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Apollo 16 EVA Prep and Post Cue Cards


The scans were made, as indicated below, from three sources: (1) photocopies made by Charlie Duke in the early 1990s of flown Cue Cards; (2) photocopies made by Charlie Duke in the early 1990s of 14 January 1972 training versions of the Cue Cards; and (3) scans by Mark Yates in 2014 of flown EVA-1 Cue Cards in his collection.


EVA-1 Flown Cards

The text on these cards are indentical to the 29 March 1972 edition of the LM Lunar Surface Checklist, except for handwritten changes made by the crew on the Moon.

The versions linked in this section are scans made by Mark Yates of the flown cards in his collection.

EVA-2 Training Cards

There are only a few text differences with the 29 March 1972 edition of the LM Lunar Surface Checklist. For example, the mission times are different. The LM Lunar Surface Checklist has "123:40 Equipment Prep EVA 2 (16 min)" compared with "125:15 Equipment Prep EVA 2 (16 min)" on the 14 January 1972 training card. Additional examples are : (1) The last line of the first paragraph under Equipment Prep in the LM Checklist reads "Verify Watch & Mirror on EVA Glove" (2) In the fourth paragraph, the LM Checklist has a line "Stow LM ECS LiOH Cart with BSLSS Bag" which does not appear on the training card. In the 13 March LM Checklist, both of the lines are preceded by a thick black bar, indicating a change from a prior version.

The versions linked in this section were made from photocopies by Charlie Duke in the early 1990s of cards used during training.

EVA-3 Flight Cards

The text on these cards are indentical to the 29 March 1972 edition of the LM Lunar Surface Checklist, except for handwritten changes made by the crew on the Moon.

The versions linked in this section were made from photocopies by Charlie Duke in the early 1990s of flown cards

EVA-3 Training Cards

Other than mission times, the only differences from the 29 March 1972 edition of the LM Lunar Surface Checklist are: (1) the handwritten "& Mirror on EVA Glove" on the cards which appears in type in the LM Checklist; and (2) the LM Checklist line "HTR: MESA - Open" which does not appear in the training cards.

One-Man EVA Flight Cards

Identical to the 29 March edition of the LM Lunar Surface Checklist.


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