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Apollo 8 Sleep Notes

Copyright © 2007 by the Editors of Working on the Moon.
Last revised 23 August 2007.
Ground Elapsed Time

Mission Phase
Translunar Coast
CapCom reminds the CDR that it is time to start his scheduled sleep period.  They are performing water and urine dumps as well as other procedures.  The CDR's last comm is at 11:32:44.
CDR asks permission to take a Seconal and gets a "Go".
LMP says "We're going to try to keep the conversation down here for a while so the CDR can go to sleep."
From Section 8-3 of the Apollo 8 Mission report: "When the Commander was unable to fall asleep 2 hours into his initial
rest period at 11:00:00, he took a 100-mg sleeping tablet, which induced approximately 5 hours of sleep described as 'fitful.' Upon awakening, the Commander felt nauseated and had a moderate occiptal headache. He took two 5-grain aspirin tablets and then went from the sleep station to his couch to rest. The nausea, however, became progressively worse, retching occurred, and vomiting happened twice. After termination of his first sleep period, the Commander also became aware of some increased gastrointestinal distress and was concerned that diarrhea might occur."  The Commander's condition was described to Houston via a non-public data channel.
CDR, first comm after sleep
LMP: "We're going to have two of us hit the hay now."  Last LMP comm 18:47:42.  Last CMP comm 18:51:06
CDR: "Crew status report here.  We're behind on water and food and we don't see to have much of an appetite.  We're trying to stay up with the water but the food is - not that there's anything wrong with the food - but we're just not very hungry ...  The CDR got 5 hours of fitful sleep and rest, and the other two people are trying to sleep now."
CapCom suggests to the CDR that he let the other two sleep until 26:30.
LMP, first comm after sleep
CMP, first comm after sleep.  CapCom asks how he slept.  CMP: "Oh, you know.  The first night in space all the time; it's a little slow."  CapCom: "The old man woke you up earlier than he needed to."  CMP: "Well, we just couldn't sleep any longer."  LMP asks Houston for "an evaluation of the voice comments in the upcoming tape dump, which may be an effort to alert Houston to comments about the CDR's gastro problems."
First CDR comm since 24:47:59
CapCom requests a crew status report.  Get's PRD readings but nothing else.
CapCom asks the CDR for a "quick summary of how much sleep you got on Lovell and Anders."  CDR: "Jim had about 4 hours sleep and Bill had about 3 hours sleep  We feel pretty good today.  We would like to see, in looking over the flight plan - perhaps we ought to put the rest periods a little bit shorter and more frequent.  It seems it might work out better.  We got all out of kilter on it yesterday.  We are sort of trying to get back in a normal cycle."  CapCom replies, "We will look into that."
CDR: " Remember, the most important part of the trip occurs in two days when we start back (to Earth).  So you all better get rested, too."
LMP: "Be advised the CMP just hit the hay for a while, and the LMP will go down in a little while."
Crew status report.  "Each of us (LMP and CMP) has had two sleep periods ; Frank's in his third one right now.  Bill (LMP) had 6 hours the last time; I had 4 hours the last time.  Good to Fair, both of us.  Frank had 5 hours the last time, of fair.  And Frank, of course, is sleeping now."
CapCom asks if any of them has had symptoms similar to Frank's and what medication has been taken.  CDR reports nobody is sick and that the Bill (LMP) took a Seconal "last night".  Capcom asks again about how they are feeling in general, noting that, so far, the CDR has had about 15 hours of sleep and the LMP and CMP about 10 each.  CDR: "We all feel fine; we are going to fix it now so that we call have one more rest period before the LOI."  Ten minutes later, CDR says that the LMP took a Marezine and a Lomotil "when the doctors told him to."
Crew status report. CDR and CMP "have had a rest period just before the midcourse (correction No.) 4 of about 2 hours."
Lunar Orbit
CapCom requests a report on rest between 60 hours and LOI 1.  CDR: "We only got a couple hours rest ... We're tired right now, but we'll have to wait until TEI before we get back on the regular (sleep) cycle."
CapCom requests a sleep report for their time in lunar orbit and "your plans for the next couple of hours".  CDR: "We all only got about 2 hours sleep today, MAX(IMUM).  Bill's going to stay up awhile and Jim and I are going to sack out.  We're going to try to rotate short sleep cycles till we can get back to the normal one ... Jim is in a daze, and so am I ... Ken, tell the people, if you see anything getting close to the gimbal lock to be sure and whistle, too, will you?"  CapCom: "We sure will, Frank.  You will want to make sure one of you keeps your comm carrier on."
Last CDR comm before sleep.  LMP much earlier at 90:01:44
CapCom requests a report on LMP before he goes to sleep? LMP: "He's feeling fine; a little sleepy.  And had a meal about 2 hours ago; drinking lots of water."
CDR: " We're up on all the jobs; Bill's going to sleep; he's already down."
LMP: "I just had about 5 1/2 hours sleep, and I'm in the process of scarfing up a meal; and I've been drinking lots of water, feeling good, and that's about it."  All three are awake at this time.
CDR: "We (all) had a good night's sleep.  Everyone slept at least 7 hours yesterday, and we have just finished breakfast, drunk a lot of water, and I think we are in very good shape; just used the exerciser."
LMP: "Mike, I'll just give you my status here before the rest of them go to sleep.  Had about 3 hours sleep, another meal, and everybody's doing fine."
CDR: "The crew status is everybody has gotten real good rest last night, and everybody is in good shape.  Jim is just waking up, and Bill is starting the initial stowage, and we all feel really well."

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