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Apollo 14 Flight Journal

Recent Updates and Additions

These are updates that have been made to the Apollo 14 Flight Journal in recent months.


The Journal has been reworked to contain a full transcript of the mission with preliminary commentary by Johannes Kemppanen. Future commentary and illustrations will be upcoming.


Addition of sections 6, 7 & 8 of the Apollo 14 FJ, Day 2: MCC-2 Burn, Day 2: Sports news and more and Day 3: Ground Elapsed Time Update.


Addition of the fifth section of the A14FJ, Day 1: TV troubleshoot & PTC.


Addition of the fourth section of the A14FJ, Day 1: Settling down & navigation.
In order to allow individual pages to be linked, all the pages of the Systems and G&C checklists have been linked.
Apollo 14 Systems Checklist
Apollo 14 Guidance & Control Checklist


Addition of the third section of the A14FJ, Day 1: Transposition, Docking and Extraction.
Addition of the Apollo 14 Flight Plan along with an index to the pages.
Addition of documents index.
Addition of video files of all the onboard 16-mm film footage along with an index.


Second section of A14FJ, Day 1: Earth Orbit and Translunar Injection, goes online.


Apollo 14 Flight Journal goes online.

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