Report of the PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident


Volume 4 Index


Hearings of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident: February 6, 1986 to February 25, 1986



[690] [Ref. 2/14-17 19 of 22] Interoffice Memo, Morton Thiokol, Inc.; From: R. K. Lund to Larry Sayer, John Wells, Ross Bowman, Grant Thompson, D.M. Cox, Boyd C. Brinton. Subject: Nozzle O-ring investigation task force.- continued.

Interoffice Memo, Morton Thiokol, Inc.; From: R. K. Lund to Larry Sayer, John Wells, Ross Bowman, Grant Thompson, D.M. Cox, Boyd C. Brinton. Subject: Nozzle O-ring investigation task force.- continued.
