a couple off other system things we're going to have to tell you about here before you go over the hill.
025:25:04 Roosa: Roger. Go ahead. We have got several minutes.
025:25:08 Schweickart: Okay. We would like you to take a look at fuel cell 3. At the present time, the fuel cell 3 O2 flow is high. I'm reading 0.78 in it, and the H2 flew at the same time is 0.072, so we may have a leaky fuel cell 2 purge valve or something. [Pause]
025:25:31 Roosa: Roger. Copy.
025:25:34 Scott: Kind of rambles all over during a burn, and we are presently 500 pounds on the increase side. The light must have come on at least 6 or 7 times. I went to AUXILIARY on it, and the light came on and off there also. I switched back to NORMAL, and we are presently reading 23.1 and 21.1. AUX and fuel, respectively.
025:26:02 Roosa: Roger. Copy that. And 23.1 and 21.1.
Comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We are in a keyhole between the Vanguard and the Canaries now. We'll continue to standby live. Flight Dynamics Officer wants to look at tracking for a while before he comes up with refined orbital numbers, but it looks like we are going to be very, very close to nominal - what we were expecting after this burn.
025:27:12 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. I have your gimbal angles for SPS-4 using this REFSMMAT. [Pause]
025:27:20 Scott: Go ahead.
025:27:25 Roosa: Roger. Roll 017, Pitch 001, yaw 355.
025:27:37 Scott: Roger. 017, 001, 355.
025:27:42 Roosa: That's affirmative, Apollo 9.
Long comm break.
The ECOMM has been taking a look at this fuel cell number 302 flow-high. He reports its running about 2 tenths of a pound per hour above normal. He says he will continue to watch, but he is not really concerned with it at this time - at that low-rate.
And we have the heartrate highs during that long SPS burn. McDivitt - 115, Scott - 108, Rusty Schweickart - 70 - seven zero.
This is Mission Control. We still have about 2 minutes left at the Canaries. We'll continue to standby.
025:36:02 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. We are about a minute from LOS on Canaries, and we'll see you over Tananarive about 48.
025:36:09 Schweickart: Okay. Houston, Apollo 9 here.
025:36:16 Scott: What's our average, Houston?
025:36:20 Roosa: Roger. Stand by. We haven't got that out of FIDO yet.
025:36:26 Scott: Okay. And also, Houston, you might have some words to say after you look at the data there on the SPSP sensor. Both normal and AUX have a pretty nigh increase. I'd like to know if you want to go DECREASE on the next burn.
025:36:40 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. We are going to have some work on the PUGS for the SPS-4. [Pause]
025:36:48 Scott: Okay. [Long pause]
025:36:49 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, like disable it.
025:36:50 Scott (onboard): Yes (laughter).
025:36:51 Schweickart (onboard): There goes another one of my straps.
025:36:58 McDivitt (onboard): Check that CB switch over there?
025:37:02 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, sir. You want SPS 4?
025:37:04 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
025:37:17 Schweickart (onboard): Malfunction, EPS.
025:37:18 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. We're losing you here. We'll see you over Tananarive with a preliminary orbit - I hope.
025:37:25 Schweickart: Roger.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control - 25 hours, 37 minutes into the mission. Canaries has loss of signal now. FIDO, the Flight Dynamics Officer, expects to have a good look at the orbit by the time Apollo 9 gets to Tannanarive, and we'll pass up the numbers at that time. This long third SPS burn went essentially as planned, according to all preliminary indications. We will acquire Tannanarive at 47 minutes 44 seconds. We are now at 25 hours, 38 minutes, 23 seconds. This is Mission Control Houston.
025:37:34 Schweickart (onboard): You know, I find myself lifting my head.
025:37:38 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, me too. I guess that's why I have a stiff neck. I must have slept like that last night.
025:37:41 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I - I - I'm - I'm generating. Oh, we have a little piece of metal sitting right outside the window, here.
025:37:49 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, really?
025:37:50 Schweickart (onboard): It's turning over slowly, slowly, slowly.
025:37:53 McDivitt (onboard): Take a picture of it.
025:37:57 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, it's not worth taking now.
025:37:59 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, but you know, it might be an interesting little sidelight.
025:38:03 Schweickart (onboard): Alright (laughter). I don't want to use very much film on it.
025:38:07 McDivitt (onboard): No, no, [garble].
025:38:08 Schweickart (onboard): I can give it to Bill Peterson and say, "See what fell off when he did the stroking [garble]". Let me put it down to six frames or so.
025:38:29 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. [Pause]
025:38:35 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, what's this film magazine doing here? We could use ...
025:38:38 Scott (onboard): That's the one that I was [garble]. I just didn't have time to put it away ...
025:38:42 McDivitt (onboard): Put it away.
025:38:43 Scott (onboard): ... [Garble] easy to follow.
025:38:46 McDivitt (onboard): Sure is.
025:38:47 Scott (onboard): Should be marked, too; I wrote on it. I think I did.
025:38:49 McDivitt (onboard): C and D; f:11 and 2/50ths here?
025:38:53 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I'll log that in the film log as piece of platinum.
025:38:57 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
025:38:59 Schweickart (onboard): Why don't you set that on 24 again, Mr. Scott?
025:39:03 Scott (onboard): I guess it doesn't make any difference what that's set on, I guess.
025:39:07 McDivitt (onboard): Why don't you look and see where magazine H is supposed to go?
025:39:09 Scott (onboard): Okay, on - on G -
025:39:16 Schweickart (onboard): I'll take that, Dave.
025:39:19 Scott (onboard): G, H.
025:39:20 McDivitt (onboard): It's in that - it's in the book right in front of you, Dave, if you want to check it.
025:39:28 Scott (onboard): H, G; no, D-3, Jim. The very first one. The first one we used. The only place for D-3 to put it is on the camera. There's no - I don't think there's a hole for it in D-3.
025:39:45 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes.
025:39:46 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I is going to circ - cycle the purge valve.
025:39:52 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, [garble]; put it in B-8?
025:40:02 Schweickart (onboard): The purge valve didn't seem to help. Stand by for the alarm; I'm going to try that again.
025:40:20 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, you know it purges too much, too.
025:40:23 Scott (onboard): Really?
025:40:24 Schweickart (onboard): Think so. It's only supposed to increase 0.6 on the O2, right?
025:40:28 Scott (onboard): Right. Whatever kind of panel there.
025:40:31 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it goes a lot higher than that?
025:40:33 McDivitt (onboard): Oh. You mean it increases more than 0.6?
025:40:35 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Let me just check out the [garble] and see what happens.
025:40:43 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it sure does.
025:40:47 McDivitt (onboard): Maybe your sensor is screwed up.
025:40:52 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, it's reading 0.6 right now. No, it's reading 0.7. And 0.6 would be 1.3 - goes off scale high. That's interesting.
025:41:08 McDivitt (onboard): Goddamnest thing [garble]; there's no place to put the film magazine here either.
025:41:13 Scott (onboard): I took one out of there the other day, Jim. There ought to be an empty hole.
025:41:16 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, but I put "I" in it.
025:41:18 Scott (onboard): Oh.
025:41:19 McDivitt (onboard): Where is that?
025:41:20 Scott (onboard): The one we have in there - where'd you get it, I wonder? Why don't you just put it in the F-1 until we - pull another one out? Where did U go? Where did the [garble] U go?
025:41:32 Schweickart (onboard): Boing, boing.
025:41:34 Scott (onboard): Put it in A-7. Yes, A-7 has got a spot, Jim.
025:41:40 Schweickart (onboard): Boing.
025:41:54 Schweickart (onboard): Mind if I write in your malfunction book here, David?
025:41:56 Scott (onboard): Heck, no. That's what it's for.
025:42:43 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. We seem to be okay on the ammeter - right with the other ones, and the condenser exhaust, and all that stuff is looking good.
025:43:57 Schweickart (onboard): Did you report that last set of torquing angles to them?
025:44:00 Scott (onboard): No, I sure didn't, Rusty.
025:44:02 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I guess we ought to do that.
025:44:03 Scott (onboard): Good.
025:44:32 Schweickart (onboard): Slowly, all of my gages are [garble]. Boing.
025:44:38 McDivitt (onboard): Really?
025:44:41 Schweickart (onboard): Well, of these [garble] such as fuel cells, [garble], flow have gone out.
025:44:47 McDivitt (onboard): SPS helium pressure, cryo pressure.
025:44:50 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter)
025:44:57 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, boy. Say, how are our rates? We might want to ...
025:45:08 Scott (onboard): Right now?
025:45:09 Schweickart (onboard): ... Yes, we might want to damp them, because roll, pitch, and yaw were right about, you know, zero.
025:45:14 Scott (onboard): Oh, I know, but we're - we're way off. And there's no telling where we'll be.
025:45:20 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
025:45:21 Scott (onboard): You know, if we're 90 degrees away, now, We're liable to go all the way back around.
025:45:41 Schweickart (onboard): I think it's the suit that bends me backwards that makes my back hurt.
025:46:20 Scott (onboard): Rusty, give me a flight plan [garble] the update.
025:46:26 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Oh, it's getting toward sunset [garble] 2000 [garble].
025:46:56 Schweickart (onboard): (Singing) One of these books is the flight plan. (Singing)
025:47:14 Schweickart (onboard): What magazine is that, Dave, that's in there?
025:47:18 Scott (onboard): That's U.
025:47:20 Schweickart (onboard): U?
025:47:21 Scott (onboard): U.
025:47:22 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, I just put H down in A-7.
This is Apollo Control at 25 hours, 47 minutes. Apollo 9 coming up on Tananarive now; we'll stand by.
025:47:26 Schweickart (onboard): Where - where did you get it?
025:47:28 McDivitt (onboard): Out of F-1 [garble].
025:47:56 McDivitt (onboard): Well, this whole pass, we do nothing again. Don't we have IMU align the next time? [Garble] up again? [Garble].
025:48:48 McDivitt (onboard): As soon as we do that, we can get ready to go to bed. m [Long pause]
025:49:00 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Tananarive.
025:49:04 Scott (onboard): I got them there.
025:49:05 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
025:49:06 Scott (onboard): Roger, Houston; Apollo 9. How do you read?
025:49:07 Unidentifiable crewmember: [Garble]. [Long pause]
025:49:12 Schweickart (onboard): They're not going to read us.
025:49:15 Scott (onboard): Houston, Apollo 9. How do you read?
025:49:19 Schweickart (onboard): Try the other antenna.
025:49:21 Roosa: Okay. Apollo 9, Houston. I think you are trying to answer me, but you are unreadable. Our orbit is showing you in a 271.8 by 109.5. [Long pause]
025:49:37 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I got that.
025:49:40 Scott: Roger. How do you read [garble].
025:49:41 Scott (onboard): ...on the other antenna here?
025:49:45 Roosa: You are essentially unreadable, Apollo 9; I can detect you are transmitting.
025:49:52 Unidentifiable crewmember: [Garble].
Long comm break.
025:49:56 Scott (onboard): Get that, Jimmy?
025:49:57 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
025:50:00 Schweickart (onboard): That's about nominal, isn't it?
025:50:02 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Sure is.
025:51:10 Schweickart (onboard): What's the setting up there? Something like f:11 on the 1/250th, right?
025:51:14 Scott (onboard): Yes.
025:51:17 Schweickart (onboard): What's the focus? 5 feet, right?
025:51:24 Scott (onboard): Right.
025:51:25 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
025:52:20 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, boy. Tomorrow is going to be a long one.
025:52:23 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, you're right.
025:52:25 McDivitt (onboard): We get up at 39:30. At 54:30, we do SPS number 5. Whew! And at 57, we go to sleep.
025:52:44 Scott (onboard): Oh, you're kidding. That's a long day. How about that? We got frost on the inside of the window.
025:52:52 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. On this side of it?
025:52:56 Scott (onboard): Yes, it's right in here with us.
025:52:59 Schweickart (onboard): Condensation.
025:53:02 McDivitt (onboard): After all, it's cold out there.
025:54:55 Schweickart (onboard): Ohh, look at that star out in front of us. Hey, what the hell is that? A shooting star? Oh, God damn!
025:55:04 McDivitt (onboard): What?
025:55:05 Schweickart (onboard): That freaking quad. That fakes me out every time.
025:55:10 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
025:55:12 Schweickart (onboard): The edge of the quad ...
025:55:13 Scott (onboard): Hey, Rusty, there's a - there's a quad out there ...
025:55:14 Schweickart (onboard): Why don't you shut up?
025:55:15 McDivitt (onboard): Would you look at it every once in a while to see if it's still there?
025:55:19 Schweickart (onboard): Can you see it, Dave?
025:55:22 Scott (onboard): The quad? Yes.
025:55:23 Schweickart (onboard): The edge of that thruster's being lit up. Looks like a streak, with a dash mark through it. Really, it looks like a persistent tail.
025:55:36 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, you know, you have - we have to be up and into the LM in 2-1/2 hours.
025:55:41 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, oh boy.
025:55:44 Scott (onboard): That's going to be sporty.
025:55:46 McDivitt (onboard): That's right; that's up, suit, crap, pee, eat, clear the tunnel.
025:56:03 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, by the way, talking about tunnel, how's the LM DELTA-P doing?
025:56:08 McDivitt (onboard): Well, let me look up there and see. Says zero.
025:56:13 Scott (onboard): [Garble] probably still same ones [garble].
025:56:17 Schweickart (onboard): It's in LM PRESS.
025:56:19 Scott (onboard): Oh, it is LM PRESS?
025:56:20 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
025:56:21 McDivitt (onboard): Good.
025:56:23 Schweickart (onboard): I don't think the gage reads, though.
025:56:27 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, it does.
025:56:28 Schweickart (onboard): Does it?
025:56:29 McDivitt (onboard): DELTA-P.
025:56:30 Schweickart (onboard): It ought to be zero if we have it in LM PRESS.
025:56:33 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
025:56:34 Schweickart (onboard): It ought to be zero. If we have it in LM PRESS, it ought to be zero. It ought to be zero; I'm pretty sure.
025:56:41 Schweickart (onboard): Ohh, my feet. God!
025:56:44 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, son, you want to come stand down here for a while?
025:56:46 Schweickart (onboard): Hell, that's a good idea. That's a good idea [garble].
025:56:48 McDivitt (onboard): I want to get that Exer-Genie exerciser out. All the other guys said that really helped. Matter of fact, why don't I get it out right now?
025:56:55 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, what are we going to do with it, Jim?
025:56:56 McDivitt (onboard): We can't use it now. Wait until we get our feet propped.
025:56:58 Schweickart (onboard): I can use it right here. Okay?
025:57:00 Scott (onboard): If you want to exercise, don't let us stop you.
025:57:04 McDivitt (onboard): You never have before.
025:57:05 Scott (onboard): Huh?
025:57:06 McDivitt (onboard): You've never stopped me before ...
025:57:07 Scott (onboard): [Garble] so crazy; you say you want to do some exercise.
025:57:11 Schweickart (onboard): Why don't you go run, Jim?
025:57:12 McDivitt (onboard): If you were - if you weren't in town carousing around at the beach - with all the broads and everything, you'd have been out at the gym with us working out every morning and every night.
025:57:23 Scott (onboard): I was working out. Isn't that right, Rusty?
025:57:24 Schweickart (onboard): That's right.
025:57:25 Scott (onboard): I was working out.
025:57:26 Schweickart (onboard): I wonder what you got going down there, baby. I don't know.
025:57:28 Scott (onboard): Oh, you wouldn't believe it.
025:57:30 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, where is the Exer-Genie? (Laughter) That ought to take the rest of the day.
025:57:34 Scott (onboard): It's up under his right shoulder.
025:57:38 McDivitt (onboard): That sounds like a suit-off exercise.
025:57:44 Scott (onboard): This water is really wild. You got any - any meals down there? I think I'll have me some juice.
025:57:51 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, I think I'll have some brownies.
025:58:00 Schweickart (onboard): I can't figure whether I'm acclimatizing to this game or not.
025:58:05 McDivitt (onboard): Why? You trying to feel better, or you don't know?
025:58:08 Schweickart (onboard): Well, ...
025:58:09 Scott (onboard): Hey, Jim, [garble].
025:58:10 Schweickart (onboard): ... I don't feel bad, but I still don't ...
025:58:11 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We are going to lose you at Tananarive in about a minute, and we'll see you over Carnarvon at 05.
025:58:19 Scott: Roger, Houston. How do you read us now?
025:58:22 Scott (onboard): How about it? I'd like a meal, Jimmy. You got a white ...
025:58:25 Roosa: I missed that, Apollo 9. Say again.
025:58:28 Scott: Are you able to read us now?
025:58:31 Roosa: I can make you out now - barely. Before, I couldn't read you at all.
025:58:39 Scott: Okay. We'll see you at 05 at Carnarvon.
025:58:44 Roosa: Roger.
Long comm break.
025:58:46 Schweickart (onboard): I don't want to talk to them when I can't hear ...
025:58:47 McDivitt (onboard): Do you know what time it is down at the Cape?
025:58:48 Scott (onboard): What time is it at the Cape? It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon.
025:58:52 McDivitt (onboard): Noon in Houston! Seems like it's about nighttime again, doesn't it?
025:58:56 Scott (onboard): It does.
025:58:57 McDivitt (onboard): Are you particularly concerned about which one of these meals you get?
025:59:01 Scott (onboard): We ought to eat the white ones because they make this big sample thing afterwards to see who ate what. For science, I'll take a white one.
025:59:07 McDivitt (onboard): No, I mean, do you care which white one?
025:59:09 Scott (onboard): Oh, hell no. I didn't know that they were any different. I mean, I never even looked at the difference. I just [garble] eat [garble] what you give me.
025:59:18 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, shit, here's some more garbage. Got your scissors, Dave?
025:59:28 Scott (onboard): Yes.
025:59:34 McDivitt (onboard): Oops! Oops!
025:59:41 McDivitt (onboard): Can you wait just a second, there?
025:59:43 Scott (onboard): Yes, what the hell did I do with them - with my scissors?
025:59:46 McDivitt (onboard): Wow! That's the experiment, fully packed.
025:59:50 Scott (onboard): The what?
025:59:51 McDivitt (onboard): It's got to be a - LSMFT.
025:59:55 Scott (onboard): That's the stuff for your teeth.
025:59:58 McDivitt (onboard): A toothbrush?
025:59:59 Scott (onboard): Dental floss.
026:00:00 McDivitt (onboard): Dental floss.
026:00:01 Scott (onboard): Oh, no.
026:00:03 McDivitt (onboard): That's what I need.
This is Apollo Control. Apollo 9 is beyond Tananarive's range. Next station to acquire will be Carnarvon at 26 hours, 5 minutes. During this pass communications were bad, we did pass up the ground computed orbital parameters based on tracking information through the Canary Islands. We are showing an orbit of 271.8 by 109.5 nautical miles. At 26 hours, this is Mission Control, Houston.
026:00:05 Scott (onboard): You got any more of those meals up there above your head in U-2 - those good turkey dinners?
026:00:09 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. No turkey.
026:00:12 Scott (onboard): What have you got?
026:00:13 Schweickart (onboard): Should be beef and ham.
026:00:14 Scott (onboard): Oh, hey, you've got a beef sandwich ...
026:00:15 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, I'll have one of those. Yes, I think I'll eat one of those.
026:00:17 Scott (onboard): I'll take a beef one, if you got it.
026:00:18 McDivitt (onboard): Y'all want some - you want something out of here?
026:00:20 Scott (onboard): A juice, yes. I want a - Give me a meal, and I'll take the juice out.
026:00:26 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Stand by.
026:00:28 Scott (onboard): Stand by, Jim; I've got a grape up here. I forgot. Wait just a second.
026:00:32 McDivitt (onboard): You're way ahead of me on meals, you know that? I don't like that.
026:00:38 Scott (onboard): I haven't eaten - I haven't eaten two whole meals yet.
026:00:41 McDivitt (onboard): You what?
026:00:42 Scott (onboard): I don't think I've eaten two whole meals yet.
026:00:44 Schweickart (onboard): I haven't either.
026:00:45 McDivitt (onboard): Neither have I.
026:01:16 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, I give up looking for it. Where is the Exer-Genie? Up here, did you say?
026:01:20 Scott (onboard): Under Rusty's right shoulder.
026:01:22 McDivitt (onboard): Where's that?
026:01:24 Scott (onboard): The one on the far side over there.
026:01:26 Schweickart (onboard): R-13, or whatever that's called.
026:01:28 Scott (onboard): It's in A-1, but it's way over here - on the side. A-8 or A-1 or whatever the one is over there.
026:01:38 McDivitt (onboard): Way up at the head end, huh?
026:01:40 Scott (onboard): Yes.
026:02:00 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, while you're up there, Jim, you could get some meals for us.
026:02:02 McDivitt (onboard): Oh no, I think my [garble] are coming off.
026:02:07 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter) All 10 of them, huh? 11 of them?
026:02:28 Schweickart (onboard): Ohh.
026:02:32 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, shoot.
026:03:00 McDivitt (onboard): I heard that funny noise, too; what is it?
026:03:03 Scott (onboard): I don't know. What's that noise? Anybody know?
026:03:06 McDivitt (onboard): No, I don't.
026:03:07 Schweickart (onboard): The hiss?
026:03:08 Scott (onboard): Yes.
026:03:09 Schweickart (onboard): No, I don't know, either. Do you know?
026:03:13 McDivitt (onboard): Stopped?
026:03:14 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
026:03:15 Scott (onboard): It stopped.
026:03:22 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
026:03:23 Scott (onboard): [Garble] for Houston; it looked - it sounded like [garble].
026:03:26 Schweickart (onboard): No, that was coming up on the RT.
026:03:44 Schweickart (onboard): (Singing)
026:03:58 Schweickart (onboard): Dave.
026:03:59 Scott (onboard): Oh, what a good fellow. Hey, you're a winner. Beef and potatoes.
026:04:06 Schweickart (onboard): Here's a ...
026:04:07 Scott (onboard): Just what I wanted.
026:04:08 Schweickart (onboard): ... here's a white bag.
026:04:20 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, as a matter of fact, I will. Oh, no. Did it wrong.
This is Apollo Control at 26 hours 4 minutes. Apollo 9 still in the nightside on this 17th revolution, coming up on Carnarvon now.
026:04:26 Scott (onboard): What happened, Jim?
026:04:32 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, I'm warm in this suit.
026:04:48 Schweickart (onboard): I'll try red to blue and blue to red again.
026:05:17 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, that's the way to go: red to blue and blue to red; the hell with the return.
026:05:34 Scott (onboard): [Garble] that these beef and potatoes are the ones that you ate [garble] ...
026:05:52 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Carnarvon.
026:05:56 Schweickart: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9.
026:05:59 Roosa: Roger. You are loud and clear, and we've got you here at Carnarvon for about 10 minutes.
026:06:04 Schweickart: Beautiful. This must be one of those long passes.
026:06:07 Roosa: Roger. I guess you copied the orbit we're showing you in over Tananarive. [Pause]
026:06:18 Schweickart: Roger. We did, and I'd like to update you on the malfunction procedure. Stand by just one.
026:06:24 Roosa: Roger. [Pause]
026:06:36 Schweickart: Okay. We've gone through malfunction 1-Golf, and we've worked our way through steps 1, 5, and 6, and we're presently standing by to see if the cryo quantity decreases abnormally. And be advised, if you are ready to copy, I've got some data on the purge flow.
026:07:08 Roosa: Roger. I copied malfunction 1-Golf, your steps, and I'm standing by to copy.
026:07:14 Schweickart: Okay. In step 5 there, when I purged fuel cell 3, the O2 flow increase was much greater then normal. In fact, it went OFF SCALE HIGH, so I don't know how much of an increase I got, but the increase went from 0.65 to OFF SCALE HIGH.
026:07:40 Roosa: Roger. Copy. From 0.65 to OFF SCALE HIGH on the O2 flow, purged fuel cell 3.
026:07:48 Schweickart: Roger. [Long pause]
026:08:38 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
026:08:42 Scott: Go ahead, Houston.
026:08:45 Roosa: Roger. Just a couple items on the flight plan. In regards to this subject, at about 29:45 there is an O2 purge on the fuel cells shown, and we would like to have you do that over a ground station so we could watch it.
026:09:02 Scott: Okay. You want us to purge over a ground station on that 29:45 purge.
026:09:07 Roosa: That is affirmative.
026:09:10 Roosa: And -
026:09:13 Unidentifiable crewmember: [Garble].
026:09:14 Roosa: Go, Apollo 9.
026:09:16 Scott: Roger. I beg your pardon. Would you like that over Hawaii?
026:09:20 Roosa: Hawaii will be fine.
026:09:23 Scott: Okay.
026:09:25 Roosa: And one other item on the flight plan.
026:09:28 Scott: Why don't we do that over Carnarvon, and that way if you have any good news for us or any instruction, you can give them to us at Hawaii and not interrupt our rest period.
026:09:41 Roosa: Roger. That's a sterling idea, Apollo 9.
026:09:47 Scott: Okay. [Long pause]
026:10:22 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
026:10:26 McDivitt: Go ahead.
026:10:27 Roosa: Roger. One other item on the flight plan. Along in here any time, we would like to have you reservice the waterboiler. [Pause]
026:10:39 Schweickart: Okay. [Pause]
026:10:50 Roosa: Okay. And that is to just live it off, Apollo 9. Just reservice it and leave it off.
026:10:55 Schweickart: Okay. I understand you want to reservice it and leave it off.
026:10:59 Roosa: That is affirmative, and we are also picking up trouble with the DSE voice. We are showing about four discrete tones wiping out the voice on it, and we would like to have you verify your VHF configuration there; just as a first cut at it. We have got a handle on the problem.
026:11:21 Schweickart: Okay. We are in SYNTAX Alfa and everything else is off.
026:11:29 Roosa: Roger. Copy.
Comm break.
026:12:36 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Would you bring up your S-brand volume. We are going to go over to Honeysuckle in couple of minutes.
026:12:44 Schweickart: Roger.
026:12:46 Roosa: And for your info, FIDO tells us that we are within seconds of the proper setup on the rendezvous right now.
026:12:56 Schweickart: Roger. Good news. [Garble].
026:13:01 McDivitt: We want to fix it before we get there.
026:13:06 Roosa: (Laughter) Roger.
Long comm break.
026:17:25 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. [Pause]
026:17:37 McDivitt: Houston, Apollo 9.
026:17:40 Roosa: Roger. Could you trip your surge tank for us, please?
026:17:46 Schweickart: Roger. We're just filling the PLSS tank there.
026:17:51 Roosa: Roger. Understand. Thank you. [Pause]
026:18:01 Schweickart: Houston, we just filled the PLSS tank up to 600, and we've let the surge tank build back up again. We want to work that up this time.
026:18:10 Roosa: Roger. Copy. We concur; we just wanted to verify our reading here on the surge tank.
026:18:16 Schweickart: Roger.
026:18:18 Roosa: Just peering over your shoulder.
026:18:20 Schweickart: Yes. We didn't think you were watching.
026:18:23 Roosa: Big brother is ever watching.
026:18:27 McDivitt: Good.
026:18:29 Scott: How about Big sister?
026:18:31 Roosa: Negative. Just old Smokey.
026:18:38 Schweickart: Hey, has Golden throat made it back yet?
026:18:41 Roosa: I haven't seen or heard from him.
026:18:49 Scott: How about Sonny? Is he there?
026:18:51 Roosa: I understand he is in the local area, but I haven't seen him over here yet.
026:18:57 Scott: Tell him we send our love.
026:18:59 Roosa: All right. Sure will.
Comm break.
026:21:25 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We are about to come off with Honeysuckle, and we're going to try the Huntsville again this time through a satellite, so we'll see how, if the COMM has improved any.
Comm break.
026:21:56 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, you know something, Jim?
026:21:58 McDivitt (onboard): Uh oh.
026:21:59 Schweickart (onboard): What?
026:22:00 Scott (onboard): What?
026:22:01 McDivitt (onboard): Boing!
026:22:03 Schweickart (onboard): I was thinking last night - about that noise. We got ignition late.
026:22:12 McDivitt (onboard): What?
026:22:13 Schweickart (onboard): We got ignition late on launch. You know that? We usually get it at 9; we got it about 5 seconds. Did you notice that? You were pretty busy, probably.
026:22:27 McDivitt (onboard): No, we got it about when I thought we were going to get it.
026:22:30 Schweickart (onboard): Usually get the thrusters at 10, ignition, 8, 7. We were 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, ignition.
026:22:38 McDivitt (onboard): Then we lift off at zero.
026:22:40 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, but I don't think we lifted off when we should have lifted off. I think we were late.
026:22:47 McDivitt (onboard): We lifted off right with it ...
026:22:48 Schweickart (onboard): I don't think so; I think we -
026:22:49 McDivitt (onboard): ... within a second or so maybe.
026:22:50 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, but I think we were late, all the way down the line. I was really surprised because as we went - just standing there, and we hadn't got ignition yet, I - I thought ...
026:22:58 Communications Technician: Two-way lock. [Long pause]
This is Apollo Control at 26 hours 23 minutes. We have acquisition at the Huntsville and we will continue to stand by.
026:23:00 McDivitt (onboard): Uh oh.
026:23:01 Schweickart (onboard): ... that was bad news.
026:23:04 McDivitt (onboard): Hmm!
026:23:05 Schweickart (onboard): But I just - that's all I had to do was sit there and listen and watch, you know? And I'll bet you we were late.
026:23:11 McDivitt (onboard): That's what I was doing, too.
026:23:12 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, but you were thinking about a lot of other things. And I'll bet you we were late.
026:23:27 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through the Huntsville. How do you read?
Comm break.
This is Apollo Control. The Huntsville is very very noisy again this time. We're going to come down off this loop. If there is any air-to-ground over the Huntsville we will come back up. This is Mission Control Houston at 26 hours 24 minutes.
This is Apollo Control, at 26 hours, 25 minutes. We've had a little bit of air to ground in with all this noise; we will play that for you.
026:23:31 Scott (onboard): Boy, talk about dry, wow!
026:23:35 McDivitt (onboard): What - the meat? (Laughter)
026:23:36 Scott (onboard): Yes.
026:23:38 McDivitt (onboard): Good thing the potatoes aren't - they're soggy.
026:23:50 Scott (onboard): [Garble] the door in that waste compartment; it will pop open when you press on it.
026:23:55 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, I'm putting most of that stuff over here in the big temporary stowage bag, then. But, trouble is, I don't know what we're going to do with it.
026:24:25 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
026:24:27 McDivitt (onboard): What?
026:24:29 Schweickart (onboard): The Kleenex.
026:24:30 McDivitt (onboard): What?
026:24:31 Schweickart (onboard): The Kleenex.
026:24:32 McDivitt (onboard): What? Oh.
026:24:49 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through the Huntsville [garble] transmitting now [garble]. [Pause]
026:24:56 Scott (onboard): [Garble] go, Schweickart [garble].
026:24:58 McDivitt (onboard): Be quiet.
026:24:59 Roosa: ... trying to evaluate the COMMAND. Pretty noisy to me. Can you read me at all? [Long pause]
026:25:04 Scott (onboard): Houston, this is Apollo 9. Roger; we read you. You're weak and a little bit noisy.
026:25:19 Roosa: Apollo 9, this it Houston. If you can read me and you've got the time, could you give me a short count, Houston. [Long pause]
026:25:27 Scott (onboard): Roger. Short count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Apollo 9, out.
026:25:35 Schweickart: 3, 2, 1; Apollo 9 out.
026:25:40 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. I copied the 3, 2, 1. [Long pause]
026:25:45 McDivitt (onboard): Golly! There's sure a lot of air in this thing here.
026:25:53 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Jim, I let mine sit for a long while, and all the air gathered in one bubble, and it went away from all the rest of it. I'm getting really nice water.
026:26:11 Roosa: And. Apollo 9, this is Houston. [Garble] giving you a short count - maybe try to help set up their equipment. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Houston out. [Long pause]
026:26:32 Scott (onboard): Roger, Houston; Apollo 9. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. How do you read us?
026:27:16 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Do you read?
026:27:21 Schweickart: I' read you weak, but clear.
026:27:25 Roosa: Okay. Understand. Weak, but clear, and I copied you about the same on that one. [Pause]
026:27:40 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. Just for your info - We're trying these tests - trying to get some COMM set up here looking ahead to rendezvous day.
026:27:51 Schweickart: How do you read now?
026:27:53 Roosa: Okay. You are coming through real weak; I can make it out, however.
026:27:58 Schweickart: That's the same for you. You are coming through clear but very weak.
026:28:06 Roosa: Okay. Understand. Clear but weak. Are you getting this background static?
026:28:14 Schweickart: There is some background static, but not tremendous.
026:28:20 Roosa: Roger. Copy. [Long pause]
026:28:35 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. We'll have you over Hawaii at about 34, and at that time, we would like to get a long count from you from about 15 seconds while we work some ground COMM equipment at that time. I'll give you a GO on your count. [Pause]
026:28:37 McDivitt (onboard): Say, you can really taste the chlorine in our water now?
026:28:40 Schweickart (onboard): That's great!
026:28:41 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
026:28:53 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, we're sure getting a lot of moisture on a lot of windows.
026:28:58 Schweickart: Roger. Apollo 9.
Long comm break.
026:29:16 McDivitt (onboard): You ever get the air bubble out, Rusty?
026:29:46 McDivitt (onboard): You want down here?
This is Apollo Control at 26 hours, 30 minutes. Huntsville has LOS now. The crew has been running some malfunction procedures on the fuel cell number 302 flow, which is still a little higher than it should be, and even more so when they purge. So, COMM would like for them to do the next purge over a ground station where he can watch it also; that next purge comes about 29 hours and 45 minutes. They'll delay it a couple of minutes till they get into acquisition at Hawaii; that'll be during the 19th revolution. The DSE voice you heard them refer to, in which the tone is wiping out some of the voices, data storage equipment, is used to store the voice comments when the spacecraft is out of range of a station, and then it can be dumped to the ground at selected stations. We are getting a tone on there which is interfering with the voice quality on the tape, and they are going to take a look at that. Next station to acquire will be Hawaii at 26 hours, 34 minutes, at about 2 minutes from now. We'll be doing some more communication tests over the Hawaii station looking forward to rendezvous day. This is Mission Control, Houston, at 26 hours, 32 minutes.
026:30:43 Scott (onboard): Would you fill that, Jim, with water?
026:31:02 Schweickart (onboard): I may die of malnutrition up here, but I don't feel hungry.
026:31:04 McDivitt (onboard): You ought to keep eating though.
026:32:11 Scott (onboard): Jim, here you go.
026:32:14 McDivitt (onboard): What?
026:32:15 Scott (onboard): [Garble] would you put some water in here for me, please?
026:32:18 McDivitt (onboard): Just a second, I've got to get one bite of food of my own in here between water spurts.
026:32:21 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, no. You didn't shave today.
026:32:27 McDivitt (onboard): I know it. Neither did you, but you can't tell it on you.
026:32:32 Scott (onboard): [Garble] Hey, I need seven squirts of cold. It said 7 ounces.
026:32:39 McDivitt (onboard): What is it, pudding?
026:32:41 Scott (onboard): Huh?
026:32:43 McDivitt (onboard): What is it?
026:32:45 Scott (onboard): Pineapple-grapefruit drink.
026:32:47 McDivitt (onboard): Seven squirts?
026:32:48 Scott (onboard): Oh, I don't know; fill it up.
026:32:49 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, that's pretty up against the Sun.
026:32:54 Schweickart (onboard): What, your bag?
026:32:55 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
026:33:58 Scott (onboard): Comemos, amigo.
026:34:00 Scott (onboard): Hey, amigo, would you give me one with hot water, please?
026:34:04 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, amigo, how'd you like to take a flying leap?
026:34:08 Scott (onboard): I ain't your amigo.
026:34:10 McDivitt (onboard): May I have another bite of my own in the middle, here.
026:34:12 Scott (onboard): Si.
026:34:13 McDivitt (onboard): These aren't even mine; I don.t know whose they are.
026:34:17 Schweickart (onboard): They any good?
026:34:18 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, they're cheese crackers, or something.
026:34:20 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, I had some of those last night; they are pretty good.
026:34:23 McDivitt (onboard): Maybe they are mine. I never did have any.
026:34:27 Scott (onboard): [Garble].
026:34:28 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, four shots of cold, right?
026:34:29 Scott (onboard): No, three shots of warm!
026:34:30 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, gees, Dave; I'm sorry.
026:34:32 Scott (onboard): Golly, I like warm juice.
This is Apollo Control 26 hours 34 minutes into the Mission, and we are within range of Hawaii, we'll stand by.
026:34:35 McDivitt (onboard): Huh?
026:34:37 Scott (onboard): I like warm things - warm and sweet.
026:34:41 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, listen, I've already got two shots of cold in it. You want me to mix it up, or you want me to go all cold?
026:34:49 Scott (onboard): Put some warm - put warm water in it.
026:34:51 McDivitt (onboard): I'll put one warm in there, okay.
026:34:52 Scott (onboard): It's too late to [garble].
026:34:55 McDivitt (onboard): Yes (laughter).
026:34:59 Scott (onboard): Alright. I'll be down there later.
026:35:02 McDivitt (onboard): When you send an amateur to do a pro's job, that's what you get.
026:35:05 Scott (onboard): Huh.
026:35:07 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Hawaii. How do you read?
026:35:13 Schweickart: You're coming in about four-by-five, Houston.
026:35:18 Roosa: Apollo 9, say again.
026:35:22 Schweickart: Roger. You are coming in five-square now.
026:35:25 Roosa: Real good. Stand by one here; let me check - see if we are ready for your long count. [Pause]
026:35:31 McDivitt (onboard): For a what count?
026:35:32 Scott (onboard): Either long or wrong. I would suggest ...
026:35:33 McDivitt (onboard): Long.
026:35:34 Scott (onboard): ... long.
026:35:35 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, okay, that's - right - He asked me - he told me ...
026:35:38 Roosa: Okay. Apollo 9, this is Houston. We would like to start in about 30 seconds. And what we need is - We are trying to get this equipment set up for rendezvous day, and we need a long, slow count, up to about 15 seconds. Bring it on pretty slow here for us, because we will be changing some ground antenna configurations during your count.
026:36:01 Schweickart: Roger. [Pause]
026:36:09 Roosa: Okay. Apollo 9, Houston. You can begin the count any time.
026:36:16 Schweickart: Okay. Long [garble] starting: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Did I miss any?
026:36:50 Roosa: Roger. We copied all that except for 1, but we really - It was really enlightening down here. We switched some configuration right about 5 and you went down at a fairly low level; you popped right up to five-square, and we'd like to repeat this test again in about a minute - minute-and-a-half.
026:37:18 Schweickart: Okay. We'll choose that five-square configuration for rendezvous.
026:37:22 Roosa: That's affirmative. [Pause]
026:37:30 Roosa: In fact, we might just do you one better; we might just use that from now on, as well as the rendezvous.
026:37:39 Schweickart: What did you all do, turn on the receiver?
026:37:42 Roosa: That's about it. [Long pause]
026:38:13 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We would like to have you repeat that test, please.
026:38:18 Schweickart: Okay. Long count coming: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3. How was that?
026:38:48 Roosa: That was real good, appreciate that, think we got some good data there.
026:38:54 McDivitt: Good little performance, didn't he?
Very long comm break.
026:51:10 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
026:51:11 Schweickart: Go ahead, Houston.
026:51:14 Roosa: Roger. We'd like to uplink you a state vector in the target load if you'll give us P00 in ACCEPT.
026:51:21 Schweickart: Okay. You've got it.
026:51:23 Roosa: Okay. And if you'd drag out your pads, I'll have an SPS-4 PAD for you in about 1 minute.
026:51:30 Schweickart: They're cut; just say when.
026:51:32 Roosa: Okay.
Comm break.
026:53:17 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. I have SPS-4 PAD. [Long pause]
026:53:39 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. I have SPS-4 PAD ready to read.
026:53:42 Schweickart: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9. How do you read? We are ready to copy.
026:53:46 Roosa: Roger. Reading you five-square. Reading: 028 244030, minus 00012, minus 03 009 all zips 03 009 029 45 0283 32743, plus 150, minus 069 26 245 60 25 100, minus 17 37, plus 139 70 2092. End of update. [Long pause]
026:55:24 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9. Do you have time for the readback?
026:55:28 Roosa: That's affirmative; we've got time here. We may have a handoff here to Bermuda, but go ahead; it shouldn't break us up.
026:55:38 Scott: Okay. Reading back: 028 244030, minus 00012, minus 03 009 all zips 03 009 029 45 0283 32743, plus 150, minus 069 26 245 60 25 100, minus 17 37, plus 139 70 2092. Over.
026:56:25 Roosa: Roger. Houston confirms that, and we went right through that handoff without losing a digit.
026:56:31 Schweickart: Fantastical. Hey Smokie, got a minute?
026:56:34 Roosa: Press.
026:56:37 Schweickart: Hey, when we flew across Texas a minute ago I looked down and I thought I saw a whole bunch of flags flying in Nassau Bay. And if I did, would you thank all those people down there for us?
026:56:48 Roosa: All right; sure will. They probably heard you here over our friendly radio station.
026:56:55 Schweickart: Alrighty; tell them we all think it's pretty neat.
026:56:58 Roosa: All right. And Apollo 9, the computer is yours; we have sent you a state vector and a target load. [Pause]
026:57:10 Scott: Roger. Understand. We got the computer state vector and a target load. [Pause]
026:57:19 McDivitt: Houston, this is Apollo 9. We did another realign before SPS-3 before we got the torqueing angles and the times; we'll give it to you when we get the other ones that we haven't already. Houston, you still with us?
026:57:36 Roosa: Roger. I copy that. Apollo 9, I'm trying to look back at - the last time we got them from you was 24 plus 28 plus 00.
026:57:45 Scott: Yea, we have some later ones here, Houston. You ready to copy?
026:57:49 Roosa: Roger. Go ahead.
026:57:52 Scott: Okay. Plus 00006, plus 00010, minus 00022, and the time was 24:51:00.
026:58:10 Roosa: Roger. Copy. Thank you.
026:58:14 Scott: That was the second alignment before that burn.
026:58:17 Roosa: Roger. Understand.
026:58:21 McDivitt: Figure that one and make sure.
Comm break.
027:00:23 Roosa: Hey, we're getting better.
027:00:27 Schweickart: Last time you were perfect.
027:00:30 Roosa: Okay.
027:00:32 McDivitt: If you keep this up you will figure out where we are.
027:00:37 Roosa: Hey, I was just looking at the difference in the - in your vectors on the tube here, and it is almost all zeros. You've really got winner on board there.
027:00:49 Schweickart: You mean our computer?
027:00:53 Roosa: That's affirmative. Yes, in a comparison between your onboard vector and the ground vector is almost no error between the two. CMP has really been tracking good.
027:01:05 Scott: Say, one thing I'm still a little concerned about is, every time average G comes on at T minus 30 there, we're picking up almost a foot per second in that 30 seconds waiting for the burn to start.
027:01:19 Roosa: Roger. We copied your query on that before, and everybody says that that is well within the tolerance. I looked through the checklist here and it says as long as it is less than 2 feet per second in 5 seconds, it's GO.
027:01:37 Scott: Yes, but we want to be perfect.
027:01:39 Roosa: I see. You want to trim those ...
027:01:40 McDivitt: I guess we've just never seen this much before in SIMS.
027:01:42 Schweickart: It is sort of unusual to see anything, really.
027:01:49 Roosa: Yes. We agree with that. I guess that's probably a good thing; we ought to load some in the simulator.
027:01:57 Scott: Probably be a good idea.
027:01:58 Roosa: Hey, if you got a minute for a question, I'm curious about your windows. Are they fogged up? How is your visability?
027:02:08 Schweickart: I just took a picture of the left hand rendezvous window and it's starting to fog up around the sides. It looks like some sort of film on the outside of the outer pane - or the inside of the outer pane; it's hard to tell. It has moved in from the edge about a half an inch, now, on the far right side and all the way down and about 4 inches down from the top on the left side from the top of the apex. And the hatch window has got a big circle in the middle of it. It's beginning to fog up.
027:02:46 Roosa: Roger. Copy that. Sounds like the problem's still with us, then.
027:02:53 Schweickart: And windows 4 and 5 are clear. I don't see any trouble with them at all. And be advised that hatch window - It's a pretty light coating, still. [Pause]
027:03:06 Roosa: Roger. Understand.
027:03:07 Scott: It almost looks like it goes away when the sun shines on that - that and window number 1.
027:03:14 Roosa: Roger. Copy. And ...
027:03:19 McDivitt: Window number 1 seems to fog up periodically, but I'd say for the most part really they are pretty good. [Pause]
027:03:30 Roosa: Roger. Understand. And I got a few words of wisdom on the cryo tanks for tonight. [Pause]
027:03:40 Scott: Okay. Go ahead.
027:03:43 Roosa: Roger. You are starting to fade out on me a little bit. We still got some time here with you, but tonight we'd like to just about repeat the plan that we did last night. At this time go ahead and turn off the heaters in both H2 tanks. Allow the pressure to drop to 175 psi, and use the heaters to keep the pressure from going below 175, and then prior to the sleep period we'll turn on the fans and H2 tank number 2. We hope that it will keep the pressure up during the night.
027:04:28 Scott: Okay. We've got the heaters off now and you want us to let it go down 175 - keep it to 175 using the heaters, and then tonight use H2 fan number 2 rather than 1.
027:04:44 Roosa: That's affirmative.
027:04:48 Scott: Roger.
Long comm break.
027:09:00 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. We are showing a pretty big middle gimbal angle there.
027:09:06 Scott: Roger. We got a [garble]. [Long pause]
027:09:36 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9. What's your temperatures on the quads for the burn here - on the roll quad?
027:09:44 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. Copy. Stand by.
027:09:47 Scott: Okay. We've been using B and D because they show highest up here, but if you have any other preferences, let us know.
027:09:55 Roosa: All right. Understand. You are going to plan on using Baker and Delta unless we advise you otherwise.
027:10:00 Scott: That's affirm.
027:10:02 Roosa: Okay.
Comm break.
027:11:46 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. We are losing you at Canaries. We will see you at Tananarive about 25. Excuse me - Ascension here coming up real soon. Sorry about that.
Comm break.
027:14:32 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Do you read? [Long pause]
027:15:21 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
027:15:24 Roosa: Go ahead, Apollo 9.
027:15:27 Scott: Roger. You called?
027:15:29 Roosa: Yes. We've got one other question for you on the PUGS system. Rusty commented that he switched from PRIME or NORMAL to AUX. We would like to know if the meter changed when you switched, and if it did, the readings before and after.
027:15:51 Schweickart: Okay. The answer is yes. It did change, The unbalance tended to decrease but then it came back up again, and it also caused the Master Alarm to go on and off and so I switched back to NORMAL. Both NORMAL and AUX indicate an increase in the oxidizier unbalance. I can't give you a quantity reading on the auxiliary system because it was moving. For your information, during the burn the oxidizer unbalance jumped all around. [Pause]
027:16:30 Roosa: Okay, Apollo 9. We copied that. Thank you very much.
027:16:36 Schweickart: Okay. And if you can't think of anything better to do with it, we might consider shutting it off on some of these later burns, because it's taking a lot of time to reset the Master Alarm in the middle of a burn.
027:16:50 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. We've been considering that and unless we can come with something better, that is probably going to be our recommendation. We are still trying to troubleshoot it; that is the purpose for this question.
027:17:02 Schweickart: Okay. Besides that, it changes the pulse rate, too. [Pause]
027:17:12 Roosa: I'm sorry, Apollo 9. Change of what? I didn't catch your last statement.
027:17:17 Schweickart: I say the Master Alarm changes the heart rate.
027:17:21 Roosa: (Laughter) Roger. Understand. We didn't notice that down here. You looked cool as cucumber.
027:17:31 Schweickart: Sweaty palms.
Long comm break.
027:17:35 Schweickart (onboard): Evaporative cooling (laughter). Whoop. There's always hot food there.
027:18:03 McDivitt (onboard): It is dark out there?
027:18:06 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
This is Apollo Control at 27 hours 18 minutes. Ascension has loss of signal now. We are an hour and 5 minutes away from the fourth SPS burn. That burn will take place at 28 hours 24 minutes 40.3 seconds. Delta V of 300.9 feet per second, duration of the burn 28.3 seconds. This again will be an out of plane burn. We expect the perigee to stay essentially where it is, 109 and 1/2 nautical miles and we expect the apogee to go up about 2 miles from 271.8 to 273.8. We got a report on the windows. The first window report in this report. The crew reported the lefthand rendezvous window starting to fog up a bit, film on the outer pane. It was difficult to tell whether it was on the inside or outside of that pane. It's moved about 1/2 inch from the edge. They also reported a circle of fog in the middle of the hatch window, appeared to be a very light coating, disappeared when the sun was shining on it. The other windows reported clear. We will acquire at Tananarive in about 4 minutes. This is Mission Control Houston.
027:18:07 Scott (onboard): Starting to -
027:18:08 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, let's go to 40.
027:18:09 Scott (onboard): Your big chance, Jim.
027:18:10 McDivitt (onboard): What?
027:18:11 Scott (onboard): Your big chance.
027:18:12 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Go to 40.
027:18:20 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. What do you say we go to 52, huh?
027:18:24 Scott (onboard): Jimmy.
027:18:25 McDivitt (onboard): VERB 37, ENTER; 52 -
027:18:32 Scott (onboard): The sun setting through the center hatch?
027:18:34 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
027:18:42 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave, this time when you start to maneuver, watch - Oh, hell, that antenna blocks your view.
027:18:47 Scott (onboard): I'll try to see it - I'd like to ...
027:18:49 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, it really flares up out there, no kidding.
027:18:52 Scott (onboard): I'll try to watch it.
027:18:53 Schweickart (onboard): You know, it's not just the flash from the exhaust going by - It really - I don't know what it is. It might be actually burning the paint there.
027:19:06 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, 52. We want to do a preferred, right?
027:19:10 Scott (onboard): One this time, and through forevermore.
027:19:12 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) Okay, we'll do a PRO here?
027:19:19 Scott (onboard): Middle gimbal angle is 61 degrees and after - It doesn't like that - Well, that's okay. We're at 63 right now.
027:19:26 McDivitt (onboard): Are we? Okay, well, you even want to look at it?
027:19:30 Scott (onboard): Yes, let's look at it.
027:19:32 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, VERB 5 - NOUN [garble] desired angles and GIMBAL LOCK. Okay. RESET. 08. You ready to go?
027:19:49 Schweickart (onboard): Proceed. [Garble].
027:20:00 Scott (onboard): Okay, go.
027:20:01 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, PRO.
027:20:08 Scott (onboard): That god-blessed Moon.
027:20:18 McDivitt (onboard): Want to look at that program alarm, too?
027:20:20 Scott (onboard): That should be the same one, Jim. Did you get a RESET?
027:20:24 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I had a RESET.
027:20:25 Scott (onboard): Let's look at that one and [garble] ...
027:20:27 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Oh, it is. RESET; 08. Okay, 50/15.
027:20:38 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, that Moon's bright.
027:20:40 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, that says PICAPAR-At least, it did last time - still does. It's PRO. 01 70 16.
027:21:05 Schweickart (onboard): Must be Procyon or something, isn't it?
027:21:07 Scott (onboard): Let's see. Procyon, yes.
027:21:13 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, let's see. You get the zero; OPTICS going to CMC; OPTICS, ZERO OFF; proceed.
027:21:26 Schweickart (onboard): There you go.
027:21:36 Schweickart (onboard): Right into the antenna.
027:21:41 McDivitt (onboard): Would you believe I can't even identify Procyon?
027:21:43 Scott (onboard): Ohh!
027:21:44 McDivitt (onboard): No, I can't. It's halfway between the radar antenna and the leg or something. I really can't.
027:21:52 Scott (onboard): It's the S-band antenna.
027:21:56 McDivitt (onboard): Well, the landing radar and then there's something else there. It's probably just the S-band antenna.
027:21:58 Scott (onboard): Yes.
027:22:05 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. I'll be in RESOLVED and LOW [garble]. Want 51 up? We sure do. Right there. Okay.
027:22:36 Schweickart (onboard): Kind of drifting, aren't you?
027:22:39 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, no, not too bad.
027:22:42 Schweickart (onboard): You want me to stop it?
027:22:44 McDivitt (onboard): No.
027:22:45 Schweickart (onboard): You are headed for the right way.
027:22:49 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
027:23:00 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, that's [garble] by 16; that says, "Did you like it?" and I guess I did, so I can proceed. Procyon was 16. Still can't identify it. Proceed; okay, 23 - Denebola. CMC; and if you like that, we can proceed again.
027:23:36 McDivitt (onboard): PRO - Oh, shoot, we're right behind it.
027:23:51 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) Would you believe I can't recognize that one either?
027:23:58 Scott (onboard): Oh, well. [Garble].
027:24:00 McDivitt (onboard): It's about 8 degrees from the Moon.
027:24:07 Scott (onboard): Well, our onboard star charts have [garble] Moon.
027:24:09 McDivitt (onboard): Do they?
027:24:10 Scott (onboard): [Garble], yes. It's along the Mercator area.
027:24:17 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, shoot, I don't even know where that is.
027:24:19 Scott (onboard): Yes, I don't either [garble].
027:24:22 McDivitt (onboard): Thanks.
027:24:24 Scott (onboard): I thought that would be a big help.
027:24:32 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, I can't see out.
This is Apollo Control at 27 hours 24 minutes ground elapsed time. Apollo 9 about to acquire at Tananarive.
027:25:09 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
027:25:29 McDivitt (onboard): I don't like that one.
027:25:37 McDivitt (onboard): That fuzzy reticle is really kind of crappy, isn't it?
027:25:40 Scott (onboard): Yes, it sure is.
027:25:57 McDivitt (onboard): Shit, I don't like that one either.
027:26:07 McDivitt (onboard): That's a good one - 23. Denebola. I ought to be able to see Regulus or something. I guess not. Oh, I screwed up, didn't I?
027:26:29 Scott (onboard): That's alright, for a beginner.
027:26:31 McDivitt (onboard): Well, I'm not the pro. Okay, shall we PRO? We shall proceed.
027:26:45 McDivitt (onboard): Where's the flight plan? Anybody know?
027:26:46 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
027:26:47 Scott (onboard): Right here.
027:26:53 McDivitt (onboard): Thank you.
027:27:00 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through Tananarive. [Pause]
027:27:04 Schweickart (onboard): Roger, Houston. How do you read?
027:27:16 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9.
027:27:19 Roosa: Okay. I'm reading you okay - just standing by here. We'll have you for about 8 minutes across Tananarive.
027:27:28 Schweickart: Roger. Do you want to copy the torqueing angles?
027:27:32 Schweickart (onboard): I'll read it to him.
027:27:33 Scott (onboard): [Garble] will have to read [garble].
027:27:34 Roosa: Roger. Go ahead.
027:27:36 Unidentifiable crewmember: Okay. Plus 00298, minus 00374, minus 00649.
027:27:48 McDivitt (onboard): You ready, Dave?
027:27:49 Scott (onboard): Yes.
027:27:50 Roosa: Roger. I copy.
027:27:52 Schweickart: Beginning of the time will be 27 28 00.
027:27:59 Roosa: Roger. Copy time 27 28 00, and I copied angles.
027:28:03 Unidentifiable crewmember: Roger.
Long comm break.
027:28:04 Scott (onboard): How about that. Now try a third star check, Jimmy.
027:28:10 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, we go back to - We PRO here, don't we?
027:28:13 Scott (onboard): We PRO here, yes.
027:28:14 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. Do we PRO here?
027:28:18 Scott (onboard): PRO here.
027:28:28 McDivitt (onboard): 21.
027:28:29 Scott (onboard): Is that a new one?
027:28:30 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, that's Alphard.
027:28:32 Scott (onboard): Okay, let's see - proceed here, go to Alphard.
027:28:37 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, let's go back to CMC; proceed.
027:28:39 Schweickart (onboard): Man, I got to watch this, because I don't know where the heck we are.
027:28:43 McDivitt (onboard): PRO.
027:29:00 McDivitt (onboard): I don't even see a star. I think we're inside the - I think we're inside the spacecraft.
027:29:05 Scott (onboard): Can you see in the sextant?
027:29:06 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. There is a star right there in the sextant.
027:29:14 Schweickart (onboard): Right in the middle?
027:29:15 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Well, it's about a - it's 0.05 degrees out maybe.
027:29:21 Schweickart (onboard): Does it have a 20-something next to it?
027:29:23 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) No, it sure doesn't.
027:29:24 Schweickart (onboard): Doesn't, huh?
027:29:26 McDivitt (onboard): It's just disappeared, too. The LM is in the way again. It's disappeared in the sextant, too. Is that a star check or not, Mr. Scott?
027:29:39 Scott (onboard): You can't recognize it?
027:29:40 McDivitt (onboard): No.
027:29:41 Scott (onboard): Does it look like it's close to Alphard?
027:29:42 McDivitt (onboard): I can't tell, Dave; I can't see any sky at all right now. All I can see is the LM.
027:29:48 Scott (onboard): Oh, you ...
027:29:49 McDivitt (onboard): And the star already disappeared in the sextant, too, so - It was in there in the beginning.
027:29:54 Scott (onboard): ... you can go another way, and - You can go back -
027:30:01 Scott (onboard): How about Regulus? Is that in your field of view?
027:30:04 McDivitt (onboard): No, there's nothing in the field of view right now, except the LM.
027:30:08 Schweickart (onboard): Why don't we go to the burn attitude and check it out?
027:30:10 Scott (onboard): Yes, that's probably the best thing to do.
027:30:11 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I think so. There's three stars - I'm pretty ...
027:30:14 Scott (onboard): I'm pretty - I would call that a star check if you got one right in the sextant, really, wouldn't you?
027:30:19 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I guess so. I didn't - I couldn't recognize any of the three of them, though.
027:30:25 Scott (onboard): We got - we got lots of time ...
027:30:26 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, what?
027:30:27 Scott (onboard): Why don't you go to P00, and I'll sweep this over here?
027:30:32 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, I'll go to P00 right here.
027:30:33 Scott (onboard): Yes, I'll just start sweeping this over here.
027:30:34 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, VERB 37, ENTER; 00, ENTER; and the next time through, we don't want to use a one, huh?
027:30:44 Scott (onboard): That's correct.
027:30:49 McDivitt (onboard): Wait a second. Are we - are we going to torque it again and do another whole alignment?
027:30:53 Scott (onboard): No.
027:30:54 Schweickart (onboard): No, not if you don't use a one.
027:31:03 McDivitt (onboard): It looks like the Moon is shining off the LM. It's shining right into the telescope. I can see the vague outline out there of something, and this great big halo.
027:31:19 Scott (onboard): Good grief, we don't want that.
027:31:22 McDivitt (onboard): I wonder where it is with respect to our stars, Rusty?
027:31:26 Schweickart (onboard): Well, it looks like it was right next to - Denebola there.
027:31:33 Schweickart (onboard): That's because it's not too close to Sirius.
027:31:40 Scott (onboard): People who can't recognize Procyon: Whoo!
027:31:45 McDivitt (onboard): Well, Procyon - I couldn't recognize Procyon, Dave, because it was between a couple protrusions on the LM.
027:31:50 Scott (onboard): Oh.
027:31:51 McDivitt (onboard): It was just lucky that the star was even there.
027:31:58 Scott (onboard): Hey, Jim, you close to the garbage bag?
027:32:00 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
027:32:01 Scott (onboard): I got a garbage for you.
027:32:04 McDivitt (onboard): That LM really gets in the way, doesn't it?
027:32:05 Scott (onboard): Yes, it sure does.
027:32:07 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, I can see trying to do - alignments on the way to the Moon like that. Holy Christmas. I wonder how you'd ever do it?
027:32:16 Schweickart (onboard): Do them on the planets - Sun and the Moon - and then get a star in the sextant.
027:32:29 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, but we wouldn't be able to do any better than we're doing here.
027:32:32 Schweickart (onboard): Right.
027:32:33 McDivitt (onboard): You - you just - you'd look and there'd be a star in the sextant, and say, "Yes, that must be my star.
027:32:37 Schweickart (onboard): That's right.
027:32:39 McDivitt (onboard): But heck, if you get small torquing angles, it's your star.
027:32:45 Scott (onboard): Jimmy, I got all the numbers to the planets. When we get all through with all the other stuff, I'd really like to find some time trying to do some daylight alignments.
027:32:56 McDivitt (onboard): Why sure.
027:32:57 Scott (onboard): Alright? [Pause]
027:33:02 McDivitt (onboard): Like day 5, 6 - I mean 6, 7, and 8.
027:33:04 Scott (onboard): Yes. You know, when we're through with everything.
027:33:07 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, maybe you and I could do an alignment, huh?
027:33:10 Scott (onboard): I don't know. We'd have to talk to the boss.
027:33:13 McDivitt (onboard): I don't know.
027:33:14 Scott (onboard): It takes a lot of skill.
027:33:16 McDivitt (onboard): That's right. It takes a lot of skill.
027:33:47 Schweickart (onboard): When you fire, pitch up, that's the time to look out the window, Dave.
027:33:51 Scott (onboard): Yes, I don't want to do that now [garble].
027:33:53 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I mean - I don't want you to, either.
027:34:00 Scott (onboard): Yes, I think I've got my own [garble].
027:34:05 Schweickart (onboard): How is it that thing keeps skewing - It hits the deadband, I guess?
027:34:09 Scott (onboard): Yes, [garble] 5-degrees deadband [garble].
027:34:23 McDivitt (onboard): Man, that LM really obscures a lot of the field of view.
027:34:29 Schweickart (onboard): Well, I guess I feel better after having eaten that.
027:34:32 McDivitt (onboard): You mean that you didn't like it, huh?
027:34:35 Schweickart (onboard): I - No, I forced it down.
027:34:38 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, you got to keep your strength up.
027:34:42 Schweickart (onboard): You're right. What a crummy existence: eat when you don't like to; sleep because it says so on the flight plan; if you don't sleep, you just lay there. You ought to be out carousing around with a bunch of broads or something - or making more money.
027:34:58 Scott (onboard): You're making a lot more money. You're overpaid as it is.
027:35:02 McDivitt (onboard): Right. This zero-g existence is easy.
027:35:05 Scott (onboard): Wonder what kind of per diem we're getting now?
027:35:07 McDivitt (onboard): A dollar a day, I think. I tried to claim mileage on Gemini IV; they wouldn't give it to me.
027:35:13 Scott (onboard): (Laughter)
027:35:14 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Jim, you got any tape down there?
027:35:16 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, what kind of tape you looking for?
027:35:19 Schweickart (onboard): Something that'll - I want to get this stuff - in a fairly tight ball.
027:35:24 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, okay. [Garble].
027:35:36 McDivitt (onboard): Are we getting there, Mr. Maneuverer?
027:35:39 Scott (onboard): Oh, very, very slowly.
027:36:01 Schweickart (onboard): Damn it. That was the piece I didn't want to get out. Oh, don't go up there!
027:36:05 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, we'll see you over Carnarvon in about 42.
Long comm break.
027:36:13 Schweickart (onboard): Roger. Somewhere at 42.
This is Apollo Control at 27 hours, 36 minutes. Tananarive has had LOS; next station will be Carnarvon at 27 hours, 42 minutes. Astronaut Al Worden, another member of the Apollo 9 support team, has joined Astronaut Stu Roosa at the CAP COMM console. This is Mission Control, Houston.
027:36:16 McDivitt (onboard): Here you are.
027:36:21 Schweickart (onboard): You got another one?
027:36:23 McDivitt (onboard): Another one, whoo!
027:36:41 McDivitt (onboard): Whoop! That stays here; you get the little piece.
027:36:56 Scott (onboard): Up to cryo PRESS.
027:36:57 Schweickart (onboard): Cryo PRESS. Okay. Cryo PRESS is on for the night.
027:37:01 Scott (onboard): Hey, man, I'm sure - I was sure glad when that finally went off last night.
027:37:04 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, listen. We're going to have to tape that thing over - or something. That mother kept bothering me all night long.
027:37:09 Scott (onboard): Me, too.
027:37:10 McDivitt (onboard): I have to look away from the sunny - sunlit window, then I'd be looking right at that thing.
027:37:24 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, Jim, here's some garbage.
027:37:39 Schweickart (onboard): Try some of my wonderful hydrogen-filled water.
027:37:51 McDivitt (onboard): Let's see. The star check we want is - the star angle we want anyway is - I wonder if we ought to tell them about our broken readout here?
027:38:12 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, oh boy, that water tastes terrible, doesn't.
027:38:15 McDivitt (onboard): Is it chlorine or the hydrogen?
027:38:17 Schweickart (onboard): The chlorine. That's the first time I've tasted chlorine in it.
027:38:29 Schweickart (onboard): You pitch up yet there?
027:38:31 Scott (onboard): No.
027:38:32 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
027:38:33 Scott (onboard): Why? You see it?
027:38:36 Schweickart (onboard): Turn out your light and watch it.
027:38:38 Scott (onboard): Wow!
027:38:41 McDivitt (onboard): See that.
027:38:42 Scott (onboard): It really lights it up, doesn't it?
027:38:43 Schweickart (onboard): I don't think it lights it up; I think it's more than that.
027:38:46 Scott (onboard): No, I mean - the sparkle.
027:38:48 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, but I think it's - I think it's actually -
027:38:50 Scott (onboard): Yes, you can almost see the ...
027:38:52 Schweickart (onboard): ... burning to it, kind of.
027:38:53 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
027:38:57 Scott (onboard): What do you know?
027:38:59 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, that water is so bad, I don't believe it's digestible.
027:39:04 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
027:39:05 Schweickart (onboard): I'm serious. That's really bad. Has it changed taste for you guys?
027:39:12 McDivitt (onboard): Yes. Considerably more chlorine in it than then was.
027:39:14 Schweickart (onboard): Shoo, boy!
027:39:17 Scott (onboard): [Garble] can't hardly see [garble].
027:39:25 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, that's so bad it - it - it actually stings my mouth.
027:39:30 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes?
027:39:32 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Oh boy. Oh, let me have the water gun. God, that's terrible! Phew!
027:39:47 McDivitt (onboard): The water gun has really got the gas in it.
027:39:50 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I know it, but ...
027:39:51 McDivitt (onboard): Be prepared. Well, this probably has a lot of chlorine in it, too.
027:39:58 Schweickart (onboard): I'll try it.
027:40:10 Schweickart (onboard): Augh yuck, it sure does! Augh! That water gun [garble].
027:40:22 McDivitt (onboard): Smells like a swimming pool in here.
027:40:24 Schweickart (onboard): Oh God, that tastes terrible. Man, let's not do that for another couple of days.
027:40:32 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
027:40:40 McDivitt (onboard): Maybe I put in two chlorines and no buffer. What about that?
027:40:43 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, man, that is really bad. Psshhoo!
027:40:47 Scott (onboard): It's not too bad with juice.
027:40:49 McDivitt (onboard): In a disguise, you mean?
027:40:52 Schweickart (onboard): Wow!
027:40:58 McDivitt (onboard): Well, let's see. You're not using the DSKY, are you?
027:41:01 Scott (onboard): No.
027:41:03 McDivitt (onboard): Let me load in my - Drive this thing over to the right place.
027:41:07 Scott (onboard): Your what?
027:41:08 McDivitt (onboard): Let me just drive the optics over to the right place.
027:41:11 Scott (onboard): We've got a ways to go, Jim.
027:41:12 McDivitt (onboard): I'll just get them there and leave them there. Then when they keep dribbling on over, I can watch. Let me put this in. 1691; is that correct?
027:41:25 Scott (onboard): Yes, sir.
027:41:30 Schweickart (onboard): You could do an AUTO drive, if you want.
027:41:32 McDivitt (onboard): No.
027:41:36 Schweickart (onboard): I thought you were going to load the DAP maneuver.
027:41:38 McDivitt (onboard): I was, but I [garble] going the wrong way.
This is Apollo Control at 27 hours 41 minutes. Apollo 9 is nearing acquisition at Carnarvon. We will stand by.
027:41:58 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston through Carnarvon.
027:42:03 McDivitt: Roger.
027:42:05 Roosa: And you're loud cad clear. And, Apollo 9, I would like to close a loop on an item I mentioned a while back about the DSE voice interference. Evidently that was a ground playback problem; we've run your last dump through and it's real good, so that DSE voice is okay. [Pause]
027:42:28 McDivitt: Okay, fine.
Comm break.
027:43:50 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. Another item: fuel cell 3 O2 flow looks normal to us. It's settled back down.
027:43:59 Scott: Yes, it does look like it is coming down again. [Long pause]
027:44:22 Schweickart: And, Houston, Apollo 9. Do you plan to have us charge BATT A tonight?
027:44:30 Roosa: Copy, Apollo 9. Stand by. [Pause]
027:44:38 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, that is affirmative.
027:44:42 Schweickart: Roger. Thank you.
Comm break.
027:46:16 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
027:46:20 Schweickart: Go ahead.
027:46:21 Roosa: Roger. Another question on our PUGS problem. Have you tried the test switch on this? [Pause]
027:46:32 Schweickart: That's a negative.
027:46:36 Roosa: Roger. Understand. Have you got time to run that for us now, Rusty? If we so request it? [Pause]
027:46:46 Schweickart: Sure do.
027:46:48 Roosa: Okay. Stand by one. Okay. Okay, Rusty. We would like to have you do that. I'm sure you are familiar with this procedure, but we Would like to have you know your values now so you can return to those. And a caution on this is to not stay in position 1 or position 2 longer than 10 seconds. And we would like it run in both NORMAL and AUX.
027:47:05 Schweickart: Okay. Understand you want to do it in both NORMAL and AUX, and let me know when you are ready. You want test 1 and test 2 in both of them. [Pause]
027:47:34 Roosa: That is affirmative. And as I say, note here that you will have to note your values so you can bring it back to your present values now. [Pause]
027:47:47 Schweickart: Okay. I'll give you about 8 seconds. We are starting and - you ready to go?
027:47:54 Roosa: Roger, Apollo 9. We can't - We can't monitor this; we would just like to have you do it on board and we would like to have you go up and down, back to the present values and NORMAL and PRIMARY, and then the same thing in AUX. And give us a few words of wisdom as you proceed through it.
027:48:15 Schweickart: Okay. In work.
027:48:16 Roosa: Okay. [Long pause]
027:48:38 Schweickart: Okay, Houston. I just ran teat 1 in PRIMARY, rather in NORMAL, and in 10 seconds I got no motion at all. The Master Alarm light did come on after about 5 seconds, but no motion at all on the counters and for that reason I don't think I will go down to test 2. I may not be able to get it back up where it belongs.
027:49:09 Roosa: Roger. We copy that. Stand by one. That's a pretty definite test of some sort, so stand by one, Apollo 9.
027:49:19 Schweickart: Roger. And any time you want to give me a GO, Ill go ahead and run the same teat in AUX.
027:49:24 Roosa: Okay. Stand by.
Long comm break.
027:52:55 Roosa: And Apollo 9, this is Houston. We're about to lose you here at Carnarvon. We'll see you at Huntsville at about 59.
027:53:04 Schweickart: Roger. Do you want me to try and test it in AUX or are you still thinking about it?
027:53:07 Roosa: Well, our plan is that we're going to have you disable these - the PUGS for this burn and we'll talk about that over the Huntsville or Hawaii; we're coning up on 30 minutes of the burn, and we figure we should just go ahead and chuck it for this one. [Pause]
027:53:24 Schweickart: Okay.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 27 hours, 53 minutes into the mission. Carnarvon has LOS. Over this station we performed a test on the PUGS, the propellant utilization gageing system, it's been acting up causing warning lights to come on, warning tones and lights during the burn. We have decided to disable this system for the 4th SPS burn which is scheduled at about 30 minutes, 30 seconds from now. We can perform the burn without this system. It is merely a gageing system, and we will disable it. The Huntsville will acquire at 27 hours, 58 minutes, 23 seconds. This is Mission Control, Houston.
027:53:25 Schweickart (onboard): What'd he say? - Go ahead and do what for this one?
027:53:27 McDivitt (onboard): Disable them.
027:53:28 Schweickart (onboard): Well, hell, we might as well run the test then.
027:53:31 McDivitt (onboard): No, I think they are going to do something next time.
027:53:34 Scott (onboard): Okay, Jim, you ought to be just about there.
027:53:36 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. There is a star - just about there, Dave. It's a bright star. I see another bright star that might be Arcturus [garble] something else [garble].
027:53:40 Scott (onboard): Deneb ought to be out there close to it.
027:53:51 McDivitt (onboard): No, I - I can't see anything that dim. There are thousands of little bits and pieces floating around, and then there's a star out about 4 or 5 degrees.
027:54:00 Schweickart (onboard): Anybody happen to know where the PUGS breakers are?
027:54:03 Scott (onboard): Yes, they're over here, Rusty.
027:54:05 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, okay. Shoot, I'd like to test that son of a gun [garble] to see what it's going to do.
027:54:17 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, we're like 30 - 30 minutes prior to the burn. You can [garble] here.
027:54:24 Schweickart (onboard): You know we lose the PUGS here, and that means we don't have any onboard readout of quantity.
027:54:32 Scott (onboard): Yes, that's right; we sure don't, do we?
027:54:34 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter) [Pause]
027:54:41 McDivitt (onboard): Well, Dave, all I can tell you is there is a bright star about 4 degrees from the center.
027:54:45 Scott (onboard): Beautiful. Jim, you've been doing so good ...
027:54:47 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
027:54:48 Scott (onboard): ... and you're so proficient now that I have every confidence in you that this'll be the right way.
027:54:54 McDivitt (onboard): I'll tell you there's a thousand of them that aren't holding still, though.
027:55:03 Scott (onboard): I think we ought to - get the - Make sure we're ready. Want to do helmets and gloves this time, Jimmy?
027:55:11 McDivitt (onboard): I don't care. I don't think we need to.
027:55:14 Scott (onboard): Goody.
027:55:18 McDivitt (onboard): It's going to be a short one.
027:55:21 Schweickart (onboard): I need to get my glove out, to get my watch off.
027:55:39 McDivitt (onboard): 27 seconds - Is that what it is here?
027:55:41 Scott (onboard): I think [garble] ...
027:55:42 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] 28.3.
027:55:45 McDivitt (onboard): Okay. 243 to 260. Okay, it's off 2 degrees in shaft and I degree in trunnion ...
027:56:00 Scott (onboard): Oh, that - that's something new to me.
027:56:01 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, I'm not sure that that's the star, though. All I - There's just a star there, Dave, [garble].
027:56:05 Scott (onboard): Yes. Yes, if there's no ...
027:56:08 McDivitt (onboard): It's a bright star ...
027:56:09 Scott (onboard): ... [garble] in the daytime.
027:56:10 McDivitt (onboard): There are no other stars that I can see.
027:56:12 Scott (onboard): Close that panel down there - the B-1.
027:56:20 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I'll tell you, I sure feel a lot better after I ate.
027:56:24 Scott (onboard): Even when you're not hungry, huh?
027:56:25 Schweickart (onboard): Even when you're not hungry. Yes, it's a terrible thing, to force-feed, but -
027:56:31 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, OPTICS to zero and CMC. Gee, I'll bet I'm getting about that.
027:56:39 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I've been listening to that.
027:56:41 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) Well, now I have a wealth of information available to me: the Moon, landing lunar, the quad. Do you need any of this hot poop for your -
027:56:59 Scott (onboard): [garble] nobody else is doing them anyway.
027:57:02 McDivitt (onboard): Let me put the optics away, and I'll be right with you.
027:57:49 McDivitt (onboard): We ought to check these optics in the morning and see if they're still clean.
027:57:55 Scott (onboard): Well, you been putting your fingers on them?
027:57:57 McDivitt (onboard): No, just the - All the water that's been splashing around and the lint and putting your fingers on them. The whole bit.
027:58:02 Scott (onboard): You're not supposed to put your fingers on them.
027:58:04 McDivitt (onboard): I know you're not. But you're not supposed to have dirt floating in here either. We do have that.
This is Apollo Control, 27 hours 58 minutes into the mission. We'll stand by for conversation at the Huntsville.
027:58:11 Scott (onboard): Not more than 90 percent of the time.
027:58:16 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, we do. 100 percent of the time!
027:58:47 McDivitt (onboard): I've yet to make that thing work. [Garble].
027:59:04 McDivitt (onboard): The spacecraft looks like it is getting smaller all the time.
027:59:17 Schweickart (onboard): I think it looks like it gets dirtier.
027:59:18 Scott (onboard): Kind of like the TV set doesn't look as good, and the wife doesn't look as good, you know.
027:59:20 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through the Huntsville. [Long pause]
027:59:24 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
027:59:25 Scott (onboard): It's all those things. Familiarity breeds contempt.
027:59:28 McDivitt (onboard): Where's that tape I had down there?
027:59:38 McDivitt (onboard): How long to the burn time?
027:59:40 Schweickart (onboard): 25 minutes.
027:59:46 Scott (onboard): Hey, my toothbrush managed to stay there during all that.
027:59:55 Roosa: Huntsville M&O, Houston CAP COMM. How do you read?
028:00:00 Communications Technician: Houston CAP COMM, Huntsville M&O. Read you loud and clear. We have not established valid two-way lock yet with the spacecraft.
028:00:07 Roosa: Roger. Understand. Would you give me a call when you do? [Pause]
028:00:12 Schweickart (onboard): Can you hear that?
028:00:13 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble] bad and then some.
028:00:14 Communications Technician: Roger. Wilco.
028:00:15 Scott (onboard): Give them extra volume when you -
028:00:18 Schweickart: Hello. Houston, Apollo 9.
028:00:21 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. You are loud and clear. [Pause]
028:00:27 Schweickart (onboard): Roger; you're still quite ...
028:00:29 Schweickart: Weak, but ...
028:00:34 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. I read you loud and clear. How me? [Pause]
028:00:48 Roosa: Okay, Apollo 9, this is Houston. I think you are reading me. We are recommending that we turn the PUGS off for this burn. We would like to have you turn the SPS gaging switch off. We would like to have you pull 2 circuit breakers on panel 8; they are the heater gaging circuit breaker, MAIN A, MAIN B. [Pause]
028:01:08 Schweickart (onboard): The Huntsville, bouncing down off a satellite [garble].
028:01:16 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it's the Huntsville off a satellite, that's why.
028:01:18 Schweickart: [Garble]. [Pause]
028:01:32 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. I am not reading you et all. [Pause]
028:01:41 Communications Technician: Houston CAP COMM, this is the Huntsville M&O. At the time we were talking to the spacecraft we had valid two-way lock, and we've lost it presently. [Pause]
028:01:55 McDivitt (onboard): Wonder what this goes to?
028:02:00 Roosa: Roger. You say I did have two-way lock at the time of my transmission?
028:02:06 Communications Technician: Roger. During the brief transmission you had two-way lock; presently you do not have it. The signal is very weak.
028:02:12 Roosa: Roger. Understand. Thank you. [Logn pause]
028:02:18 Schweickart (onboard): What?
028:02:19 McDivitt (onboard): Nothing, I was just listening. Here, Rusty, the flight plan again. Can you stash it away over there, or you want me to just hold it?
028:02:29 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, I'll stash it away.
028:02:45 Scott (onboard): First unsuited burn! Okay. A new milestone. Where do I put my head.
028:02:52 McDivitt (onboard): That's what I was wondering - Do you want to put the helmet on?
028:02:58 Scott (onboard): I think I will, because it puts my head upright.
028:03:01 Schweickart (onboard): I bet you don't have a bit of trouble holding it.
028:03:03 Scott (onboard): I bet you're right. Good idea to leave it like it is.
028:03:09 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9. How do you read now?
028:03:12 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. I read you loud and clear. Did you copy my last transmission?
028:03:17 Schweickart: That's negative. You were way down in the mud.
028:03:20 Roosa: Okay. We're recommending that you disable the PUGS for this burn. We would like to have you turn the SPS gaging switch off, and pull the two circuit breakers on panel 8, labeled SPS HEATER GAGING, MAIN A, MAIN B. [Pause]
028:03:39 McDivitt (onboard): Okay?
028:03:40 Schweickart: Roger. SPS gaging OFF, and the breakers are OPEN.
028:03:44 Roosa: Okay. Very good. Thank you, Apollo 9.
028:03:48 Schweickart: Roger.
Comm break.
028:03:50 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, now, you want the DAP loaded, maybe?
028:03:53 Scott (onboard): Yes, sir. Roger.
028:03:55 McDivitt (onboard): [Garble].
028:04:01 Scott (onboard): He didn't say any more about those dips, did he, Rusty?
028:04:05 McDivitt (onboard): No, he didn't.
028:04:06 Schweickart (onboard): No.
028:04:07 Scott (onboard): Okay, [garble].
028:04:12 Schweickart (onboard): Remind me, Jim, on those cryo's. We want 175 MIN.
028:04:16 McDivitt (onboard): 175 MIN, okay.
028:04:20 Scott (onboard): The LM's going to be the heavy one after this one, you know?
028:04:23 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
028:04:26 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, how about that?
028:04:41 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, it's almost bedtime.
028:04:47 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
028:04:57 Schweickart (onboard): Maybe I'll close up these tapes, so I don't get all that stuff in the tape.
028:05:07 McDivitt (onboard): 10 degrees in pitch, 10 degrees in roll, and about 3 degrees in yaw, with two out. That's not bad.
028:05:31 Schweickart (onboard): I'm going to test the camera here again. Okay, it works.
028:06:00 Schweickart (onboard): Getting them both banked again, huh?
028:06:01 McDivitt: Roger.
028:06:02 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. We are losing you over the Huntsville; we'll see you over Hawaii at 10. [Pause]
028:06:15 McDivitt: Houston, this is Apollo 9. You are breaking up very badly, lots of noise, and the S-band's cutting you out there.
028:06:22 Roosa: Roger. We'll see you over Hawaii at 10.
028:06:24 McDivitt: Roger. Hawaii at 10. You came through pretty good this time if you want to try again.
028:06:33 Roosa: No, I we just telling you we were LOS.
Comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 28 hours 6 minutes, and the Huntsville does have loss of signal. During this pass Apollo 9 disabled the propellant utilization system, will not be used during the 4th service propulsion maneuver. We're 17 minutes 36 seconds away from the 4th SPS burn, will be performed near the end of the 18th revolution, while in acquisition at Texas. Next station to acquire is Hawaii, the GO/NO-GO decision for this SPS burn will be made over the Hawaii station. This is Mission Control Houston.
This is Apollo Control at 28 hours, 10 minutes and Hawaii has acquired Apollo 9.
028:06:36 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. We get the GO/NO-GO over Hawaii.
028:06:50 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
028:06:58 Schweickart (onboard): Now, isn't that funny? That damm fuel cell O2 flow (cough) came back in (cough).
028:07:26 Schweickart (onboard): Ain't any [garble]. like the service. [Garble].
028:07:36 McDivitt (onboard): Better [garble] the PGNCS (laughter).
028:07:38 Schweickart (onboard): Test caution and warning, here.
028:07:45 McDivitt (onboard): Get your MASTER?
028:07:46 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
028:07:48 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
028:07:53 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, you got the DAP loaded and all that?
028:07:56 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
028:07:57 Scott (onboard): DAP's loaded.
028:07:58 Schweickart (onboard): TVC's roll jets selected?
028:08:00 Scott (onboard): Roger; AC ROLL, OFF.
028:08:02 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, and you got an ullage selection this time, too, right?
028:08:06 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, that's right.
028:08:07 Scott (onboard): I don't know [garble] ullage is [garble].
028:08:12 Schweickart (onboard): Here's where we use our fuel.
028:08:14 Scott (onboard): What did we agree to? Four jets, 17 seconds. Right?
028:08:18 McDivitt (onboard): I got four jets, 18 seconds.
028:08:20 Schweickart (onboard): 17.
028:08:22 McDivitt (onboard): What's the flight plan say?
028:08:28 Schweickart (onboard): Flight plan says four jet, 18, unfortunately.
028:08:33 McDivitt (onboard): Pity.
028:08:35 Schweickart (onboard): Pity. You've got a slow reaction time, though, Dave.
028:08:40 Scott (onboard): Say again?
028:08:41 Schweickart (onboard): I said you've got a slow reaction time.
028:08:44 Scott (onboard): Yes. Let's hope I got a safe SPS engine, too. Give me a number for the DELTA-V counter, please.
028:08:51 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, DELTA-V counter is 294.5.
028:08:56 Scott (onboard): Thank you.
028:08:58 McDivitt (onboard): Can you verify that change?
028:08:59 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Sure. 294.5.
028:09:02 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, ready to PRO down this thing here?
028:09:05 Scott (onboard): Yes, I think we can.
028:09:06 Schweickart (onboard): What time is it?
028:09:07 Scott (onboard): 15 minutes. Oh, we're alright ...
028:09:10 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, let's wait.
028:09:11 Scott (onboard): ... for a while. 18 seconds.
028:09:17 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, that sun is really in the wrong place, you know it?
028:09:19 Scott (onboard): Yes.
028:09:20 McDivitt (onboard): It hits you very nicely for these burns, doesn't it?
028:09:22 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, all these north burns. Luckily, at burn time it's a little bit better. Look at that thing.
028:09:39 Scott (onboard): Oh, my goodness!
028:09:42 Schweickart (onboard): That's how my stomach feels.
028:09:44 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, mine too. That's exactly what I was thinking. I imagine my tummy looks exactly like that.
028:10:25 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through Hawaii. Standing by.
028:10:30 McDivitt: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9. Coming up on the burn here.
028:10:35 Roosa: Roger. You are loud and clear, and we'll have your GO/NO-GO shortly. Let everybody take a look at your data.
028:10:42 McDivitt: Okay.
Comm break.
028:13:12 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. You are GO for SPS-4.
028:13:17 McDivitt: Apollo 9. Roger.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control; we are 10 minutes away from SPS number 4. To summarize again, the Delta V, or change of velocity on this burn, 300.9 feet per second, duration of the burn, 28.3 seconds. We expect the resultant orbital parameters 273.8 by 109.5. Perigee is the same as the present perigee, the apogee would move up 2 miles. This burn essentially out of plane.
5 minutes away from the burn.
Telemetry confirms the gimbal motors are on now. Those are the orders that drive the engine bell - steer it.
Three minutes away from the burn now.
Ignition planned at 28 hours, 24 minutes, 40 seconds - cutoff 28 hours, 25 minutes, 9 seconds. G&C confirms the spacecraft is trimmed up - ready for the burn.
One minute away.
028:24:08 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, I've got EMS to AUTO.
028:24:10 Scott (onboard): Okay, EMS to AUTO.
Thirty seconds.
028:24:25 McDivitt (onboard): 20 seconds.
028:24:26 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble]. Good ullage. Alright [garble]. Proceed.
028:24:32 McDivitt (onboard): 10 seconds.
028:24:38 Scott (onboard): 599, proceed.
028:24:44 Scott (onboard): Good start; [garble] PC is good; GIMBAL MOTORS are good.
Good burn so far - nice and steady.
028:24:48 McDivitt (onboard): Looks good, men. 19 seconds. 15 seconds on the PGNCS.
028:24:57 Scott (onboard): Okay, looks good.
028:25:05 Scott (onboard): 6, 5, 4; looks good.
Engine OFF.
028:25:11 Scott (onboard): Shut down? A-1 four shut down. GIMBAL MOTORS, Rusty?
028:25:14 Schweickart (onboard): Ready.
028:25:15 McDivitt (onboard): PITCH 1, YAW 1, 2 - PITCH 2 ...
028:25:40 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. I copy your residuals plus 00003, plus 00035, plus 00032.
028:25:58 Scott: Roger. That's correct for the DELTA-V curve, that's a minus 6.2.
028:26:04 Roosa: Roger. Minus 6.2. [Long pause]
028:26:21 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. I copy the order.
028:26:26 Scott: Roger
028:26:27 Schweickart: Roger.
028:26:30 Scott: That was a good burn.
028:26:32 Roosa: Roger. Understand. Looked good here.
028:26:35 Scott: You're really [garble]. [Long pause]
Initial onboard orbit looks like 274 by 109.
028:27:11 Schweickart: And, Houston, do you want us to begin charging BATT A?
028:27:19 Roosa: That's affirmative, Apollo 9. Let's start charging battery A.
028:27:24 Schweickart: Okay.
Comm break.
028:28:41 McDivitt: Houston, this is Apollo 9.
028:28:45 Roosa: Go, Apollo 9.
028:28:47 McDivitt: We just want to advise you that the command and service module now weighs less than the LM.
028:28:52 Roosa: Roger. Copy. [Pause]
028:29:01 Roosa: Hey, Jim. I think you must like the heavy jobs. Soon as you got this one lighter - Now tomorrow you are going to crawl into the heavy one.
028:29:08 McDivitt: Yea. I always have been in favor of heavies.
028:29:11 Roosa: (Laughter) Roger. [Pause]
028:29:16 Scott: You notice the way we end up, though, at the end of the run.
028:29:19 Roosa: Okay.
Long comm break.
This is Apollo Control. We have the heartrates now during this short burn - SPS number 4. Jim McDivitt - 108, Dave Scott 68, Rusty Schweickart - 62.
028:32:58 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
028:33:00 Schweickart: Go ahead.
028:33:01 Roosa: Roger. Our COMM dropped down there a little bit right when you yore commenting on your Master Alarm during the burn. Would you repeat that?
028:33:07 Schweickart: Roger. The comment was that it was a real good burn and we didn't have any Master Alarm that time.
028:33:13 Roosa: Roger. Well, the white hats picked up one on that.
028:33:17 Schweickart: We had one caution light, but it was on before the burn, so I guess that's okay.
028:33:21 Roosa: That's right.
028:33:23 Schweickart: SIM SUP must be falling down on his job.
028:33:30 Roosa: We'll talk to him about that; see what he can do for you tomorrow.
028:33:34 Unidentifiable crewmember: [Garble].
028:33:35 Schweickart: No thanks - okay?
028:33:38 Roosa: Okay.
Comm break.
This is Apollo Control. Sim Sup is the simulation supervisor who introduces problems into the simulations prior to the actual mission.
Apollo Control, we had during that burn, and they are still here, two members of the backup crew of Apollo 9, the backup crew commander Pete Conrad, and the command module pilot Dick Gordon.
028:35:19 Schweickart: Houston, did you call?
028:36:18 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
028:36:20 Schweickart: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 9.
028:36:22 Roosa: Roger. Just for your info, that Y-residual on that burn took out those few seconds that we were off on the rendezvous and now we are trying to measure it in centiseconds. [Pause]
028:36:35 Scott: Good. We've got just the computer that can take centiseconds.
028:36:39 Roosa: Okay. [Pause]
028:36:43 Schweickart: I have something to tell you; he's going to have to - If that doesn't work, you can just make the numbers smaller and smaller.
028:36:49 Roosa: Okay. [Long pause]
028:37:39 Scott: Houston, Apollo 9.
028:37:43 Roosa: Apollo 9, go.
028:37:45 Scott: Are you going to leave the SPS gaging circuit down for the rest of the flight?
028:37:53 Roosa: We haven't really decided on that yet, Apollo 9. I guess it depends on how our troubleshooting goes.
028:37:59 Scott: Okay. We will just stand by for whatever you want to do, then.
028:38:02 Roosa: Roger. If we can come up with some good ideas, we will work on it.
028:38:07 Scott: Roger. [Long pause]
028:38:19 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9.
028:38:23 Roosa: Apollo 9, go ahead.
028:38:25 Schweickart: Roger. We would like to know what your plans are for purging of the fuel cells, if any.
028:38:30 Roosa: Roger. We would like to have that O2 purge as we talked about before over Carnarvon. And stand by here; we will see if we got any other on that. And we would like to have an E memory dump at this time. We're standing by now on your Mark.
028:38:50 Schweickart: Okay. 3, 2, 1.
028:38:52 Schweickart: MARK.
028:38:53 Schweickart: E memory dump. [Long pause]
028:39:25 Schweickart: Houston, we are going to fill the PLSS tank again so the surge will be coming down.
028:39:30 Roosa: Roger. Understand. [Long pause]
028:40:30 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, this is Houston. We've got about 1 more minute at Antigua, and then we will see you over Ascension at 46. [Pause]
028:40:42 Schweickart: Roger. Ascension 46.
Comm break.
028:40:48 McDivitt (onboard): Okay, so the purge we're going to do later; CRYO FANS, O2 and H2, ON, for 3 minutes; and the fan thing - Let's see. Oh, that little goody I looked up in the big flight plan: our special little heater operation. Wonder if they want to do the fan?
028:41:13 Schweickart (onboard): Which one?
028:41:14 Scott (onboard): I would assume we'd do the - You know, the powerdown and let these things go.
028:41:18 Schweickart (onboard): I would think we would.
028:41:19 McDivitt (onboard): H2 ...
028:41:20 Schweickart (onboard): I think we ought to ...
028:41:21 McDivitt (onboard): ... fan or the O2 fan?
028:41:22 Schweickart (onboard): Well, if we just turn it on to stir it up, that'll get rid of the - the stuff, and it's not going to disturb - and as long as we don't put any heat in, that is not going to disturb it for 3 minutes.
028:41:32 Scott (onboard): Yes, I'd assume that we'd do that, unless they say otherwise.
028:41:37 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Okay, little timer, coming out. H2 1. Watch this, David, I'll try this O2 fan. It didn't do it that time. Last time it went "boing!
This is Apollo Control; we are 28 hours, and 41 minutes into the flight. And Apollo 9 is beyond the range at Antigua now. This burn, SPS number 4 went very well. The initial onboard readout of the orbit - 274 by 109. That will be refined from ground tracking. We do not have that number yet but very, very near the nominal we were looking for. We were expecting on the order of 273.8 by 109.5. Ascension will acquire the spacecraft in about 3 minutes; we'll be back up then. This is Mission Control, Houston.
028:42:20 Schweickart (onboard): Waste water dump - let's see how our waste water is doing. It - it's 57 percent today. Want to dump it?
028:42:30 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, we probably ought to.
028:42:31 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
028:42:32 Scott (onboard): It's down to 25 [garble].
028:42:34 McDivitt (onboard): Here's the flight plan back again.
028:42:35 Scott (onboard): Okay. You want it back?
028:42:38 McDivitt (onboard): No, I said, "There, it's back again to you for a minute." Oh, let's see. Where'd I put all that stuff? Oh, it's way up here on top.
028:42:51 Schweickart (onboard): When do we have another CO2 canister change? Tonight or tomorrow morning?
028:42:55 McDivitt (onboard): Tonight.
028:42:57 Schweickart (onboard): See if I find that? I don't see it.
028:43:03 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, wasn't there one in there?
028:43:04 Schweickart (onboard): No.
028:43:05 Scott (onboard): I don't see it either. Yes, sir. 30 hours. I thought.
028:43:12 Schweickart (onboard): 30 hours! Oh, hell, I'm looking at the wrong flight plan here. Hold on.
028:43:16 Scott (onboard): Got an eat period in here.
028:43:19 McDivitt (onboard): I'm eating again, fellows.
028:43:21 Scott (onboard): I could take a little more before bed.
028:43:24 McDivitt (onboard): I'd like to get rid of this gas, or whatever that stuff is that's churning around.
028:43:27 Scott (onboard): Why don't we get out of our suits? This would be a good time to do that. Huh?
028:43:31 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, it would. I could do that before I went down there and got the roll.
028:43:33 Scott (onboard): Why don't you - why don't you hop out of your suit?
028:43:36 McDivitt (onboard): I wonder if I ought to leave my suit on tonight. I really froze to death last night.
028:43:40 Scott (onboard): Why don't you change your suit?
028:43:44 McDivitt (onboard): You know what I ...
028:43:45 Schweickart (onboard): Look at that. I got a washer hanging on the window.
028:43:50 McDivitt (onboard): Maybe I could get a - Rusty, were you warm in that sleeping bag?
028:43:53 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
028:43:54 McDivitt (onboard): There's another one down there, isn't there?
028:43:55 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
028:43:56 Scott (onboard): Yes.
028:43:57 McDivitt (onboard): Maybe if I put my lightweight suit on, and put my - Get in the sleeping bag, too. You know.
028:44:07 Schweickart (onboard): Here's today's collection of trash. Here's your thing, Jim.
028:44:12 McDivitt (onboard): What thing?
028:44:13 Scott (onboard): The thing being the [garble] ...
028:44:16 McDivitt (onboard): No, I have another one down here.
028:44:17 Scott (onboard): Okay, check.
028:44:20 Schweickart (onboard): By the way, red to red, blue to - I mean, red to blue, blue to red works good, having the red this way. Got a few things on it, too.
028:44:31 McDivitt (onboard): Like this blue in, and then suck it out someplace else?
028:44:34 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
028:44:44 Scott (onboard): Did you know we have some rates! I mean just all of a sudden.
028:44:47 McDivitt (onboard): They're looking good to me.
028:44:50 Schweickart (onboard): We turned the BMAG's off.
028:44:53 Scott (onboard): No. I mean - I can tell - I mean, by watching the IMU.
028:44:57 McDivitt (onboard): Oh.
028:44:58 Scott (onboard): But it has stopped moving.
028:45:00 Schweickart (onboard): It stopped moving?
028:45:01 Scott (onboard): Yes.
028:45:02 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, you have a big frosty spot over there, don't you?
028:45:03 Scott (onboard): Yes.
028:45:04 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, yes. It comes and - But I think that's on the inside, isn't it?
028:45:08 Scott (onboard): Yes.
028:45:09 McDivitt (onboard): That's on the inside of the inside pane.
028:45:11 Scott (onboard): That's correct. I can wipe it with my fingers.
028:45:17 Schweickart (onboard): It's a colder window over there. Well, shoot. I guess I've lost the COMM channel. Audio -
028:45:36 Schweickart (onboard): And when you're done down there, you're going to dump the waste water, right?
028:45:39 McDivitt (onboard): What?
028:45:40 Schweickart (onboard): You're going to dump the waste water, too, huh?
028:45:41 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, as soon as I can get my suit off, I can dump the waste water.
028:45:43 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
028:45:45 Scott (onboard): Pardon me, gang. I just said "Pardon me." I got rid of some gas!
028:45:56 Scott (onboard): Hey, listen, I'll take - Before you get into all that, how about handing me a food pack, Jim?
028:46:05 Schweickart (onboard): Whoo, boy! (Laughter) Hey, I'm hungry too, now. EMERGENCY CABIN PRESSURE to BOTH. We got that?
This is Apollo Control at 28 hours 45 minutes. Apollo 9 coming up on the Ascension station now. We'll stand by.
028:46:55 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston, [Long pause]
028:47:07 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Ascension.
028:47:12 McDivitt: Roger. Houston, Apollo 9.
028:47:14 Roosa: Hello. Tremendous COMM this pass. We'd like to have P00 in ACCEPT. We'd like to give you a state vector.
028:47:21 McDivitt: Roger. You've got it.
028:47:23 Roosa: Understand. [Long pause]
028:47:50 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. I have a NAV check to go along with the state vector [garble]. [Pause]
028:48:01 Scott: Roger. Go ahead with your NAV check.
028:48:03 Roosa: Roger. Reading NAV check: 029 40 all zips, plus 12 27, plus 16 044 135 8.
028:48:35 Scott: Roger. Reading back: 029 49 all zips, plus 12 27, plus 16 044 135 8.
028:48:46 Roosa: Roger. Confirm the update. [Long pause]
028:49:23 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. You have both the state vector clocks loaded. The computer is yours.
028:49:30 Scott: Roger. Computer's ours; thank you. [Long pause]
028:50:10 Schweickart: You guys were perfect again.
028:50:15 Roosa: Roger. I see it on there now. With a little practice, by gosh, we may make it yet. [Pause]
028:50:27 Schweickart: Roger. And we're ready for block data any time you got it.
028:50:31 Roosa: I'm sorry about that, Rusty. We don't have that yet. We'll try to catch that - I know it's through your eat period here, but we're going to have to catch it over Carnarvon, some spot over there, during the next hour.
028:50:44 Schweickart: Okay. Fine. [Pause]
028:50:54 Schweickart: And, Houston, we're going to be powering down the G&N here.
028:50:59 Roosa: Roger. Understand. Any time.
028:51:03 Schweickart: Okay. [Pause]
028:51:13 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, if you would like to do that O2 purge now that would be one less thing you would have to do next hour. We've still got you here at Ascension for almost 6 minutes. [Pause]
028:51:26 Schweickart: Okay. We'll run through that O2 purge right now.
028:51:30 Roosa: Roger. Understand you are starting an O2 purge. Very good. [Long pause]
ECOMM reports that the crew is purging all three fuel cells and the purge rates look normal.
028:52:15 Roosa: And, Apollo 9, Houston. Just for your info - why we're late on the block data is the weather has turned pretty bad in some areas and we had to shift the areas. [Pause]
028:52:29 Schweickart: Roger.
028:52:33 Roosa: In fact, it looks like we are going to have to keep you flying or either land you out here in - off Red Fish Isle in Galveston Bay. [Pause]
028:52:44 Schweickart: Why don't we just stay up for a few days?
028:52:46 Roosa: Okay. That sounds like a good idea. [Pause]
028:52:57 Schweickart: The food and bubbly are holding out all right.
028:53:01 Roosa: Tremendous. And Apollo 9, another thing I would like to get from you would be your RCS quads - your onboard readout, quantity, and your thruster temp. [Pause]
028:53:17 Schweickart: Roger. I'll be right down with them.
028:53:19 Roosa: Okay. [Long pause]
028:54:02 Schweickart: Okay. Purge is complete.
028:54:05 Roosa: Roger. Copy purge complete. [Long pause]
028:54:36 McDivitt: Houston, here is the RCS quantity if you want to copy.
028:54:39 Roosa: Roger. Go ahead.
028:54:42 McDivitt: A quad is 79 percent, B is 84, C is 79, D is 79.
028:55:01 Roosa: Roger. I copy 79, 84, 79, 79.
028:55:06 McDivitt: That is affirm. [Long pause]
028:55:20 McDivitt: And, Houston, stand by on the injector temps for just a second.
028:55:24 Roosa: Roger. Understand.
Comm break.
028:56:33 McDivitt (onboard): I got them.
028:56:46 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9. We'll get you with the injector temps on next station.
028:56:51 Roosa: Roger. We're about to lose you here at Ascension and the next station is Tananarive at about 04, but our COMM has been pretty bad. I won't even try to talk with you unless you contact us, and I'll contact you next over Carnarvon at 19.
028:57:09 Schweickart: Roger.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 28 hours, 57 minutes and Ascension does have LOS. We are in the process now of handing over from the white team lead by flight director Gene Kranz to the gold team, flight director Jerry Griffith. Next station to acquire will be Tananarive in about 6 minutes, however, as you heard, Stu Roosa said that he would not attempt to contact the crew over the Tananarive station; we will stand by in case the crew wants to put in a call to us, but the voice quality experienced over Tananarive today has been pretty bad, so it's very likely that the next station over which we will have communication will be Carnarvon, at 29 hours, 19 minutes. The crew is in the process of powering down the spacecraft for the night, going into drifting flight, during the next hour, they will be eating and then their rest period begins at 30 hours even. This is Mission Control at 28 hours, 58 minutes.
028:57:22 Schweickart (onboard): What do you say?
028:57:26 Scott (onboard): I thought I heard something. Maybe it was you, bumping around.
028:57:39 Schweickart (onboard): Thought we had some hoses.
This is Apollo Control. Good afternoon from the Gold Team. Here at Mission Control we've completed the shift changeover. Flight Director Jerry Griffin's crew has replaced the White Team and they made a status check of the consoles here and they indicate that they are ready to support Apollo 9. The spacecraft will come within range of the tracking station at Carnarvon in a matter of a minute or so. That time we expect some conversation between the crew and the CAPCOM. Meantime, we estimate that the change of shift briefing involving the participants of the White Team will start here in Houston at 3:45 PM Central Standard Time. We'll be standing by momentarily for expected air-to ground conversation between Houston and the crew at Carnarvon. This is Apollo Control standing by.
028:57:40 Scott (onboard): Yes.
We've acquired the spacecraft at the Carnarvon tracking station. Standing by.
028:58:30 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, that's as low as I've seen those fuel cells.
028:58:35 Scott (onboard): Sure has powered down.
028:58:37 Schweickart (onboard): 15 amps apiece.
028:58:39 Scott (onboard): Huh!
028:58:48 Schweickart (onboard): Jim, can you get some systems test meter stuff? 5 C and D; 6 A, B, C, D.
028:59:16 Schweickart (onboard): 4 point what?
028:59:24 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
While we are waiting for air-to-ground conversation, we have received refined tracking data on the apogee and perigee from the last SPS burn and we understand that it was 200 - the resulting perigee was 272 nautical miles and 109.3 nautical miles.
029:00:14 Scott (onboard): I put it in the far right-hand corner over there?
029:00:38 Scott (onboard): Do you have your little crew logbook, Rusty? You did? I always get you when you put it away, now.
029:00:47 Schweickart (onboard): Yes.
029:00:49 Scott (onboard): Why don't you just leave it out over there, because I - Stick it up there while the night's going on in, case [garble]. (Sneeze)
029:02:31 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, do you know which radio they're [garble]?
029:02:59 Schweickart (onboard): Jim, when you're ready down there, you can dump the water anytime. Okay?
029:04:21 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, our surge tank is tanked up again. Do you want to fill it again?
029:04:51 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, Dave.
029:04:52 Scott (onboard): Yes.
029:04:53 Schweickart (onboard): The surge tank is full. Do you want to dump it?
029:04:58 Scott (onboard): Jim was going to fill the [garble].
029:05:44 Schweickart (onboard): O2 [garble] is 82 and 84.
029:06:24 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble].
029:07:47 Schweickart (onboard): Houston, how do you read over Tananarive here?
029:08:25 Schweickart (onboard): Yes. Yes. Already.
029:08:57 Schweickart (onboard): Check. 52 percent.
029:09:15 Scott (onboard): Turn your lights out back there, Jim.
029:09:25 Schweickart (onboard): We just passed Tananarive.
029:09:30 Schweickart (onboard): Isn't that pretty.
029:09:46 Schweickart (onboard): Boy, that airglow is really thick outside. Wow! On the side, it's not very thick at all.
029:10:16 Schweickart (onboard): Stand by. 49. Got a long way to go.
029:10:26 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, it's real thick out [garble].
029:13:02 Schweickart (onboard): [Garble] the tunnel for LM PRESS.
029:13:06 McDivitt (onboard): Okay.
029:13:12 Schweickart (onboard): How about the systems test meter? 4 Delta?
029:13:14 McDivitt (onboard): Right.
029:13:15 Schweickart (onboard): Good.
029:13:29 Schweickart (onboard): It's 35.
029:14:11 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, my lips are drying out.
029:16:02 McDivitt (onboard): I need some cold water. How's yours?
029:17:14 Schweickart (onboard): 7 ounces of cold, please. Oh, Jim, you can shut off the deadband, please. Yes, it's already down to 20.
029:18:07 Scott (onboard): Hey, we're all done through powerdown.
029:18:40 Schweickart (onboard): Thank you.
029:21:17 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston through Carnarvon. Standing by.
029:21:23 Schweickart: Okay, Houston. You're coming in five-square. How us?
029:21:26 Roosa: Oh, it's sterling. Five-square.
029:21:31 Schweickart: Okay. And we've got some readouts for you. Did you copy the RCS?
029:21:36 Roosa: We copied the RCS quantities.
029:21:41 Schweickart: Okay. Here come the BATT voltages: BATT C, 37.0; Pyro A, 37.1; pyro B, 37.1; and I've got the injector temperatures for you.
029:21:57 Roosa: Roger. I copy the battery voltages; go with the injector temperatures.
029:22:02 Schweickart: Roger. 5C and D, OFF SCALE HIGH; 6A and B, OFF SCALE HIGH;6 Charlie and Delta are, respectively, 4.0 and 4.6.
029:22:24 Roosa: Roger. Copy 5 Charlie and Delta, OFF SCALE HIGH; 6 Alfa and Bravo, OFF SCALE HIGH; and Charlie and Delta, 4.0 and 4.6.
029:22:34 Schweickart: That's Charlie.
029:22:37 Roosa: Okay. And we'd like to confirm with you that before you sack out you'll turn the fan on in H2 tank 2. [Pause]
029:22:48 Schweickart: Roger. We will, and be advised that it doesn't look like we're going to get down to 175.
029:22:53 Roosa: Roger. We confirm that. And another thing, we'd like to recommend that tonight you turn your VHF B receiver off. We will be guarding that frequency on the ground, and we will be monitoring the spacecraft, and if we can't get through to you on A - VHF A - we'll use the CREW ALERT. [Pause]
029:23:21 Schweickart: Okay, We'll turn, Bravo off. You want us to stay just in SIMPLEX A.
029:23:26 Roosa: That is affirmative. SIMPLEX Alfa and turn off your VHF B off. [Pause]
029:23:35 Schweickart: Okay. We're SIMPLEX Alfa at this time, and we're ready with the block data then. [Pause]
029:23:47 Roosa: Roger. It'll still be a little bit - the weather is shifting these sites around. I do not have the block data for you yet; and I would like to confirm that we will be monitoring B-frequency if you need to bring it up in transmit.
029:24:03 Schweickart: Roger. Understand you'll be listening on B also. Thank you.
029:24:06 Roosa: Roger.
Long comm break.
029:27:30 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston.
029:27:33 Schweickart: Go ahead. Houston, Apollo 9.
029:27:35 Roosa: Roger. I've only got about 2 minutes here at Carnarvon. I'd like to start the block data, though, and finish it up over Guam. [Pause]
029:27:44 Schweickart: Okay. Ready to copy.
029:27:45 Roosa: Roger, Reading block data: 021 4 Alfa, plus 325, minus 1610 032 44 34 3859; 022 4 Charlie, plus 259, minus 1610 034 19 01 3859; 023 4 Charlie, plus 145, minus 1675 035 56 03 4856; 024 Alfa Charlie, minus 216, minus 0070 036 24 11 5397. I believe I've lost you.
Long comm break.
We have an indication here at Mission Control that the spacecraft has moved out of range of the Carnarvon tracking station. It will be reacquired by the site at Guam in another 3 minutes or so. We'll come up at that time. At 29 hours, 30 minutes in the flight of Apollo 9 this is Apollo Control.
029:30:07 Schweickart (onboard): At 30 hours, we got to change the cartridge. At 3O hours, we change a CO2 cartridge.
029:30:25 Scott (onboard): SIMPLEX A isn't taking. If we want them, we'll tell them on B, They'll be standing by B.
029:30:29 Schweickart (onboard): B and A. They're going to be receiving both. Right.
029:30:45 Scott (onboard): What did I say?
029:30:46 Schweickart (onboard): Huh?
029:30:47 Scott (onboard): Isn't that what I said?
029:30:48 Schweickart (onboard): Well, the way you said it, it sounded like you were saying they were going to listen only on B.
029:30:51 Scott (onboard): No, I said that we'd be on SIMPLEX B - A, and they'd be standing by.
029:30:55 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, you said they'd be listening on B. Yes.
029:31:01 Scott (onboard): Do you want to come up here, Jimmy? Do you want to go down; you're going to get down. Go ahead. I'll eat.
029:31:08 Schweickart (onboard): Well, I - You want to copy the - finish up the block data?
029:31:10 Scott (onboard): Yes.
029:31:11 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. We should be getting it over Guam. I'm - I got that far through.
029:31:37 Scott (onboard): You know it would be better if you got something to eat or something.
029:31:42 Schweickart (onboard): Yes?
029:31:43 Scott (onboard): If I go down, because then we'll have the sets off.
029:31:45 Schweickart (onboard): Okay. Good idea.
029:31:46 Scott (onboard): Then Jimmy can come up here, and I'll go down and [garble] stay there.
029:31:51 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
029:32:18 Schweickart (onboard): Hey, I want to chuck those. I know damn right well I'm not going to eat them. Those are this morning's. You probably ought to tape over the end. Yes. And then throw them in the PSB there, I guess.
029:32:59 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, I can put it in, Jim.
This is Apollo Control at 29 hours, 32 minutes into the flight. We expect acquisition at Guam momentarily. At that time CAPCOM will transmit some final data up to the crew, and if all goes well as planned that will be about our last conversation with them. For we plan to have them go into their rest cycle immediately after loss of signal at Guam. In the meantime, we will standby here, we have acquisition at the present time. We will standby and listen for the air to ground.
029:33:35 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston. Do you read through Guam?
029:33:40 Schweickart: Houston, Apollo 9. Roger. We read you; how us?
029:33:43 Roosa: Roger. I read you five-square. How far did I get?
029:33:47 Schweickart: Okay. I got to the last line in 24 Alfa Charlie, and I got a 53 there, and that is all.
029:33:54 Roosa: Okay. The last line in Alfa Charlie is 5397, and reading on the next one: 025 4 Charlie, minus 178, minus 1620 039 13 13 8020. The last one: 026 Alfa Charlie, minus 042, minus 0260 039 33 59 4000. That's the end of the update. I would like to go back to the third line and 4 Char - 023 4 Charlie, the third one I read. The third line in that should be minus 1625. And the - your SPS trim angles: pitch, minus 0.9, yaw minus 0.7.
029:35:36 Schweickart: Okay. I readback on them all. Do we have enough time to read them all back?
029:35:40 Roosa: Apollo 9, before you start the readback, we would like to have you turn on the H2 purge heaters; and what we are working up to is just before your rest period, it looks like we are going to have to purge to get the pressure in H2 cryo tanks down to 175. [Pause]
029:36:03 Schweickart: Roger. We've got the H2 purge heater on.
029:36:07 Roosa: Roger. And I am ready for the readback.
029:36:14 Schweickart: Roger. 021 dash 4 Alfa, plus 325, minus 1610 032 44 34 3859; 022 4 Charlie, plus 259, minus 1610 034 19 01 3859; 023 4 Charlie, plus 145, minus 1625 035 56 03 4856. Are you still with us?
029:36:59 Roosa: Roger. We've got 3 minutes left.
029:37:02 Schweickart: Okay. 024 Alfa Charlie, minus 216, minus 0070 036 24 11 5397; 025 4 Charlie, minus 178, minus 1620 039 13 13 8020; 026 Alfa Charlie, minus 042, minus 0260 039 33 59 4000. Pitch 0.9, yaw 0.7. That is minus and minus.
029:37:53 Roosa: That is affirmative. Houston confirms that update. We still have about 2-1/2 minutes left in this pass and we will see what our words of wisdom are on the tanks, and that should be the last time we will have to talk to you tonight, I believe.
029:38:07 Scott: Okay. [Long pause]
029:38:10 McDivitt (onboard): Can we talk to you if ye want to?
029:38:26 Roosa: Okay, Apollo 9. The way we would like for you to do it is, after your time is up on the heater, to go ahead and do a purge as required to get it down to 175; and discontinue the purge, turn the heaters off and turn the fan on in tank 2.
029:38:44 Schweickart: Roger. Understand when the 20 minutes are up, you want us to purge H on all three fuel cells until the cryo gets down to 175. Discontinue the purge, turn the fan on in tank 2, and sack out.
029:39:02 Roosa: That is affirmative. One other item I would like to get, if you can give it to us, is a dosimeter reading.
029:39:09 Schweickart: Roger. Stand by; I'll give you mine. [Garble]. [Long pause]
029:39:31 Schweickart (onboard): Okay, the LMP is now reading 8002. Whooee!
029:39:40 Roosa: Apollo 9, if that was a transmission, I didn't get it.
029:39:41 McDivitt (onboard): Hello, Houston. This is CDR. I already have my suit off, and I've got it packed down in the bottom. Do you want it or - I can get it for you, if you really want it.
029:39:52 Roosa: Apollo 9. Do you read Houston?
Long comm break.
We have an indication that the spacecraft has moved out of range of the tracking station at Guam. At 29 hours, 40 minutes into the flight of Apollo 9, this is Mission Control.
029:40:03 McDivitt (onboard): Houston, Apollo 9.
029:40:07 Schweickart (onboard): Houston, Apollo 9. Jim, I'm not hearing you at all. You must not be on intercom. You probably don't have the suit power on or anything.
029:40:37 Schweickart (onboard): How come I'm not hearing you?
029:40:47 Schweickart (onboard): Here you are, Jim. Jim! Jim!! Can you hear me?
029:40:54 Schweickart (onboard): I know - Why aren't you hearing me?
029:40:59 McDivitt (onboard): I wonder if I can talk to Dave.
029:41:00 Schweickart (onboard): I don't know. Okay.
029:41:15 Schweickart (onboard): How was it coming out, David? Any better than going in?
029:42:00 Schweickart (onboard): Hum.
029:42:10 Schweickart (onboard): What? I didn't hear you.
029:42:19 Schweickart (onboard): Oh, [garble] busy.
029:42:50 McDivitt (onboard): Whooee! That hot water is really hot water.
029:42:54 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, it is, isn't it?
029:43:04 McDivitt (onboard): (Singing)
029:43:19 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, that orange tastes good. Umm!
029:43:21 Schweickart (onboard): Yes, doesn't it though?
029:43:26 Schweickart (onboard): It doesn't dissolve too well, though.
029:43:29 McDivitt (onboard): I'm sure I had a bag of water up here. Where did I - where'd it go? [Garble]? There it is. Which is the [garble]?
029:44:08 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) The way you did that, it looked like you stepped right through a hole. You went up a little ways, then you went down and you just kept getting lower and lower and lower.
029:45:18 McDivitt (onboard): What is it?
029:45:19 Scott (onboard): Going out?
029:45:20 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) I doubt that.
029:45:37 Schweickart (onboard): You monitoring the radio, Jim?
029:45:40 McDivitt (onboard): Yes.
029:45:41 Schweickart (onboard): Okay.
029:45:45 Schweickart (onboard): I'm going to start disrobing here.
029:45:46 McDivitt (onboard): Alright.
029:46:05 Schweickart (onboard): (Laughter)
029:46:12 McDivitt (onboard): Ooh, that's hot!
029:46:41 McDivitt (onboard): Oh, hell. I guess I got a wad in there. Mostly just gas.
029:47:01 Schweickart (onboard): What? Yes.
029:47:09 McDivitt (onboard): Boy, do my legs feel better today - Whoo! They really ached last night.
029:47:27 Roosa: Apollo 9, Houston through Hawaii.
029:47:32 McDivitt: Go ahead. Houston, Apollo 9.
029:47:34 Roosa: Roger. If you'll give me dosimeter reading, I'll be quiet for the rest of the night.
029:47:42 McDivitt: Roger. The dosimeter for Dave, 6102. My dosimeter is packed down in the bottom of my seat. If you really want I'll unpack it. If you don't need it, I'll delay it until tomorrow and give it to you.
029:47:56 Roosa: That's negative, we don't want you to unpack it and the first one was for Dave, is that right?
029:48:03 McDivitt: 6102 is Dave's.
029:48:06 Roosa: Okay. I got that.
029:48:08 McDivitt: You already got Rusty's, didn't you?
029:48:11 Roosa: And I did not get Rusty's. Could you give me that one?
029:48:15 McDivitt: Oh, okay. Just a minute.
029:48:20 McDivitt: That's 8002.
029:48:23 Roosa: Roger. 8002. And with that we'll close out. What we'd like to have you do in the morning would be to give us an evaluation of your sleep in hours, if you could, for tonight and the first night. We don't want to bother you with that now, and unless you have something else, why, Smokey bids you a fond night's sleep. [Pause]
029:48:49 McDivitt: Okay. Thanks very much. Would you tell my family I said, "Hello.
029:48:56 Roosa: Roger. Will do that.
Very long comm break.
This is Apollo Control at 30 hours, 15 minutes into the flight. Sometime back during the last pass over Hawaii we recorded about a minute of air-to-ground between the CAPCOM here at Houston, which is Stu Roosa, and the Commander, Jim McDivitt. We're prepared to play that back to you at this time.
030:16:28 Roosa: Apollo 9, this is Houston. You don't even have to answer me, but if you don't get that filter changed as shown on the 30 hours, you're going to have a Master Alarm before your rest period ends.
030:16:48 Schweickart: Roger, Houston. Understand. If we don't get the LiOH canister changed before 30 hours we'll have a Master Alarm before the end of our rest period?
030:16:58 Roosa: That's affirmative. It's shown in the flight plan and I just wanted to remind you before we got too far into the rest period.
030:17:04 McDivitt: That's all right. You know what I told you about little reminds.
030:17:10 McDivitt: Anytime your little heart desires to remind us, you do that. [Pause]
030:17:27 McDivitt: How are things in Houston, there, Smokey?
030:17:30 Roosa: Say again.
030:17:31 McDivitt: How are things in Houston? Now that we're not working I want to talk to you.
030:17:35 Roosa: Negative. We refuse to talk to you; it's rest period. The only thing we want is you to answer one question. Did you happen to move the B3 thruster switch - B1 thruster switch?
030:17:44 McDivitt: Roger. I did.
030:17:46 Roosa: Okay. Very good. That solves that problem and we've reminded you of the canister and that will keep you from getting a Master Alarm and we're not going to answer you anymore.
030:17:55 McDivitt: What are you, a smart guy?
030:17:58 Roosa: No, sir.
030:17:59 McDivitt: Which one of those good teams is on right now, Gold or White or Orange?
030:18:03 Roosa: It's the G-squared team, good Gold.
030:18:08 McDivitt: Good Gold.
Very long comm break.
030:18:42 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, Smokey, is Sonny coming on tonight?
030:19:00 McDivitt (onboard): Change A and put in B - This place is foul out there.
At 30 hours, 19 minutes into the flight of Apollo 9 the spacecraft now is heading over the tip of South America. The next station to acquire will be Ascension. The crew pretty much has rested, or bedded down rather, not rested yet, but they're pretty much bedded down. Doing a few housekeeping duties. We'll continue to monitor here in Mission Control. At 30 hours, 20 minutes, this is Apollo Control.
030:19:20 McDivitt (onboard): That's what his mother calls him. Hadn't you heard about that? Yes. Yes, yes, when Ward got - tried to make an astronaut. You know, he lives in Jackson. My mother sent me a clipping - Oh, on - There's another boy from Jackson who wants to be an astronaut. It was a clipping from the paper, and it was a report from Mrs. Ward saying, "Oh, Sonny wanted to be an astronaut for such a long time, and I'm glad Sonny made it" (laughter). You know, the first time I saw him down here, I said, "Hi, Sonny, how are you doing?" Shoot, but he turned 18 shades of red and purple, and Sam Ward almost dropped dead on the spot. He said, "I thought I got rid of that!
030:20:31 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, but you've got a name for - Oh, shoot, no, I haven't; have you got any nicknames?
030:20:47 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
030:21:00 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter)
030:21:09 McDivitt (onboard): Yes, those are great.
030:21:34 McDivitt (onboard): It says 30:20.
030:21:49 McDivitt (onboard): Do you realize, Dave Scott, that if you got sick right now and you couldn't fly until the end of June, that you'd get paid for it without this flight?
030:22:06 McDivitt (onboard): I'm just trying to get even; I don't - at least I don't have my heavy boots on.
030:22:17 McDivitt (onboard): Hey, when you get through with that, fellow, would you throw this in the garbage?
030:22:25 McDivitt (onboard): Dave, the - the only two that we need are those two right there on the left. Number 1's in front; number 2's in the back. I'll get you that piece of tape. It's in the [garble].
030:23:18 McDivitt (onboard): (Laughter) shake it. Careful; it's going to run off. [Garble]?
030:23:51 McDivitt (onboard): Let's see, did you ever get that [garble] on the wall fill up - filled up full?
030:56:33 Schweickart (onboard): I'm about ready to go to sleep. I'm about ready to go to sleep.
030:56:38 Scott (onboard): Now, why do you want to do that?
030:56:43 Schweickart (onboard): Sure.
030:57:10 Schweickart (onboard): No, I'm sure I don't. Why don't you take yours?
030:57:46 Schweickart (onboard): Why don't you turn it - Oh, yes, you could turn it down, but he wants a lot of air, I guess. If you can turn it down -
030:58:55 McDivitt (onboard): Ooh. (Yawn)
031:07:36 Scott (onboard): What? It's right underneath you.
031:18:10 Scott (onboard): Hey, Jim, (yawn) did you say you knew where the - Excuse me- where the lightweight headsets were?
031:18:30 Scott (onboard): I can get it. I think I might try it today. I'll get it.
031:18:39 Scott (onboard): We need somebody to go on watch.
031:18:57 Scott (onboard): My ears can't breathe with this thing on.
031:19:10 Scott (onboard): That's what I'm doing.
031:20:15 Scott (onboard): Oh, yes, good hand. I'll tell you in a minute. JAD. Must be James A. Divitt. You want yours?
031:21:13 Scott (onboard): It says RS. Now who in the world would that be? Hey, you could - There's one - Oh, this is C. We got a C. Why don't you pull the other one? Let's look at it while you're already down there.
031:21:53 Scott (onboard): Shoot, another red one?
031:21:59 Scott (onboard): Oh, here's Rusty's. RLS. Okay. We got them all.
031:22:14 Scott (onboard): Yes. What?
031:22:27 Scott (onboard): It is?
031:22:43 Scott (onboard): Here's yours.
031:23:08 Scott (onboard): Huh? Yes. I'll tell you what. Huh? No, just turn it on and leave it on. We don't have to wake each other up.
031:23:30 Scott (onboard): Hey, Rusty. Here's your COMM stuff. Maybe you want to put it in your pocket. Then you know where it is. Get it in your eye? Up your nose?
031:23:56 Scott (onboard): (Laughter) I figured you'd put it in your pocket and you'd know where it was.
031:24:10 Scott (onboard): Here, give me your - I'm missing a piece, so let me - I'll - I'll take it.
031:24:15 Scott (onboard): I've twisted a bloody peach in here. Yes.
031:24:25 Scott (onboard): The thing that goes from here to here. I'm not even going to use that. Forget it. Stick it in your pocket.
031:24:35 Scott (onboard): Too complicated for me to understand.
031:24:41 Scott (onboard): That's yours, old buddy.
This is Apollo Control at 30 hours, 50 minutes, ground elapsed time. Apollo 9 has just passed out of range of the Tananarive Tracking Station at this time heading out over the Indian Ocean. Crew is settled down during their rest cycle with the spacecraft commander, Jim McDivitt, as the only one who is connected to bioinstrumentation at the present time. We've had some recent readings on McDivitt's heart rate and respiration and the flight surgeon reports this is what he saw. He read McDivitt as having 72 beats per minute and having a respiration of 11 per minute. The cabin temperature at the present time is holding at 72 degrees Fahrenheit, while cabin pressure has been steady at 4.9 pounds per square inch. Next station to acquire the spacecraft will be the Carnarvon tracking station on this 20th revolution. They will get acquisition in about 30 hours, 57 minutes or almost 30 hours, 58 minutes. However, we do not expect any communication between the ground since we are in the rest cycle and there has been no effort here to talk to the crew. All systems are looking well on the spacecraft at the present time at 30 hours, 52 minutes into the flight. This is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 31 hours, 50 minutes into the flight. Apollo 9 is just crossing the South American country of Ecuador, at the present time. Our present orbital measurement show a perigee of 109.2 nautical miles, apogee of 272.1 nautical miles, a total weight of Gum Drop and Spider, that is the Command Service Module and docked Lunar Module, is now calculated at about 62,605 pounds. During the pass, the last pass over the States where we had acquisition at the tracking station Texas, the Flight Surgeon, Dr. John Ziegelschmid reported that the Command Module pilot and the Commander were both in their couches and we were receiving biomedical information on them indicating they were resting, but not yet sleeping soundly. There is no indication of sleep on the part of the two pilots. The Lunar Module pilot, of course, is down in the sleep station and he is not connected with the - at the present time with biomed instrumentation. And as a result, we haven't received any data, any recent data on him. Mean while, the Flight Controlers here at Mission Control in Houston report that the systems are looking okay. They have been powered down for some time now, and that the spacecraft, of course, is in drifting flight. At 31 hours, 52 minutes, ground elapse time, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 32 hours, 52 minutes at GET. Apollo 9 is presently in West Pacific area having moved out of range at the tracking station at Guam. We had a very short pass over Guam because of the position of the spacecraft in reference to the tracking site. Very little information was transmitted down, however, the spacecraft systems are working or looking well. We had a report that we were getting a good charge on battery A, for the batteries are being charged at the present time. About an hour and a half ago we had a shift change here with Astronaut Ron Evans at Capcom, replacing Astronaut Stu Roosa. We expect to acquire the spacecraft again in about ten minutes over the Hawaii tracking site. On this the 21st revolution at 32 hours, 53 minutes into the flight of Apollo 9. This is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 33 hours, 50 minutes GET. Apollo 9 presently is over the Atlantic Ocean approaching the lower tip of the continent of Africa. Earlier during this pass. Dr. John Ziegelschmidt reported that biomedical telemetry beamed down from the spacecraft showed that the Commander, that would be Jim McDivitt, and the Command Module Pilot, Dave Scott, were in the initial stages of sleep. Dr. Ziegelechmidt reported that the Commander, Commander's heart rate was averaging about 60 beats per minute, and the Command Module Pilot's heart rate was averaging about 48 beats per minute. The next station to acquire the Apollo 9 spacecraft will be Tananarive in about 3 more minutes. We expect no conversation since the crew is in its rest cycle. At 33 hours, 52 minutes into the flight of Apollo 9 this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 34 hours, 59 minutes ground elapsed time. The crew of Apollo 9 has some 4 hours and 20 minutes of their sleep period remaining. The countdown clock shows, well, less than 4 hours and 20 minutes of - left in their rest cycle. I guess one might call that an alarm clock. Earlier while the spacecraft was in range of the Hawaii station, the Flight Surgeon reported that McDivitt and Scott appear to be sleeping rather soundly now. Their rates were 54 heart beats per minute, that is an average, for McDivitt; and 42 for Scott. The LM pilot, Rusty Schweickart, is in the sleep station under the crew couches and therefore his TM is not available because of the way the biomedical instrumentation cabling is arranged. Spacecraft systems appear to be functioning normally and well at this time. The next station to acquire Apollo 9 will be Tananarive at about one-half hour from now. At 35 hours, 1 minute ground elapsed time all systems are well and the crew is sleeping. This is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control. Apollo 9 is in the 23rd rev at the present time, flying over the Indian Ocean - well, it's actually across India at the present time. During the Tananarive pass which occurred about a quarter of an hour ago, the TM again indicated that spacecraft systems were performing well and the crew apparently is sleeping rather soundly. So, the period of quiet is being maintained and it's fairly quiet here in the control center also, at 35 hours and 52 minutes, GET. This is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control at 36 hours 51 minutes into the flight. There is increased activity in Mission Control at this time. A change of shift is under way. The Gold team members are saying goodnight while the Orange team members are saying good morning. Meanwhile the Apollo 9 is crossing the Atlantic Ocean approaching the Ascension tracking station. Aquisition there will be in about four more minutes. During the last pass over Hawaii about a half an hour ago the biomedical telemetry from the commander showed that he had an average heart rate of 68 beats per minute. This lead Doctor John Ziegelschmidt, the flight surgeon to conclude that Astronaut McDivitt probably was awake, however there was no air to ground conversation between the two, the ground letting him rest. All systems appear to be working normally on the spacecraft at this time. The astronauts still have about two hours and 26 minutes of rest, rest time before they will be awakened for what promises to be a very very busy day. At 36 hours 53 minutes into the flight of Apollo 9 this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control 37 hours 50 minutes ground elapsed time. The Apollo 9 spacecraft is over the Central Pacific at this time and will be coming over the tracking ship Mercury in approximately 6 minutes. The three crewmen aboard Apollo 9 are still apparently asleep; there have been no conversations with the ground in the last several hours since the rest period began. The onboard cabin pressure readouts as telemetered to the ground now show a cabin pressure of 4.9 pounds per-square-inch, a temperature of 69 degrees Fahrenheit. Recent tracking has shown the orbit to be 109.1 nautical mile perigee by 271.9 nautical mile apogee. The gross weight is computed to be 62,605 pounds of the command and service module and the docked lunar module. The countdown clock, or alarm clock, for waking up the crew shows one hour 28 minutes remaining of the rest period. When the crew is awakened and have breakfast, they immediately go into putting on their pressure garment assemblies and prepare to transfer two men, the lunar module pilot Rusty Sweigart first and the commander Jim McDivitt later on, into the lunar module through the tunnel connecting the two spacecraft for complete rather exhaustive series of systems checkouts. At 37 hours 52 minutes ground elapsed times this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control 38 hours 50 minutes ground elapsed time. Apollo 9 is presently over North Central Africa at the beginning of the 25th revolution. Earlier in the evening during the later part of the 24th revolution and crossing over the tracking ship Mercury at about 38 hours ground elapsed time, flight surgeon Ken Beers, reported that the commander and command module pilot heart rates were in the mid 50's and mid 30's respectively for the two men. The lunar module pilot, Rusty Schweickart, is in the sleep station beneath the couch and is not - does not have his biomedical harness attached. The wake time now - the clock on the wake up clock is 28 minutes 55 seconds; a second countdown clock here in Mission Control gives a time of 3 hours 18 minutes until the hatch between the command module and the lunar module will be opened for the intravehicular transfer of the lunar module pilot and later the commander into the LM for the days activities in powering up and checking out the lunar module. At 38 hours 51 minutes ground elapsed time, this is Apollo Control.
This is Apollo Control 39 hours 18 minutes ground elapsed time. Apollo 9 midway through the 25th revolution is now over the tracking station at Guam. The tracking at Guam and also the ships Huntsville and Mercury all overlap for a total time of about 25 minutes. The countdown clock for awakening the crew now shows a minute and a half left until the end of the rest period for the crew of Apollo 9. After the crew does wake up and get a flight plan update here from Mission Control, they will then go into an eat period for their breakfast before a very busy day of checking out and activating the lunar module, the first manning of the lunar module of this mission. We're monitoring the air-ground here for any calls that spacecraft communicator Ron Evans might make to the crew of Apollo 9 to see if they're awake. We'll stand by to join that conversation when it begins. Another countdown clock here in Mission Control is showing now 2 hours 50 minutes until the hatch is open between the lunar module and the command module for the intravehicular transfer of two of the crewmen into the LM. He's putting in a call now, let's listen.
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