Apollo 12 - The Bernie Scrivener Audio Tapes
Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2006 by Lennox J Waugh and W. David Woods. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2020-03-29
We would like to pass on our sincere thanks to Rosemary Scrivener, whose late husband, Bernie, recorded these Reel to Reel 4 track audio tapes at the Honeysuckle Earth Station in Australia during the Apollo 12 mission. Rosemary passed the tapes on to Mike Dinn who digitised them in MP3 format and subsequently sent the resultant four files to the Journal.

Tape 1: Side One Right Hand Channel: GET 000:00:00 to 063:49:55, Side Two Left Hand Channel: GET 083:03:11 to 110:08:52, Side One Left Hand Channel: GET 110:11:44 to 116:39:05 and Side Two Right Hand Channel: GET 116:39:59 to 131:51:38.
Audio - Index
- Day 1, part 1: Launch and Reaching Earth Orbit
- Day 1, part 2: Earth Orbit and Translunar Injection
- Day 1, part 5: PTC and back over to the LM
- Day 2, part 1: Midcourse Correction 2 Burn
- Day 2, part 2: Quiet end to the day
- Day 3, part 1: Day of the Tuna Fish
- Day 3, part 2: TV Show
This side of tape ends.
- Day 4, part 1: Approaching the Moon
- Day 4, part 2: Lunar Orbit Insertion
- Day 4, part 3: Lunar Orbit Revolutions 1 and 2
- Day 3/4: Lunar Orbit Revolution 2 to 5
- Day 5: Prepare for Lunar Descent
To preserve the quality and continuity of Bernie's tapes the following MP3 files are edited to the GET [Ground Elapse Time] where possible in the chapters of the Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Journal.
- Day 5: Yankee Clipper Rev 14 to 24
- Link to ALSJ A Visit to the Snowman
- Link to ALSJ Post Landing Activities
- Link to ALSJ Preparations for EVA-1
- Link to ALSJ "That may have been a small one for Neil..."
- Link to ALSJ TV Troubles
- Link to ALSJ ALSEP Off-load
Missing clip.
- Link to ALSJ ALSEP Deployment
- Link to ALSJ EVA-1 Closeout
- Link to ALSJ Post-EVA Activities in the LM
- Day 5: Yankee Clipper Rev 24 to 28
- Link to ALSJ Wake-up and EVA-2 Preparations
- Link to ALSJ Rocking and Rolling at Head Crater

Tape 2: Side One Right Hand Channel GET: 131:53:01 to 135:05:30 [above], Side Two Left Hand Channel GET: 137:18:05 to 159:33:02 Side One Left Hand Channel GET 159:53:49 to 192:57:20 and Side Two Right Hand Channel GET: 209:29:57 to 244:25:51.
- Link to ALSJ Sampling at Head Crater and Bench Crater
- Link to ALSJ Sharp Crater
- Link to ALSJ Halo Crater
Missing clip.
- Link to ALSJ Surveyor Crater and Surveyor III
- Link to ALSJ Return to the LM and Closeout
This side of tape ends.
- Link to ALSJ Return to Orbit
- Day 6: From the Snowman to Docking
- Day 7: LM Jettison, Rev 33 to 43
This side of tape ends.
- Day 7: Rev 44 to Trans-Earth Injection
- Day 8: Cislunar Navigation and Geology Questions
This side of tape ends.
- Day 9: Navigate to Question Time
- Day 10: Splashdown for 3 Tail Hookers
This concludes the Bernie Scrivener Audio Tapes.